What year will they stop making PS4 games?

As a passionate gamer and gaming industry expert, I get this question a lot lately with the launch of the PlayStation 5. Based on historical console lifecycles and Sony‘s recent statements, my analysis is that 2025-2026 is the most likely timeframe for ending PS4 production and game development. However, PS4 support could certainly extend a few years beyond that.

Ongoing PS4 game development

While the PS5 is clearly the future, there is still strong motivation for developers to support the PS4 platform for new game releases in 2024 and potentially 2024. With over 117 million PS4s sold, the install base simply can‘t be ignored from a business perspective. Major titles like FIFA, Call of Duty, and key Sony IP will aim to maximize revenue by releasing PS4 versions.

However, industry analysts predict PS5 sales will overtake PS4 sales in 2024. As the next-gen install base grows, 2024 could be the last year we see significant new PS4 game releases. Most 2024 titles will likely be cross-gen to support both platforms.

YearPS4 Game Release Outlook
2023Strong ongoing support. Some PS5-only games, but plenty still supporting PS4.
2024Last year of major PS4 support. Mostly cross-gen or PS5-only releases.
2025 and beyondVery limited or no new PS4 game releases as PS5 install base dominates.

Estimated PS4 support timeline

While hardware and game development for the PS4 will eventually halt, Sony has proven they continue online services and servers for previous consoles for many years. Just look at the PS3 – its online store didn‘t shut down until July 2021, 14 years after launch!

Based on these trends and the PS4‘s 2013 launch, we can forecast an estimated support roadmap:

  • 2023-2024: Ongoing PS4 game development but shift towards PS5.
  • 2025: Potential final year of new PS4 game releases. Production halted.
  • 2026: PS4 online services, servers, and backwards compatibility support continues.
  • 2027 to 2030: PS4 online support slowly sunsets but no definitive end-of-life date.

Of course, projections that far out could change depending on market factors and Sony‘s future strategy shifts. But following historic timelines, I‘d expect at minimum PS4 backwards compatibility and legacy server support to continue for 5+ years as the PS5 takes over.

Sony could surprise us with a PS4 "Pro" refresh to extend its lifespan a few more years like they did with PS3 to PS3 Slim transition. But with the global chip shortage, this seems unlikely in the near future.

Why PS4 support still matters

For gaming industry titans like Sony and major third-party developers, continuing PS4 support for the next couple years maintains revenue opportunities while giving them more lead time to harness the PS5‘s full potential for truly next-gen gaming experiences.

And for fans, many of us (myself included) just picked up a PS4 Pro in recent years and have substantial libraries we still want to enjoy and add to. Console transitions take time. Sony knows abandoning the PS4 too quickly risks angering its loyal community.

The PS4‘s incredible eight year (and counting) run speaks to the expanding gaming market. Each console generation lasts longer as more players from all backgrounds embrace gaming. While the shiny new PS5 rightfully gets all the hype, the trusty PS4 still delivers joy for millions and won‘t be fading away completely for many years yet.

What has been your favorite PS4 game so far? Have you made the jump to PS5 yet? I‘d love to hear your perspective in the comments!

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