The First R-Rated Movie Ever Released Was The Split in 1968

As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I wanted to provide some interesting insights into the world of R-rated movies. According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the first movie ever given an R rating was The Split, released on November 4, 1968. This action crime drama starred actor Gene Hackman and featured mature themes like violence and adult language.

A Brief History Behind Movie Ratings

The MPAA film rating system as we know it today originated on November 1, 1968 to classify movies based on suitability for certain audiences. The initial ratings included G, M, R and X:

  • G (General Audiences)
  • M (Mature Audiences)
  • R (Restricted for ages under 16)
  • X (17 and over)

Over the next few decades these ratings were updated, starting with M becoming PG in 1970. Most significantly, in 1984 Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom caused an uproar due to violence in a PG movie. As a result, the MPAA introduced a new PG-13 rating to indicate stronger content in certain PG films.

Additionally, the X rating was later transformed into NC-17 in 1990 to remove the stigma as a classification for pornography. NC-17 requires those under 17 to have an adult guardian with them in R-rated films.

The Type of Movies That Are Typically Rated R

Based on data from the Classification & Rating Administration (CARA), some elements that often lead to an R rating include:

  • Strong brutal violence
  • Pervasive language/profanity
  • Intense sexual content
  • Drug use
  • Nudity in certain contexts

Essentially the R rating signifies that parental guidance is strongly cautioned for children under 17. Compared to PG-13 films, R-rated movies tend to show violence in a more graphic, disturbing manner with blood and gore. The language is also much harsher, often dropping F-bombs liberally throughout.

Some of the most famous R-rated movie series/franchises include The Matrix, Terminator, Die Hard, Deadpool and Ted. These embody the types of strong, mature content that receive R classifications.

The Financial Impact of R Ratings on the Film Industry

Intuitively one may think R ratings hurt box office performance due to restricting part of the potential viewing audience. However, based on research into over 3,000 films, there is evidence that R rated films are not at a huge disadvantage financially:

Average Lifetime Gross Earnings By MPAA Rating

RatingAverage Earnings
G$80.4 million
PG$105 million
PG-13$196.2 million
R$117.7 million

In fact, when we look at the actual highest worldwide box office hits based on an R rating, the earnings speak for themselves:

Highest Worldwide Grossing R Rated Films

Joker$1.07 billion2019
The Matrix Reloaded$742.1 million2003
It$701.8 million2017
Deadpool$783.1 million2016
The Passion of the Christ$612.0 million2004

As we can see, R rated films definitely still have incredible money-making potential even with limiting their potential audience. I believe this shows that among adult and mature teenage viewers, there is still major demand to see high-quality films covering complex themes that require an R rating to be told properly.

My Personal Experiences With R Rated Movies

As someone who analyzes and discusses games often intended solely for adult audiences, I have no issues with R rated films that tell coherent stories justified by their graphic content. Some of my favorite R rated films that I found both entertaining and mentally stimulating include Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Gladiator, The Departed, Black Swan, and more recently Deadpool and Logan.

In particular complex villains like Joker and Wolverine’s brutally honest narration stood out to me in highlighting moral ambiguity in a thought-provoking manner. I appreciate R-rated movies that make me reconsider perspectives in a nuanced cinematic package. At the same time gratuitous, vulgar content added just for shock value offers less value from an artistic standpoint.

Overall when analyzed and discussed properly, R rated films provide a gripping, unfiltered narrative for mature audiences. I believe memorable villains like Heath Ledger’s Joker performance illustrates this beautifully. Their box office earnings also indicate strong continuing demand for storytelling aimed at older viewers.


In closing, the first R rated film dates back over 50 years to November 1968 with The Split showcasing then-provocative content for the time. Over subsequent decades, ratings evolved with R signifying strong violence, language, sex and drug use unsuitable for children under parental watch. Nonetheless R rated films like Joker demonstrate billion-dollar box office potential even with narrower target audiences. For passionate gamers like myself, they represent an artistic medium pushing societal boundaries freely in compelling ways not appropriate for all. Yet that free expression deserves an open-minded analysis too.

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