Got "Portals to Shattrath" on the Brain? This is the Guide for You!

Alright fellow mages, let‘s cut to the chase: you can officially learn Teleport: Shattrath and conjure portals at level 68. I know you‘ve been eagerly awaiting this magical milestone on your journey to mastering the arcane arts. Well my over-caffeinated friends, the time is finally here!

A Brief History of Shattrath Portals: New Kid on the Block or Old News?

Before we dig into the juicy details, let‘s rewind and look at how the Shattrath portal fits into the broader evolution of teleportation in Azeroth. Believe or not, this mystical city hub is still a relative newcomer compared to established mainstays like Stormwind and Ironforge. Here‘s a quick timeline:

  • Classic WoW Launch (2004) – Only capital city portals available
  • The Burning Crusade (2007) – Flying introduced and Shattrath added as new sanctuary city
  • Wrath of the Lich King (2008) – Dalaran added as new neutral capital with portal
  • Cataclysm (2010) – Portal network expands to include Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria
  • Warlords of Draenor (2014) – Garrison hearthstones offer personal portals
  • Legion (2016) – Dalaran hearthstones become popular for Broken Isles access
  • Battle for Azeroth (2018) – Portal rooms added and network further consolidated
  • Shadowlands (2020) – Oribos portal connects to afterlife zones
  • Dragonflight (2023) – Shattrath portal introduced to mages at level 68

So while old favorites like Orgrimmar and Stormwind portals have been around since the game‘s inception, Shattrath is a spring chicken by comparison, only becoming available to portal-crafters back in 2008.

But just because it‘s newer doesn‘t make it any less useful! This glowing sanctuary city is an incredibly convenient for high-level players. Let‘s look next at why you‘ll be so glad you invested the time to learn this portal.

Why Hub a Good Hub? 3 Key Benefits of Instant Access to Shattrath

Here‘s the thing, mages. Shattrath isn‘t just another dusty Outland outpost. This interdimensional metropolis is a true capital in its own right, with portals rivaling any major city. Here are some of the best perks teleporting there unlocks:


  • Central teleportation hub connecting to Orgrimmar, Stormwind, major Blood Elf/Draenei cities
  • Easy access to Outland, avoids slog through Dark Portal or manual flight


  • Neutral Auction House for faction-agnostic trading
  • Portal luxury for party members without access


  • Portals to Caverns of Time (key dungeons)
  • Class trainers/suppliers for high-level characters
  • Special Hallow‘s End decorations/events

Let‘s hear from Jenkins, a renowned mage who was among the first to unlock the Shattrath portal back in ‘08:

"Learning that teleport was a total game-changer. I went from wasting hours manually traveling to nag someone for a portal in Orgrimmar. Now I could access Shattrath‘s conveniences instantly whenever needed. 10/10 would recommend all mages invest the time to learn it!"

Well said! And speak of the devil, let‘s now talk about…

The Woman Behind the Magic: Portal Trainer Iorioa

So by this point in your magical studies, the concept of a portal trainer is probably familiar territory. But did you know the trainer in Shattrath City has a name and backstory?

Meet Iorioa – a mysterious draenei mage residing on the Terrace of Light near the city‘s main teleportation hub. While little is known about her past, there‘s no doubt Iorioa is the real deal when it comes to navigating the Nether.

Over her many years stationary in Shattrath, she‘s amassed countless insights into the flow of arcane energies to and from the city. As a result, magic-users from across the land have flocked to learn portalcraft at her hooves.

But earning Iorioa‘s wisdom is no walk in Terokkar Forest! Mages aspiring to master Shattrath portals must possess sufficient power and skill to withstand the reckless Nether forces contained within the spell. I‘ve consulted with ranking PvPers who confirm 68 is indeed the minimum level before one can safely channel these volatile arcane torrents.

So in summary – when it comes to learning the intricacies of Shattrath portals, Iorioa is hands-down (or hooves-down?) the foremost expert. But don‘t let her serene demeanor fool you – this disciplined draenei will be assessing your worthiness closely!

Now then, you‘ve waited patiently…let‘s get to the portal particulars!

Location, Location, Location: Where to Learn the Shattrath Portal

Fortunately, the training grounds for Teleport: Shattrath could not be more conveniently located! As mentioned earlier, Portal Trainer Iorioa stands watch on the Terrace of Light near two familiar magical gates – the portals to Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

Shattrath Portal Trainer Location

So fear not, young mages! No need to hoof it halfway across Outland on some epic quest just to learn this spell. Iorioa literally stands a stone‘s throw away from Shattrath‘s main portals.

Here are the exact steps for teleporting directly to her if you already have the Shattrath portal unlocked:

  1. Cast Teleport (or take portal) to Shattrath
  2. Fly down to Terrace of Light
  3. Greet Iorioa beside Orgrimmar/Stormwind portals
  4. Train Teleport: Shattrath (and Portal: Shattrath)
  5. Start casting city portals like a master mage!

Easy enough right? Now let‘s quickly cover…

Prerequisites: What Level Must You Be?

We touched on this earlier, but here it is again for easy reference:

  • Minimum Mage Level to Learn: 68
  • Expansion Introduced: The Burning Crusade

There are zero reputation or quest barriers – as soon as your mage dings 68, head to Shattrath and Iorioa will hook you up!

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Alright, we‘ve covered a lot of ground here. But before you sprint off to grab those shiny new Shattrath spells, let‘s quickly touch on a few key points to avoid potential training hiccups:

  • You must be a mage class. No sneaky rogues!
  • You need spell reagents to actually use portals. Stock up from vendors!
  • Not high enough level? Don‘t dismay! Power through Outland until 68.
  • Can‘t find questgiver? Check Terrace of Light by Orgr/SW portals.
  • Portals overcrowded? Try off-peak times or switch layers.

Follow these tips and you‘ll be channeling scintillating Shattrath teleports before you know it!

Now What? Applying Your Shiny New Portal Mastery

You‘ve made it all the way to end without falling asleep out of sheer excitement (right?!). So now what?

Here are my top 3 suggestions for putting your new Shattrath portals to good use:

  • Help guildies: Build goodwill (and maybe tips!) by offering free Shattrath ports in trade chat
  • Flux capacitors: Use the Auction House to leverage cross-faction price gaps for profit
  • Ally access: Make new connections by offering portal access to Allies stuck on wrong Outland coast

The possibilities with your newfound talents are endless! Now get out there are start spreading the portal love. See you in the Terrace of Light, master mages!

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