What weapons can knock out Dinos Ark?

As an avid Ark player with over 500 hours taming dinosaurs solo and in tribes of all sizes, I‘ve become well-acquainted with the art of knocking out creatures quickly and efficiently. Whether you‘re looking to tame your first Trike or take down a 150 Rex with kibble-quality stats, having the right weapons and approach makes a world of difference.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about the various knockout weapon options – from crafting requirements to situational recommendations. You‘ll learn key stats like damage, fire rate, range, and torpor effectiveness so you can decide what fits your needs and taming scenario best. Let‘s get started!

Tranq Arrows – Reliable Starting Option

For many survivors just starting out, tranq arrows fired from a regular bow or crossbow form the backbone of early tames. Requiring only 5 narcoberries, 20 fiber, and 1 arrow to craft, they strike a good balance in damage and torpor application. Against smaller creatures, Testers have recorded roughly 8 seconds per torpor increase on average with body shots.

However, significant ballistic drop means it can take a few dozen shots to finally down something substantial like a Carbonemys. Amassing enough arrows means lots of narcoberry runs – time better spent gathering prime meat for the impending tame. Nonetheless, their affordability makes tranq arrows a staple in every survivor‘s toolkit.

Later on, shocking variants gained from killing Alpha Creatures impart even higher torpor – handy when trying to down beefier targets. Strategically mixing in normal and shocking arrows lets you stretch supplies further during longer range encounters too.

Base Stats

Rate of FireBow: 2.2s, Crossbow: 3.5s
RangeBow: 40m, Crossbow: 55m
Torpor per Shot36
Crafting CostCheap

As we can see, tranq arrows have notably slow reload speeds depending on weapon choice. This makes them vulnerable in close quarters. Enemies like Troodons can also freely attack during pauses between shots. And Fabricated Sniper Rifles still outclass them in range. Yet due to sheer crafting accessibility early on, tranq arrows form a solid starting choice before stepping up to darts.

When Tranq Arrows Excel

I‘d recommend tranq arrows for knocking out creatures only up to mid-sized threats like Raptors or Sabertooths first. Once your supply situation improves, transition to tranq darts for heavy lifting. Shocking arrows reserved strictly for prime tames due to rarity. Against Giganotosaurus, don‘t even bother – bring darts.

Tranq Darts – Specialized Knockout Ammo

If tranq arrows set baseline expectations for torpor-over-time, then tranq darts are a rocket-propelled leap forward in power. Like most ammunition types in Ark, players first load them into Longneck Rifles to enable use. This gun initially serves as gateway for survivors producing their own knockout agent beyond arrows and stones.

And skillfully utilized tranq darts let a single hunter down enemies well above weight class like Rexes or Quetzals. Against smaller creatures, community testers measured under 6 seconds per torpor jump – 30-50% faster compared to arrows depending on gear. This minimizes chances of pack interference and drastically reduces total tame prep time gathering primes/kibble. Win-wins all around!

Base Stats

Rate of FireStandard Rifle: 1.5s
Range120m+ w/ Scopes
Torpor per Shot200% Weapon Damage
Crafting CostMid-tier

We immediately notice a sizable jump in torpor damage and potential range after upgrading from the bow/crossbow. This lets skilled marksmen halt charging creatures like Pachys in their tracks farther out. Against flyers, scoped longnecks grant unmatched aerial denial.

Be mindful of friendly fire incidents however – Tribe Log quickly fills up with interesting explanations… Explosive variants add even more spice!

Upgrading to Mastercraft or Ascendant tier longnecks brings another 2x/4x multiplier onto base torpor dealt. Further amplification comes from individually crafted darts instead of default Blueprints too. More grinding pays off substantially.

When Tranq Darts Excel

I position tranq darts as go-to against mid-sized predators up through all large herbivores except high-HP species like Brontos. Rapid torpor delivery helps drop them safely from a distance during smaller windows of opportunity. Once industrialized with metal structures, the Longneck Rifle & Dart combo cements itself as reliable dinosaur anesthetic.

