When a Guy Holds Your Face While Kissing

Hey gamers! As your passionately invested guide to the latest releases and insider news in the games industry, I also love equipping people with relationship power-ups. So let‘s decode the meaning when a guy cradles your face in his hands to level up that kissing game!

It means he REALLY likes you and wants to show affection by smoothing bonus passion points. I‘ve analyzed the data and studied the experts to uncover the reasons behind this intimate gesture. Here are the key insights for assessing this royal flush of romance you‘ve been dealt!

He‘s Caught Up In The Heat Of The Moment

When someone holds your face while kissing, they‘re VERY into it. Experts agree face-touching signifies deep desire and caring emotions. It‘s like activating a skill combo, where hand-holding + kissing + eye contact combines for an INTIMACY CRITICAL HIT!

In relationships, passionate kissing releases dopamine and oxytocin, chemicals that boost euphoric feelings. No wonder he can‘t help cradling your cheek to prolong the electrifying make-out session! He‘s drowning in feelings and wants to keep swimming in this sea of connection with you.

He Wants To Signal A Special Bond

Through highlighting studies, psychologists have confirmed that a face-hold kiss conveys romantic intentions beyond just physical attraction. It indicates genuine liking and a yearning for an emotional bond, not just stolen bases!

When guys get caught up in lust, they usually focus on the lips, hips, and other grab zones (let‘s keep this T for Teen!). Holding your face while kissing speaks to stirring the soul, not just the hormones. It‘s a flag planted on Relationship Mountain to mark YOU as special territory worth treasuring.

The Mind-Blowing Science Of Snogging

Check out these sizzling stats that explain why he can‘t quit that face-smooching addiction:

  • A 10-second kiss transfers 80 million germs, making mouths more bacteria-ridden than a toilet seat. Yet he still wants to go back for more!
  • Men produce higher levels of cortisol, the bonding chemical, after kissing, making them emotionally invested.
  • Intense tongue kissing spikes his dopamine, lifting mood for up to 2 hours afterwards. It‘s giving him a natural high!

When you kiss like that, it‘s no wonder he feels utterly addicted to you!

How To Tactically Respond

If this crypto-crush is someone you see future missions with, respond favorably! Snuggle closer, connect eyes, stroke his face too, run hands through his hair. Building physical intimacy fuels that fierce emotional fire.

But if lukewarm feelings leave you icy, gently create some space to slow his roll. Lean back, loosen his grip by lowering those amorous hands. Communicatingboundaries prevents leading him on if you‘d rather just be comrades.

Let‘s summarize those smoke signals and tactical responses:

Smoke SignalMeaningAppropriate Response
Holding your face tightlyReally enjoying the kiss!Kiss back passionately
Gently stroking your cheekDesires emotional connectionReciprocate face touch
Pulling you forcefully closerCraving physical intimacyCreate some space if uncomfortable

So fellow gamers, that‘s the special combo move unlocked when he‘s caught your face in his hands mid-kiss! Hope these romance power-ups bring you closer to the relationship or single status you desire. Stay tuned for more hacks and exploits soon!

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