F-16 vs F/A-18: Which Legendary Fighter Jet Is Truly Superior?

As a military aviation geek and gamer, few debates get me more fired up than the eternal rivalry between the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Hornet. Both jets are icons that have proven themselves over decades of combat operations. But which one has the edge?

Let‘s dive into the specs and history behind each jet to settle the score!

The Core Difference: Lightweight Dogfighter vs Carrier Multirole Fighter

First, it‘s important to understand the differing design priorities that shaped these aircraft:

The F-16 was conceived as an agile, lightweight daytime dogfighter that could outmaneuver enemies. With its single F110 engine generating an incredible 28,600 lbs of thrust, the "Viper" has a thrust-to-weight ratio over 1:1. This gives it incredible acceleration and ability to pull 9G turns. It may just be the most agile fighter ever built.

The F/A-18 Hornet was designed as a carrier-based multirole fighter for fleet defense and strike operations. With two F404 engines (14,400 lbs thrust each), it trades raw speed and maneuverability for increased range, heavier armaments loadouts, and redundancy that naval ops require.

Top SpeedMach 2+Mach 1.8
Max G-rating9 Gs7.5 Gs
Max weapons load17,000 lb17,750 lb

So while the F-16 likely has a marginal edge in within visual range dogfights, the F/A-18‘s multirole versatility, range and weapons hauling brawn make it better suited for long-range interdiction and anti-shipping missions.

Okay, let‘s compare their systems and weapons!

Sensor and Avionics Suite: AN/APG Upgrades a Dead Heat

Both the F-16 and F/A-18 have continually evolved in their 40+ year histories. Major avionics upgrades have equipped them with incredibly advanced radars, sensors, computing, and piloting augmentations:

AN/APG-83 AESA Radar (F-16 Block 70/72) – Cutting edge Active Electronically Scanned Array system enables on/off-boresight missile locks, electronic warfare, and situational awareness. Crazy 120+ mile air detection range.

AN/APG-79 AESA Radar (F/A-18E/F Block III) – Equally capable radar with 97+ mile air detection range and extensive ground/maritime search modes tailored for carrier group defense.

Along with radar advancements, these jets got missiles and HMD helmet displays that turn BFM dogfights into off-boresight, high off-angle shot orgies! So pretty much a dead heat when it comes to sensor capabilities in modern variants.

F-16 cockpit

F-16 Viper Demo Team cockpit

But avionics are nothing if you can‘t bring the heat with your missiles, bombs, and bullets right? Let‘s see what these birds can pack to the fight!

Brining the Boom: Armaments and Payloads

While early F-16/F-18 variants had armaments constraints, today they can carry INSANE weapons loads that can annihilate anything that moves on land or sea:

F-16 Payloads:

  • 6x AIM-120 AMRAAMs + 2x AIM-9X Sidewinders: Beyond Visual Range death
  • 5x 1000 lb JDAM GPS-guided bombs: Pinpoint ground strikes
  • Litening targeting pod: Precision laser/TV guided strikes
  • GPU-5 Gun pod: 30mm cannon with 1,100+ rounds

We‘re talking enough air-to-air missiles to nail a whole squadron of enemies without even needing to visually ID them thanks to modern sensors and data links. Plus over 5 tons of GPS guided boom drops to wipe out bases, airfields, SAM sites, etc. And that‘s just one of endless weapons loadout options.

What about the F/A-18? Surely it can hang?

F/A-18 Payloads:

  • 6x AIM-120Ds + 2x AIM-9Xs – Same air combat loadout
  • 5x 2000 lb JDAMs + 3x 500 lb LGBs: 50% more bomb tonnage
  • Up to 5x external fuel tanks – Extended range/loiter time
  • 20mm rotary cannon w/ 578 rounds

Yikes, not only can the F/A-18 carry over 50% more guided ordinance, but it has much more versatility to extend missions with external fuel tanks while the F-16 is limited to mostly internal fuel. Those extra couple thousand pounds add up!

See Them In Action – Dogfight Competition and Combat Performance

We can debate specifications all day but what really impresses are visible demonstrations and combat performance. Both jets have very impressive highlights:

F-16 Shining In Major BFM Competitions

[Video clip of F-16 dominating adversaries at Red Flag exercises and scoring simulated kills]

Yeah baby! Nothing beats watching the agile Viper prove it can take down "4th gen" threats in intense DACT dogfights. Scoreboards don‘t lie – the F-16‘s dogfighting expertise is constantly validated in these major combat training events.

That said…

The F/A-18 Hornet Has More Real World Aerial Victories

American F/A-18s have scored 4 confirmed aerial victories, including in the Gulf War and War on Terror. Meanwhile the F-16 has surprisingly only been credited with 2 unconfirmed kills.

Of course, US jets rarely get into dogfights these days. The lethality of BVR missiles allows them to "Splash" enemies from dozens of miles out before closing to visual range. But it‘s still impressive that the Hornet has more real world kills.

F/A-18 launching missile

Strike Fighter Squadron 147 F/A-18F pilot checks an AIM-120

So when it comes to live fire combat experience, you can‘t discount what the F/A-18 has proven itself capable of.

Twin Engines & Carrier Ops Give F/A-18s Unique Flexibility

One last area where the F/A-18 clearly distance itself is the twin engine reliability and ability to operate from aircraft carriers. These enable flexibility in deployment that allow Hornet squadrons to quickly launch from mobile seabases offshore:

Twin Engines = Redundancy

While the F110 engine equipping modern F-16s has an INSANELY good safety record (knock on wood), having two engines means F/A-18s can survive an engine failure and safely return to base. I‘ll take two over one if I‘m flying dangerous missions! Losing one engine won‘t result in an ejection-seat ride to enemy captivity.

Carrier Launch & Recovery

Catapult launches off nuclear powered supercarriers allow heavily loaded F/A-18s to get airborne and instantly bring tons of firepower to distant shores. With aerial refueling, naval aviation profoundly extends reach and reduces reliance on vulnerable foreign air bases.

Land-based F-16s face more weight, range and basing restrictions that can limit their operational effectiveness compared to sea-based Hornets always lurking offshore in carrier groups.

So those are some distinct advantages that carrier-capable F/A-18s clearly have over land-based F-16.

The Verdict? Both Remain Relevant & Formidable After 40+ Years

This comparison just confirms why both designs are so respected – they each have unique strengths but remain closely matched in critical performance aspects like sensors, speed, payload and BVR combat capabilities.

The F-16 will likely retain a dogfighting edge due to thrust-to-weight ratio and flight performance. But the F/A-18 brings more payload and range flexibility along with the ability to forward deploy offshore. Upgraded “4.5 Gen” versions of both aircraft types continue serving worldwide and will fly for decades to come.

So I have to declare this one a split decision! The evolution of sensors, weapons and networking make individual platform performance less important than integration into the combat network. Both jets can be equipped to take on missions like fleet defense, deep interdiction, OCA/DCA and suppression/destruction of enemy air defenses.

Of course, us gamers and military geeks will never stop debating which is the ULTIMATE fighter jet! My enthusiasm for these deadly machines knows no limits. Fly Navy, Fly Air Force!

So what do you think? Show your loyalty in the comments and let the debate rage on! Just remember, at the end of the day, both these legendary aircraft make America and our allies safer by giving our pilots the technology edge that ensures air dominance – and provides us gamers epic machines to fly in simulators!

Over & Out! 🇺🇸

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