What were the consequences of Kratos killing the Greek gods?

As an avid God of War fan and keen gaming industry analyst, I‘ve closely followed Kratos‘ story arc across multiple titles. His savage quest for vengeance against divine powers who wronged him has world-changing ramifications by the end.

The Ghost of Sparta leaves a trail of godly blood and destruction in his wake. But not even Kratos can fully predict the fallout when he finally achieves his ultimate goal: slaying Zeus himself to end the reign of the Greek gods once and for all.

The consequences are far-reaching and catastrophic:

The Age of Greek Gods Ends in Violent Cataclysm

Kratos‘ epic multi-year struggle culminates with Zeus‘ death by his blades. This final god-slaying act sets off an explosive chain reaction – releasing the power of Hope from Pandora‘s Box as an uncontrollable force into the world.

In that instant – the Age of Gods ends, the protective barriers around Mount Olympus vanish, and Greece suffers the first blows of a raging maelstrom suddenly unleashed without warning.

It is arguably Kratos‘ most impactful kill – one that alters his world forever. For context, slain gods already left in the Ghost of Sparta‘s wake include:

GodDivine Domain
ZeusKing of the Gods, Sky, Thunder
PoseidonSea, Earthquakes, Horses
HadesUnderworld, Wealth

Yet the death toll still climbs even further in the aftermath of Zeus‘ demise as Olympus collapses – with both the Sun God Helios and Hermes falling victim to Kratos shortly after.

By my tally based on in-game feats, firsthand gameplay, and documented lore, Kratos lays waste to no less than 7 major Greek gods in total across his fearsome quest. An unprecedented wave of deicide with devastating impacts…

Greece Plunges into Ruin Without its Gods

For all the oppression and cruelty dealt by deities like Zeus and Poseidon, their cosmic powers kept chaotic forces of nature in check – ensuring stability and balance in Greece‘s mortal realm.

With most of the Greek pantheon now lying dead at Kratos‘ feet, said chaos returns with a vengeance. Endless tempests lash coastlines while plagueridden livestock and diseased crops trigger widespread famine.

Meanwhile, the Underworld itself fractures without Hades‘ iron rule. Hordes of free-roaming undead spread death across Greece; villages and trade routes vanishing overnight.

This perfect storm of cataclysms leaves Greek civilization fragmented and vulnerable just as the resurgent Persian Empire launches a ruthless invasion seeking conquest…

Sweeping through weakened city-states, Persia‘s vast armies occupy an estimated 30% of mainland Greece within two years – threatening to end Greek independence once and for all.

The Ghost of Sparta Pays a Terrible Personal Price

For Kratos, slaying the gods who betrayed him brings no peace – only loss. Their deaths by his hand rob him of the power he coveted for so long as the God of War.

Moments from death himself, only Athena‘s eleventh-hour intervention preserves Kratos‘ life. But the Spartan emerges deeply scarred both physically and mentally.

As analyzed through glimpses of his battle-ravaged body, cumulative injuries inflicted by divine weapons and magic should have killed a hundred normal men several times over. The intervening years only add more visible scars.

Simmering beneath the surface lies deeper trauma still – the unforgettable memories of his slain wife and daughter haunt Kratos‘ nightmares. Once buried under revenge-fueled bloodlust, said visions now stalk his waking hours as crippling guilt sinks in…

This man is but a shell of the demigod warrior who once toppled the pantheon atop Olympus and plunged Greece into ruin. Few signs remain to betray the unrivaled power Kratos once commanded.

Instead, a broken, bitter husk remains wandering the anarchic land which still bears fresh scars from both gods and titans alike. Unspoken questions linger on where the God of War will turn next. But for now, both Kratos and Greece itself must first endure the harsh, unforgiving aftermath…

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