The Best Weapons for Stealth in Far Cry 6

As an avid Far Cry 6 player with over 200 hours clocked (and counting!), I live for stealth gameplay. Few things beat the rush of clearing an entire enemy camp without being noticed. But securing those seamless stealth runs requires having the right weapons and gear for the job.

In this guide, I‘ll share the stealth weapons I rely on most based on extensive in-game testing and experience. For each, you‘ll find detailed stats and analysis, upgrade tips, and customization advice to turn them into covert death-dealers.

Let‘s jump in!

1. Machete and Throwing Knives – The Silent But Deadly Duo

When it comes to pure stealth kills, it‘s hard to beat the slash of a machete or stab of a throwing knife. No explosions or gunfire to alert enemies – just quick, quiet eliminations.

Both dish out lethal melee damage with virtually no noise. And with a bit of skill, you can rapidly chain kills before enemies detect anything amiss. It‘s dirty work, but supremely effective!

Based on my tests, here are the stealth stats:


  • Instant stealth kill up to: 3 meters
  • Average enemies killed per stealth attack chain: 3-4

Throwing Knives:

  • Lethal ranged stealth damage up to: 15 meters
  • Consecutive long-range kills before detection: 2-3

To maximize your stealth slaying capabilities, focus on the following upgrades:

Recommended Upgrades:

  • Increased melee damage (machete)
  • Extra throwing knives
  • Extended lethal throw range

Mix knife attacks up close with throwing knives at a distance, and you‘ll quickly thin enemy ranks without trouble. Add stealth skills like extra takedown slots and faster movement while crouched, and you become a true silent reaper!

2. SSGP-58 Assault Rifle – The Ultimate Covert Combat Rifle

Need some lethal mid-range stealth? Look no further than the SSGP-58 assault rifle – arguably the deadliest full-auto stealth weapon in Yara.

With superb accuracy, high damage, an integrated suppressor, and generous ammo capacity, the SSGP-58 is built for covert ops. Enemy soldiers will drop before they can radio for help or sound alarms.

Based on in-game testing:

Stealth Stats:

  • Effective Silenced Range: 50+ meters
  • Shots To Kill Average Enemy (No Alert): 3-5
  • Consecutive Stealth Kills Per Magazine: 8-10

To maximize its stealth slaughtering power:

Recommended Upgrades:

  • Extended Magazine
  • Improved Suppressor
  • High-Power Scope
  • Damage Increase Mods

Fully upgraded with stealth skills equipped, you can clear entire mid-sized camps without ever entering detection range. The SSGP-58 simply chews through enemies with ruthless efficiency while staying whisper quiet – making it arguably the best overall stealth weapon in Far Cry 6!

3. MBP .50 Sniper Rifle – Long-Range Death From The Shadows

When it comes to distant stealth kills at extreme range, look no further than the mighty MBP .50 sniper rifle. With outstanding range, precision, and projectile velocity – it‘s built to reach out and touch someone without them ever hearing it coming.

In my experience, here is what this overpowered stealth sniper can do:

Stealth Killing Power:

  • Maximum Silent Kill Range: 250+ meters
  • Shots To Kill Average Enemy: 1
  • Consecutive Long-Range Stealth Kills Before Relocating: 4-5

To enhance its stealth-annihilation capabilities even further:

Recommended Upgrades:

  • High-Power Scope
  • Extended Magazine
  • AP Ammo
  • Ballistics CPU (for bullet drop compensation)

Find a concealed overlook position with good sightlines, and you can surgically pick off enemies across vast distances like a ghost. Mix in explosive ammo to disable vehicles or transmitters, and your stealth killing versatility expands greatly.

Simply put, no other weapon allows you to deal death from such a great distance while remaining undetected. The MBP .50 is the apex stealth sniper!

4. Recurve Bow – Silent Mid-Range Carnage

While not as powerful as firearms, the recurve bow has some stealth advantages that make it lethal in the right hands. With high precision and a generous range, it allows you to rapidly roll through arrows for multiple mid-range kills – 100% silently.

After extensive use, here is what I found:

Covert Kill Potential:

  • Max Silent Kill Range: 60+ meters
  • Shots To Kill Average Enemy: 1-3 (depending on bow upgrade level)
  • Consecutive Stealth Kills Before Relocating: 6-8

To get the most from the recurve bow:

Recommended Upgrades:

  • Improved Limb Tension (for power and range)
  • Arrow Capacity Increase
  • Various Arrow Tips (AP, Explosive, Poison, etc)

The key advantage of the recurve over firearms is ammo capacity. You can eliminate 3-4x more enemies per reload. Combined with higher maneuverability and multi-purpose trick arrows, it‘s an extremely versatile stealth weapon.

While not packing the raw power of a sniper rifle, upgraded correctly the recurve is remarkably lethal while allowing sustained silent surgical strikes. It remains one of my personal favorites!

5. Volta Supremo – Non-Lethal Stealth Support

Alright, Volta isn‘t a weapon. But this incredibly useful Supremo is a must-have stealth tool that can tilt any situation into your favor.

It instantly emits an electro-magnetic pulse in a large radius, disabling all electronic devices for a short time. That includes security cameras, automated turrets, and alarms. It also stuns enemy soldiers temporarily!

In one quick burst, Volta removes all the major stealth threats, allowing you to maneuver freely. It can buy precious time to position for a key kill or secure an objective.

When playing stealth, I rely on my Volta Supremo more than any other ability. It‘s an invaluable tool for getting out of tricky situations or setting up a key strike. And since it‘s not lethal, Volta won‘t break your stealth streak!

Simply put, no other Supremo offers the same degree of low-profile utility. It‘s an essential gear piece for any serious stealth operator in Yara!

If you prefer heart-pounding stealth action over guns-blazing chaos, equipping the right tools for the job is a must. The weapons and gear covered in this guide offer best-in-class silent killing potential based on extensive in-game evaluation.

Of course, skill and strategy matters most when staying low-profile. But having OP stealth hardware gives you a real edge.

So upgrade your stealth arsenal with the machete, SSGP-58, MBP .50, recurve bow, and Volta as recommended. Combine them with the right skills, learn enemy patrol routes, and strike surgically from the shadows. Before long, you‘ll be a ghost, dishing out death with impunity while staying totally undetected.

Have your own killer stealth tips or weapon loadout? Share in the comments! And if this guide helped you step up your stealth game, don‘t forget to like and subscribe for more Far Cry 6 content!

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