The Rageblade: Undisputed Highest Damage Weapon in Roblox Bedwars

According to all currently available in-game data, tested statistics, and first-hand expertise of experienced players, the Rageblade reigns supreme as the weapon dishing out the most damage per second in Roblox Bedwars.

When empowered to maximum charge, the Rageblade dishes out a devasting 65 damage per hit – the highest single-swing damage of any weapon. Combined with its increased 4.5 attack speed at max charge, it possesses the highest damage output in the game.

Let‘s crunch the numbers and analyze why properly wielded Rageblades obliterate enemies.

Crunching Rageblade‘s Damage Potential

The Rageblade passively charges up by landing consecutive hits on enemies, gaining damage and attack speed as it powers up. Here are its damage statistics at minimum and maximum charge:

Weapon ChargeDamage Per HitAttacks Per Second
Uncharged50 damage2 AS
Max Charge65 damage4.5 AS

Based on these stats, we can calculate and compare its damage per second (DPS) at different charge levels:

  • Uncharged: 50 damage x 2 AS = 100 DPS
  • Max Charge: 65 damage x 4.5 AS = 292.5 DPS

As you can see, a max charged Rageblade almost triples the damage output of an uncharged one.

Landing just 15 hits powers up the blade for this devastating potential. In the hands of skilled players who can consistently land hits and build charge – the Rageblade is unmatched in potential damage.

How Other Weapons Compare

Of course, the Rageblade isn‘t the only weapon dealing heavy damage. Here‘s how some other hard-hitting weapons compare:

WeaponDamage Per HitDPSNotes
Rageblade65292.5Needs charge up
Void Sword4284Debuffs enemy health by 10%
Yuzi Sword3876+Situational "double hit"
Diamond Sword3468

As the numbers show, no other weapon comes close the Rageblade‘s phenomenal damage Ceiling. However, weapons like the Void Sword and Yuzi Sword still have situations where they shine.

Niche Situations For Other Weapons

While the Rageblade brings the pain in raw damage, other weapons have niche advantages:

Void Sword

  • Health debuff pressures enemies in long fights
  • Sustained damage helps finish close fights
  • Doesn‘t need charge up time

Yuzi Sword

  • Difficult "double hit" can spike damage
  • Extremely fast attack speed
  • Strong mobility with Teleport ability

So while they don‘t exceed the Rageblade‘s damage potential, skilled use of weapons like the Void and Yuzi swords can score clutch wins in specific situations.

Future Weapon Balance Changes

With new patches and balance changes adjusting Roblox Bedwars every month, the future hierarchy of top damage weapons could change…

For example, the developers could:

  • Nerf Rageblade damage
  • Reduce Rageblade charge speed
  • Buff Void Sword or Yuzi Sword damage

This could open the door for a new highest damaging weapon to take the crown.

We‘ll have to wait and see what the future holds! For now though, the Rageblade undisputedly inflicts the most pain.

Putting Knowledge Into Practice

Understanding these intricate mechanics is crucial, but real skill lies in effectively leveraging them in battle. Here‘s some high level tips for dominating with top damage weapons:

⛏️ Funnel damage into charging Rageblade quickly
🛡️ Play aggressive but smart with charged Rageblades
⚔️ Use niche weapons situationally to catch enemies off guard

Now get out there and start slashing! The strongest weapons await masterful command.

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