An In-Depth Guide to the Zombies DLC Maps in Black Ops 2

As a long-time zombie slayer boasting over 20 days of playtime across Treyarch‘s undead survival modes, I‘ve killed my fair share of the walking dead on every Black Ops 2 zombies map – including all 4 action-packed DLC offerings chock full of innovative features for veterans and newcomers alike.

Let‘s dig into each add-on pack and highlight what thrilling challenges their respective zombie playgrounds hold!

Revolution DLC

The first DLC zombie map, Die Rise, warps players to a dilapidated skyscraper in post-apocalyptic Shanghai, China. This unique vertical map spanning over 100 floors introduced several new gameplay elements:

  • Sliqufier – A wet and wild custom Wonder Weapon that liquifies zombies on impact.
  • Verticality – Navigating the crumbled skyscraper via elevators, jumps and falls tests even expert players.
  • Buildables – Craftable utility items like the Trample Steam and Head Chopper brought new strategy.

According to the Zombies community, Die Rise ranks on the harder end of the difficulty spectrum due to its complex layout and lethal falls. But the fan-favorite Sliquifier makes holding down areas like the Buddha Room manageable with proper strategy.

Uprising DLC

The mobsters of Mob of the Dead haunted players on this Alcatraz Island-set map centered around the infamous Afterlife mode:

  • Afterlife – Shocking a power box or completing tasks as a ghostly apparition added puzzle-solving intrigue.
  • Hell‘s Retriever – This fiery throwable weapon made monotonous fetch quests exciting escapades.
  • Buildables – Returning favorites like the Turbine paired well with new additions like the Acid Trap and Fan Trap.

Mob of the Dead‘s emphasis on Easter egg quests and intermediate layout makes it reasonably challenging for casual players. But the memorable cast of Ray Liotta, Michael Madsen and others keeps fans dying to return!

Vengeance DLC

The wild west comes…undead in the underground mining town of Buried. Introducing several franchise firsts:

  • The Giant – Fend off this towering zombie boss during groundskeeping duties.
  • Paralyzer – Flying over zombie heads never felt so good thanks to this floating Wonder Weapon.
  • Persistent Upgrades – Permanent stat boosts like extra ammo persist across play sessions encouraging high round attempts.

As one of the easiest maps in Black Ops 2 according to the community, Buried appeals to casual players with buildable favorites, an overpowered Wonder Weapon, and valuable persistent upgrades.

Zombies DLC MapDifficultyWonder Weapon(s)Buildables
Die Rise★★★☆☆SliquifierYes
Mob of the Dead★★★☆☆Blundergat, Acid Gat KitYes

Apocalypse DLC

It all began here. Origins introduces the young cast of Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen against an army of mechanical Templar zombies and echoes of the future Primis heroes‘ eventual fates.

  • Elemental Staffs – Raising hell never felt better than wielding the lightning, ice and fire-spewing ancient staffs.
  • Mechanized Zombies – Fighting zombified robots offers a fresh challenge for slaying veterans.
  • Easter Egg – One of the most complex and rewarding main quests expands the underlying Zombies storyline.

While easy to pickup for new players, mastering the map‘s Easter egg and navigating the challenging zombie types pushes Origins among Black Ops 2‘s most difficult adventures – especially solo!

Buried‘s overpowered arsenal, buildable utility and multiple viable camping spots cater best to zombie newbies. Just beware falling fridges!

For veterans seeking a true test, look no further than the mechanical hordes of Origins. Contending with up to eight menacing zombies types at once requires true skill and adaptability from even seasoned undead slayers.

And if you still hunger for more maps, don‘t forget to pick up the action-packed Zombies DLC adventures awaiting in Black Ops 3 and 4! But for now, I‘ll see you next time in the fog-filled trenches of France on The Darkest Shore. Happy slaying!

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