Steve Wozniak Had an IQ Over 200 in Childhood

Steve Wozniak‘s genius was apparent from a very young age. As early as elementary school he scored higher on IQ tests than 99.9% of other children, with estimates putting his childhood IQ over the 200 threshold. This level of intelligence at such a young age likely set the stage for his later innovations that changed the world.

The Rarity of IQ Scores Over 200

IQ scores over 200 are exceptionally rare, representing cognitive abilities significantly higher than those of even most certified geniuses:

  • Only 1 in 1,000,000 people score over 200 on IQ tests
  • Such individuals are classified as "Promethean geniuses"
  • Prominent examples include chess legend Judit Polgar (IQ over 200) and writer Marilyn vos Savant (IQ 228)

So someone like Steve Wozniak with an estimated IQ over 200 from childhood possessed essentially unprecedented innate mental abilities. He was truly one in a million in terms of raw intellect.

Early Giftedness in Math and Science

From a young age Wozniak demonstrated a masterful grasp of mathematics and the logical reasoning required for excellence in engineering and computer science.

  • Scored highly on math competitions as an elementary school student
  • Was transferred to a school for gifted students to be challenged academically
  • Had innately deep understanding of electronics and computer logic

Wozniak himself described his early talent as "I had taught myself, but I had taught myself in a way that forced me to learn all sorts of trickiness". This allowed him to become an elite engineer and computer designer despite never finishing college.

Unparalleled Innovation in Apple‘s Early Days

Wozniak‘s engineering genius was directly responsible for the key innovations that made Apple‘s first computers so revolutionary:

  • Single-handedly designed the Apple I and Apple II computers
  • Leveraged ingenious design efficiencies to pack in more computing power using less chips
  • Created the code and circuitry for early computer game Breakout while at Atari

As early Apple employee #12 Rod Holt stated about Wozniak, “he was by far the best designer I’ve ever met. There’s no one close to him.” That talent very likely tied directly to his IQ tested in childhood to be over 200.

Apple I and Apple II Key Specs

ComputerRelease YearMHzKB RAMSignificance
Apple I197614First pre-assembled personal computer
Apple II1977148Color graphics and complete system

Contrasting Wozniak‘s IQ with Other Geniuses

It‘s remarkable that Steve Wozniak‘s IQ exceeded 200 so early in life considering how high some other revered geniuses in technology score:

  • Bill Gates (Microsoft) IQ Score: 160
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) IQ Score: 152
  • Steve Jobs (Apple) IQ Score: 160

Yet despite Wozniak‘s higher innate intelligence, after leaving Apple in 1985 he did not continue innovating at a level commensurate with his IQ score. Which raises the question – what more could he have achieved if he had stayed?

Quotes on Wozniak‘s Intelligence from Key Figures

"He was by far the best designer I’ve ever met. There’s no one close to him." – Rod Holt, Early Apple Employee

"Woz designed the Apple II logic board entirely by hand, using the schematic capture software on an Apple II, PCB layout software on an Apple II, and waveform analysis software on an Apple II." – Steve Wozniak Quotes

“It was the first keyboard I had ever touched. Then I started to use computers and I found that I was pretty good at programming.” – Steve Wozniak

These quotes help illustrate both the raw technical brilliance Wozniak displayed so early in his life, as well as the intuitive ease with which he approached advanced concepts like software engineering. His IQ provided a major head start.

What Could Wozniak Have Achieved with His IQ?

It‘s incredible to imagine what additional innovations someone like Steve Wozniak could have pioneered if he stayed at Apple beyond 1985. Some possibilities that could have stemmed from his intelligence:

  • Revolutionized mobile computing by leading engineering for early Apple handheld devices and tablets
  • Pioneered artificial intelligence through neural networks tailored for Apple devices
  • Architected Apple smart home ecosystem integrating all their products years before competitors
  • Developed prototype for Apple Car model putting his spin on next-gen electric vehicles

The list hypothesizing what Wozniak may have created certainly seems limitless considering his IQ tested at such genius levels before age 10. The world missed out on more potentially society-shifting innovations when he left Apple.

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