Fortnite Wins on Popularity, Call of Duty Takes Home More Money

As a long-time gamer and content creator, I get asked often—what‘s more popular these days, Fortnite or Call of Duty? Based on the latest player counts, Fortnite remains the more widely-played game with nearly 3 million concurrent players at times. However, Call of Duty likely generates more total dollar revenue.

First, let‘s dive deeper into the numbers behind both shooter franchise juggernauts.

By the Numbers: Players, Revenue, Platforms

According to third-party tracking sites like PlayerCounter, at its peak Fortnite recently had 2.9 million gamers logged in simultaneously. Impressively, that tops the peak numbers for other titles like CounterStrike and Apex Legends.

[insert player count graph over time]

Comparatively, Call of Duty: Warzone sits around 300,000 to 500,000 concurrent players on average.

However, Call of Duty continues raking in massive revenues each year across both premium game releases and free-to-play Warzone in-game purchases. Recent reports estimate Warzone earned approximately $1.2 billion in 2020 alone. With 2022‘s Modern Warfare 2 also breaking sales records, the franchise likely earned over $4 billion total in the last 2 years.

Fortnite definitely holds the edge when it comes to cross-platform availability and mobile play. Epic Games‘ battle royale experience can be enjoyed on PlayStations, Xboxes, PC, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. Call of Duty: Warzone is still only playable on the major gaming consoles and PC, with no mobile version.

Why Fortnite Continues Winning Fans

In my opinion as an avid gamer, Fortnite snags so many concurrent players thanks to its sheer accessibility and colorful art style. Developer Epic Games struck gold by making Fortnite entirely free-to-play across so many devices. And letting players construct towering forts and wacky structures significantly widens its appeal beyond just hardcore FPS fans.

Where a game like Call of Duty: Warzone places an emphasis on realistic weapon mechanics and tactics, Fortnite keeps things loose and fun above all else. My 8 year old niece obsessed over Fortnite during the pandemic, while my brother continues logging hours in Warzone matches with friends. Fortnite manages to reel in younger audiences on mobile and consoles, while Activision counts on its loyal Call of Duty fanbase coming back year after year.

And Epic Games‘ virtual concerts and crossovers with Marvel, Dragon Ball and more media brands keep players invested. Fortnite feels more like an interactive multimedia experience filled with challenges both inside and outside matches. The game now has entire "seasons" dedicated to changing themes and introducing limited-time cosmetic content.

Call of Duty Milks Its Core Fans

Comparatively, Call of Duty: Warzone makes money hand over fist by knowing exactly what its longtime series fans want—heart-pumping FPS gameplay. Each new premium Call of Duty game release practically prints cash thanks to wild preorder numbers and Day 1 purchases. And Activision successfully made 2020‘s Warzone free-to-play while monetizing cosmetic items and Battle Passes.

FPS connoisseurs and even eSports organizations stick firmly in the Call of Duty ecosystem thanks to its polished shooting mechanics and emphasis on competition. And the franchise retains players thanks to seasonal updates and limited-time modes rather than virtual concerts or media crossovers.

In summary, while Fortnite reels in wider demographics of gamers across more platforms, Call of Duty focuses deeply on serving FPS veterans. And the franchise makes incredible sums of money annually in the process through game sales and Warzone microtransactions. Both remain incredibly lucrative, but Fortnite likely edges out in current worldwide players.

In my view, Fortnite remains on track to reshape gaming pop culture for years to come thanks to accessible gameplay, frequent content updates and youth appeal. But hardcore first-person shooter fans will continue clamoring for their next Call of Duty fix each November. Even as gaming competition increases from releases like Elden Ring, these two titans have staked their territory.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts – have you been playing more Fortnite or Call of Duty recently? What grabs your attention? I‘m curious to hear perspectives from other gamers out there!

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