The Ultimate Guide to Using Fast TMs Effectively in Pokémon GO

As an avid Pokémon GO player with over 1000 hours logged and a keen interest in digging into the numbers and mechanics behind battles, one question I get asked a lot is: What‘s the best Pokémon to use your precious Fast TMs on?

After extensive gameplay experience, research, and tapping into the collective wisdom of the POGO community, these emerge as the top considerations:

1. Exclusive Legacy Fast Moves

These are by far the #1 priority for Fast TMs. Due to limited-time events or movepool changes, some extremely powerful Fast Moves can no longer be obtained on certain Pokémon except by using Elite TMs. Having them is a major leg up over the standard options.

My personal top 3 picks:

PokémonExclusive Legacy MoveAdvantage Gained
TyranitarSmack Down2 more damage AND energy per use than Iron Tail or Bite
ZapdosThunder ShockMuch better energy gain than Charge Beam
DewgongIce ShardHigh 2.5 DPT and only 2-turn move for the species

Why are these so good?

  • Smack Down Tyranitar has been a staple Dark attacker since its 2018 return. Combined with Stone Edge, it deals a massive 21.33 DPS which can‘t be matched even by the Shadow version without the legacy move.

  • For Zapdos, Thunder Shock‘s excellent energy generation & neutral coverage pairs perfectly with hard-hitting charge moves like Thunderbolt and Drill Peck, cementing Zapdos as an elite raid counter and threat in PvP formats.

  • Ice Shard as the only 2-turn Fast Move of Dewgong‘s makes it easier to line up charge moves. Combined with the STAB damage, it puts Dewgong as the #2 counter to Dragon-types like Giratina, Salamence and Rayquaza.

2. Raid & Gym Attackers

While the species themselves don‘t have special legacy moves, getting the right Fast Move can optimize some of the top Raid bosses and Gym attackers like:

  • Metagross: Bullet Punch vs Zen Headbutt
  • Garchomp: Mud Shot vs Dragon Tail
  • Rayquaza: Dragon Tail
  • Salamence: Dragon Tail

Here‘s a comparison of the fast moves for these heavy-hitting Pokémon:

PokémonFast Move 1Fast Move 2Better OptionWhy?
MetagrossBullet PunchZen HeadbuttBullet PunchHigher DPS and energy gains
GarchompMud ShotDragon TailMud ShotMuch better energy generation
RayquazaDragon TailDragon TailCombination of high damage and energy
SalamenceDragon TailDragon TailSTAB damage bonus

Getting the right Fast Move pays dividends in the form of up to 10-15% higher total damage output against bosses like Mewtwo, Kyogre or Dialga where you‘re aiming to burn them down before time runs out!

3. Crucial PvP Movesets

Succeeding in Trainer Battles and GO Battle League requires optimal move timings and baiting your opponent efficiently. The right Fast Move enables next-level play for picks like:

  • Swampert: Mud Shot
  • Sableye: Shadow Claw
  • Deoxys (Defense): Counter
  • Cresselia: Psycho Cut

Here‘s an analysis of why these moves make the difference on some metas staples:

PokémonFast MoveWhy it WorksUse Case
SwampertMud ShotExcellent energy lead lets it spam powerful charge moves and bait shields earlyAll leagues, lead safe swap
SableyeShadow ClawOnly viable Ghost type fast move combines STAB, high energy and debuff chanceHalloween & Kanto Cups
Deoxys (Defense)CounterWins CMP ties to land crucial Rock Slides or Psycho BoostsOpen Ultra League
CresseliaPsycho CutGives optimal move timing with Grass Knot and MoonblastMaster League Premier Classic

Getting the precise Fast Move you need can make or break a victory when every move counts!

4. Shadow Pokémon

With their 20% damage boost, Shadow Pokémon uniquely benefit from Tailored fast moves to push their performance even further.

My top candidates for investment here are:

  • Shadow Mewtwo
  • Shadow Metagross
  • Shadow Machamp
  • Shadow Gardevoir
  • Shadow Magnezone

For example, a Shadow Mewtwo with the right moveset can completely dominate raid bosses, tearing through them a good 10-15 seconds faster than the normal version.

Similarly in PvP, landing an unshielded Shadow Ball or Psystrike at just the right moment with your Shadow Mewtwo can instantly flip a losing battle into a comeback victory.

The risk of Frustration is why I tend to use regular Charge TMs on Shadows during events like GO Rocket Takeover to get rid of it. Then I can use an Elite Fast TM to snag the optimal Fast Move later on at my convenience to create truly fearsome Pokémon!

History & Speculation on Legacy Moves

For collectors and enthusiasts, having certain Legacy Move Pokémon at their full potential is a long-cherished dream!

Looking at the last few years, Niantic has reliably bought back limited time opportunities almost yearly for some special moves during events like December Community Days or return of iconic raid bosses:

YearLegacy Moves Returning
2022Metagross with Meteor Mash, Dratini with Draco Meteor
2021Tyranitar with Smack Down, Samurott with Hydro Cannon
2020Venusaur with Frenzy Plant

My speculation is moves like Thunder Shock Zapdos or Rock Throw Omastar will make another coveted return sometime in 2024.

For real stickler move collectors though, remember Elite TMs bypass the uncertainty altogether!

Maximizing Your TM Inventory

A final tip – while the conventional wisdom used to be to avoid using regular TMs in favor of waiting for Elite TMs, now with seasonal Elite TM rewards, events like GO Fest: Seattle box rebates etc I actually recommend being more aggressive in burning regular Charge TMs to hunt for the best exclusive move in advance if your stockpile is high enough.

Why? Because the tradeoff of using a couple extra regular TMs vs months of waiting with a mediocre temporary move is absolutely worth it to power up your Pokémon right now and earning more rewards immediately!

I tend to keep a safety buffer of around 8-10 Regular Fast & Charge TMs, spending additional ones to either:

a) Set up armies of strong meta Pokémon
b) Try getting Legacy moves during Rocket Takeover
c) Test speculation around move shakes during Community Days

Curious to hear your own TM usage strategies and where you plan to splash those precious Elite Fast TMs! Personally I have two earmarked for a Shadow Tyranitar and Lucario once their exclusive moves roll around again.

Let me know which Pokémon you think needs a specialty event to bring back their most epic Fast Move!

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