What Year is TranZit Set in? An Investigative Analysis Places it in the Early 1980s

As an avid fan of the Zombies storyline across multiple Treyarch Call of Duty titles, I have dug deep into the clues and evidence surrounding the Temporal Rift that allows requiem agents to visit the fractured future era where TranZit is located. Based on technology seen, historical references made, developer hints, and expert theories – the most likely year that TranZit occurs in is 1981. Let‘s walk through the critical evidence to support why I land on this early 80s timeframe…

Weighing the Factors Pointing to 1960s/1970s

There are certainly some credible reasons why some believe TranZit could be set around the same era as the Moon map from Black Ops 1 Zombies:

  • Character Dialogue – Richtofen directly references being on Griffin Station as well as the 1961 moon landing when interacting withtelephones and radios

  • Story Continuity – The Avogadro appears as a byproduct of Broken Arrow‘s experiments with Element 115, linking back to previous maps

  • Technology Level – Much of what is seen in TranZit like teleporters and elemental weapons derive from 1940-1970s era in the original timeline

However, upon closer inspection of each factor:

  • Dialogue references are less about TranZit specifically and more likely remnants of Richtofen‘s fractured psyche being transported through rifts
  • Avogadro could have origins in older experiments but itself and the Denizens seem evolved
  • While some technology mirrors the 1960s, there are also more advanced implementations

My rating of the 1960s/1970s setting likelihood: 5/10

Evidence TranZit Occurs Post 1970s Era is Strong

Conversely, many substantive clues point to TranZit being set after the 1970s:

Advanced Technology Difficult to Achieve Earlier Than the 80s

  • Sophisticated AI – The bus navigation system displays AI matching or exceeding 1980-90s computing
  • Complex Radio Communications – Two-way vocal communications surpass capability seen in the Vietnam era
  • Customized Armored Transport – Multi-compartment sheltered bus with automated door, headlights, etc.
Technology FactorEstimated Earliest Feasible Origin Year
AI-Powered Bus Navigation1980s
Long-Range Radio CommunicationsMid-to-Late 1970s
Armored Bus DesignLate 1970s

Zombies and Events Originating After Moon

Both iterations of undead and rift events point to after 1979:

  • Denizens + Avogadro – Novel biotech creations exceeding those in older maps
  • Green Run Overrun – Situation, starting weapons, and landscape suggest later starting period
  • Alternate Reality – Flora and signs reference 60s but differences indicate fractured future

TranZit Starting Tunnel

TranZit‘s starting tunnel and weaponry differ from 1960s Zombie maps

Real-World Technology Growth Projections Support the 1980s

Analyzing the actual rate of computing, weapons, and automotive progress – a 1980s setting aligns well:

  • Computing Power – The bus guidance ability matches expert projections for 1980-85 capabilities
  • Armaments Seen – Starting pistol and pack-a-punched weapons fit 80s expectations
  • Vehicle Attributes – Typical concept vehicles in the late 1970s very similar to TranZit bus

In total, strong evidence exists of TranZit being post 1970s into early 1980s in the weight of factors

Conclusion – Most Likely Date is 1981

My professional assessment based on evaluating all key factors is that TranZit occurs in the year 1981 within the fractured原timeline. As an enthusiast gamer myself, I believe Treyarch planted hints that it happens shortly after Richtofen returns from the moon in late 1979. The technology seen fits right with growth trends extending to ~5 years later. Elements like the bus navigation mesh perfectly with documented 1980s expectations.

Could I be proven wrong with future DLCs? Certainly! But using logical analysis of current information on TranZit‘s setting, 1981 makes the most contextual sense. Let me know your take in the comments – when do YOU think TranZit takes place?

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