What‘s the Answer to Question 69 on Impossible Quiz? Click the Number 69 a Total of 69 Times

The Infamous question 69 on the critically acclaimed Impossible Quiz requires you to click the number 69 on the screen a total of 69 times in order to advance.

Overview of the Impossible Quiz

First released in 2007, The Impossible Quiz is a classic browser-based online puzzle game noted for its unexpected answers and absurd sense of humor. Created by Splapp-Me-Do, it quickly gained a cult following among gamers.

According to Impossible-Quiz.fandom.com, the game is well-known for its unpredictable solutions as well as trick questions meant to confuse players. Solving each quirky question allows advancement towards the final question of the game.

The Impossible Quiz introduced beloved characters like the phlegmy-coughing announcer "Phlegming Phlegm" and established core elements of Splapp‘s iconic game design style.

Why Question 69 is Significant

In many ways, question 69 encapsulates what fans love about the chaotic absurdity of the Impossible Quiz.

The number 69 has become cultural shorthand referencing a sex position. According to UrbanDictionary, "69" is commonly used in crude humor and innuendo referring to simultaneous oral pleasure.

So Splapp‘s choice to have the answer for question 69 require clicking the number 69 a total of 69 times layers this immature humor.

Having an unsolved question literally ask "LOL 69" speaks perfectly to the irreverent comedy underpinning the game. It also continues the tradition of answers being unexpectantly self-referential.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Solve Question 69

When question 69 appears, follow these exact steps:

  1. Locate the question number in the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Using a mouse or trackpad, move the cursor over the number 69.

  3. Click directly on the number 69 using the primary mouse button or trackpad click.

  4. Repeat step 3 until you have clicked the number 69 a total of 69 times.

  5. Upon the 69th click, the game will advance automatically to the next question.

Tips and Tricks for Question 69

Question 69 can be surprisingly tricky. Here are some tips from our gaming experts:

  • Count out loud as you click to avoid losing track
  • Use a mouse instead of a finger on mobile for faster clicks
  • Click precisely on the number each time rather than approximate areas around it
  • If you lose count, start over from 1 to be sure

Answers for Other Notorious Impossible Quiz Questions

Question 69 may be controversial, but it‘s far from the only confounding question players face on their journey through Splapp‘s lauded game design gauntlet.

Here is a comparison table detailing answers for some of the most confusing questions alongside question 69:

63Tasteless white filth
66Exclamation point after "the world"
68Stroke Chris the cat until the bar rises
69Click the number 69 sixty-nine times
70Using its anus

Be sure to remember these to help conquer the hilariously baffling challenge of the Impossible Quiz!


I hope this guide provides a definitive answer explaining how to solve the notorious question 69 in the Impossible Quiz. Let me know in the comments if you have any other tricky questions from this classic puzzle game stumping you! With the right techniques, we can figure them out together.

According to the passionate fan community at Impossible-Quiz.fandom.com, what has kept players coming back to the Impossible Quiz for over 15 years is the wicked creativity of its questions and the dopamine rush that comes from that "aha!" moment when the game‘s internal logic finally clicks.

So don‘t get discouraged! Embrace the quirky humor and sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering this one-of-a-kind gaming gem.

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