Just watch friendly fire around allies! Things also get ugly fast if swarmed up close while reloading. Have escape paths planned and protective dinos on standby.

Slingshot – When All You Have is Stones

One of the very first weapons any new survivor on the beach can craft is the slingshot. Made from just 10 fiber and 5 wood early on, this handy tool hurls small stones available en masse around the island‘s beaches and rocky outcroppings. And while each projectile only imparts a measly 8 torpor, a rapid barrage can quickly knockout many common nuisances.

Groups of Dilos harassing your thatch hut or single Pegomastax targeting unprotected inventory get reliably knocked out with slingshots. Their low cost and quick availability means most survivors keep one handy specifically as emergency dinosaur deterrent even after upgrading gear further.

Solo players may find themselves utilizing slingshots more frequently as well. The rapid fire makes up for low individual impact, keeping attention focused on you instead of undefended structures/passive tames.

Base Stats

Rate of Fire2.2s
Torpor per Shot8
Crafting CostVery Cheap

We immediately notice the quick fire rate compensating for lower individual impact. Those stone projectiles add up fast at single targets! But we also see extremely limited range overall – slightly behind default bows. You practically smell dino breath on some knockouts…

So while the slingshot occupies nice starting niche, upgrading to arrows and darts quickly outclasses it outside very specific scenarios benefiting from sheet speed.

When Slingshots Excel

I position the slingshot primarily as the first option for new survivors on any map. Parts are abundantly available across spawns enabling self defense and basic hunting. Until hide tanning and narcotics production increase, it fends off immediate threats.

Once established however, transition quickly to arrows for better overall characteristics, reserving slingshots as cheap backup. Rapid fire makes them still useful against weak singleton targets like Pegomastax while traveling. But leave defense against large predators and knockouts both to improved weapons.

Pulmonoscorpius – Unique Torpor Delivery Method

While the previous options focus on traditional ranged projectile delivery, the Pulmonoscorpius takes a more intimate approach. This small invertebrate adapted a unique hunting strategy using powerful neurotoxins to rapidly tranquilize prey before slowly digesting them externally.

As survivors quickly learned however, being an agile land-based species precludes safe application onto other dinosaurs. Instead, carefully moving alongside one while riding atop allows precisely aiming its torpor attacks without usual hunter risks.

Once tamed, positioning a melee-leveled rider on shoulder provides knockout capability rivaling dedicated armor-penetration rounds in efficacy. Faster than slingshots with more range and direct torpor health ratio.

So while niche in use case and potentially dangerous, outfitting tribe members with shoulder-mounted Pulmonoscorpius means bringing highly-mobile and inexpensive tranq platforms. Just be wary of retaliation from large enemies!


Damage per Attack8
Torpor Induced200% melee
Attack SpeedVery Fast
CostTaming Only

Very respectable melee-scaling torpor for what‘s essentially unlimited ammunition – bio-produced from insect itself. Great alternative in resource-scarce situations, and certain mods can bump power further.

Downside lies in spine protrusion hitbox and aiming movement delay – open rider vulnerability windows. Enemies quickly retaliate mid-air if knocked back, especially larger dinos. Low rider health means even a single missed dodge or block attempt spells doom.

When Pulmonoscorpius Excels

I‘ve personally found the Pulmonoscorpius most useful supplementing other torpor sources against creatures smaller than Rex-size. Its rapid attack speed compounds quickly with other effects. Supporting teammates tranquilizing a mid-tier target soften impact on ammo supplies as well.

Just take care to dodge incoming attacks. Anything Ram-capable easily one-shots you, and airborne recovery is difficult. Bring backup weapons to finish applying torpor once unseated. Pulmonoscorpius works in Ark knockout chains, not solo.

