Kazuya and Jun: A Mystical Bond That Birthed the Iconic Jin Kazama

While they were never officially a romantic couple, the mystical connection between Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama set the stage for some of most gripping events in Tekken lore. Their brief yet impactful meeting spawned one of fighting gaming‘s most famous sons, Jin Kazama, while also serving as the starting point for Jun‘s fierce devotion to freeing Kazuya‘s soul. Though many details remain unclear, the otherworldly link between these two figures forever changed the Tekken saga.

A Supernatural Attraction Beyond Their Control

When hotshot martial artist and Mishima Zaibatsu heir Kazuya first encountered nature-loving protector Jun during the run-up to his King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, neither could resist the profound metaphysical magnetism that pulled them together. While some fans have speculated that they married in secret, more evidence suggests this was not a traditional romance but rather two souls responding to forces aligned with Kazuya‘s accursed Devil Gene. The mystical compulsion seems to have faded after their brief time together.

1997Kazuya and Jun meet prior to King of Iron Fist Tournament 2
1998Jin Kazama is born

But that deep, unnatural attraction allowed Jun to get closer to the man she would desperately strive to save…

Jun‘s Unrequited Quest to Redeem Kazuya‘s Soul

Regardless of whatever drew them instantaneously together, compassionate Jun alone harbored genuine affection and concern for Kazuya. Upon recognizing the extent of the Devil‘s hold over him, Jun made it her mission to free his soul from the wicked forces controlling him, as depicted in her Tekken 2 character ending.

Jun vowing to save Kazuya

Jun‘s failure to exorcise the Devil has haunted Tekken fans for decades. "Jun definitely loved Kazuya and wanted to remove the Devil from him. But he didn‘t seem to return those feelings – I don‘t think he cared either way," muses Tekken lore expert Raven3049 on Reddit. Still, Jun‘s love and conviction live on through Kazuya‘s son…

Jin Kazama Inherits His Parents‘ Legacy

Despite not winning Kazuya‘s heart in the end, Jun‘s bond with the troubled fighter produced Jin Kazama, a new warrior born with his father‘s Devil Gene. As Jin‘s mother, it‘s evident from her teachings that Jun felt great love and care for her son before her untimely disappearance. She endowed Jin with her clan‘s fighting style and a protective amulet – gifts to help him control the inner darkness.

The enduring fanbase around Kazuya and Jun‘s relationship speaks to an unresolved yearning to see the doomed lovers reunited. A poll last year saw 58% of Tekken gamers vote for Jun‘s return in Tekken 8, and 67% believe she is still alive out there somewhere. Perhaps she is merely waiting to expose more hidden history from her time with Kazuya…

The Mystery and Allure Remains

Over 25 years since Kazuya and Jun‘s first on-screen meeting, their sparse but significant shared history still captures fans‘ imaginations. The lack of hard evidence regarding the true nature and length of their mystical union opens story potential for future installments.

I speculate the launch of Tekken 8 will divulge new background about what exactly transpired between them. How did the mystical forces guide them together? Was Jun ultimately betrayed by Kazuya, or could she have saved him under different circumstances? The mystique around gaming‘s greatest almost-lovers continues – but their legacy thrives in their hardened son, Jin Kazama.

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