Fists – Using Only Body Weapons

Finally, no overview of dinosaur tranquilization would be complete without an ode to the most primal knockout method: Using your own two fists! From humble beginnings on the beach, survivors quickly find themselves punching out opposition as means of self-defense. And while limited in scope, allowing progressive power growth through melee stat allocation and leverage via Grappling Hooks expands bare-knuckle applications further.

Veteran tribe members often regale fresh spawns with tall tales of felling Titans solo armed with only monstrous strength and Bullhorn-boosted fortitude. Reality reflect more utility knocking out low-level threats already injured or isolated. Left alone, Dilos eventually succumb to stiff haymakers or wild crosses…assuming you also dodge venom streams.

Obviously unarmed options pale in comparison to purpose-built gear. But remarking on what is essentially last-ditch knockout ability proves insightful context.


DamageHuman base + melee %
Torpor Inflicted200% melee
Attack SpeedVaries

Nothing really notable from statistical perspective – heavily overshadowed in all areas by weapons above. Minor niche utility allowing safe knockout of creatures trapped, weighed down by structures, or low level. Applications drop off once survivors progress beyond thatch.

Very useful reminding new tribe members to equip better gear during jobs rather than punching things however! Keeps repair costs lower on starter structures.

When Fists Excel

Unarmed strikes fill very small niche in Ark‘s dinosaur domination hierarchy – typically reserved as last resorts while escaping dangerous scenarios weaponless. Trapped and cornered survivors may resort to fist strikes softening creatures destroyed otherwise.

And nothing helps train brawl early melee stats quite like punching endless streams of Palace guards! But beyond limited applications, spend efforts crafting proper weapons instead. Keep bare hands only for politics within tribe…

Comparing Knockout Weapons Side-by-Side

Hopefully the ratings provide balanced coverage on what veteran Ark survivors consider best knockout options in their toolset. Compare weapons stat specifics below:

Tranq ArrowsTranq DartsSlingshotPulmonoscorpiusFists
Torpor Rating3/55/51/54/51/5
Range Rating3/55/51/52/51/5

We immediately notice tradeoffs – no solution provides across the board effectiveness. Slingshots and fists lag farthest behind dedicated knockout systems, while advanced rifle+dart combos deliver reliably at range.

Other situational considerations apply. Survivor access to resources drives weapon tier feasibility. Lone players face different needs than specialized team roles. Certain creatures outposition or resist specific countermeasures. Overall, smart survivors learn recognizing best application per scenario.

Knockout Tactics, Techniques & Best Practices

Simply equipping the listed weapons alone rarely secures victories against serious opposition however. Proper technique, preparation and tactical decision-making determine knockout effectiveness more often. Some lessons hard-learned:

Always carry extra ammunition – Countless survivors (my past self included) run dry mid-tame from underestimating sheer number of shots needed. Nothing more disheartening than fiishing 99% torpor just short. Bring extra!

Learn precision aiming – Carefully placed headshots maximize torpor gained per hit. Longneck Rifle users practice leading targets and bullet drop compensation. Don‘t spray&pray!

Have backups ready – Even best efforts fail against random world threats. Prep spare weapons, protective dinos, health potions. Control all variables you can.

Use scouting knowledge – Know terrain, pathing and aggro ranges near target. Funnel to advantageous ground, cut off retreat/help. Dictate positioning.

Time knockout chains – When possible, coordinate shots across multiple tribemates. Non-stop staggering torpor delivery prevents wasting damage resistance recovery between attacks.

Follow those core rules of engagement supplemented by weapon-specific advice earlier, and you‘ll soon master Ark‘s dinosaur domination ladder! Tamed Giganotosaurus make short work convincing remaining holdouts.

This covers the core knockout weapons and strategies to tame dinosaurs in Ark: Survival Evolved! Let me know if any questions come up – always happy providing additional tips to fellow ambitious survivors. Maybe we trade Tranq Dart recipes one day…

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