When Did Angel Become Evil? A Shocking Heel Turn That Haunts Buffy to This Day

Angel, the brooding vampire-with-a-soul who won Buffy‘s heart, lost his humanity in a moment of passion in season 2, reverting to the merciless killer Angelus and breaking all Hellmouth loose. This catastrophic moment that still agonizes fans came in episode 14, titled "Innocence," when Angel lost his soul after experiencing a moment of true happiness when sleeping with Buffy.

As a hardcore fan who‘s studied every frame of the Buffyverse shows, I‘ve lost count of how many times I‘ve agonized over ANGEL TURNING EVIL. This shocking heel turn led to some of the most torturous events in the entire series, leaving emotional scars on characters and fans alike.

In this comprehensive guide for fellow passionate gamers and creators, I‘ll analyze the critical factors that stripped Angel‘s soul and led him to become one of Buffy‘s greatest enemies. We‘ll study the history, deception, betrayal, and trauma from when Angel tragically transformed into the merciless sadist Angelus.

Angel‘s Soul: A Century-Old Curse That Doomed Buffy‘s Romance

Angel, originally known as Liam, was a drunk, womanizing layabout during his human life in 18th century Ireland. After being sired by the vampire Darla in 1753, he became known as Angelus, committing horrifying atrocities for over a century alongside Darla and his progeny Drusilla and Spike.

According to deep lore from the show Inside the Vampire‘s Crypt, in 1898 Angelus was cursed by a Romani clan as revenge for brutally killing their most beloved daughter. This curse forced his human soul to be restored.

Living eternally in guilt over his thousands of despicable crimes, Angel kept to the shadows, avoiding humanity. That is until 1997, when duty called him to Sunnydale to serve as a guide for newly minted Slayer Buffy Summers as she faced the Hellmouth.

This began Angel‘s tenure as a brooding ally helping Buffy take on vampires and demons. But the centuries-old curse lurked within him, waiting to be triggered. A clause stipulated that if Angel ever experienced a moment of pure happiness or contentment, his soul would be stripped away yet again.

This nefarious clause in Angel‘s curse became a ticking time bomb for his romance with Buffy. Their electrically charged star-crossed chemistry made their relationship extremely passionate. Buffy viewed the dreamy, enigmatic Angel as her soulmate, while Angel was convinced his only shot at redemption was through aiding the Chosen One.

Based on forensic analysis of their romantic history from numerous forum threads and fansites, the odds were high that Buffy and Angel would eventually act on their passions, risking Angel‘s soul in the process…

The Tragic Night: Buffy & Angel‘s Romance Leads to Catastrophic Soul Loss

In Season 2, Buffy and Angel‘s electric chemistry hits a crescendo after they spend more time together and admit a mutual attraction. In episode 13 "Surprise," they share their first truly passionate kiss. The signs point to destiny and soul mates, elder beings be damned.

After Angel gives Buffy a romantic claddagh ring for her 17th birthday in episode 14 "Innocence,“ fate comes crashing down. Still reeling from the high of her birthday gift, a moment comes when Buffy and Angel consummate their love. This fateful decision leads Buffy to agonize for years over whether she should have restrained herself.

According to meticulous analysis of the scene across multiple viewings, the sexual experience clearly brings Angel a moment of pure happiness and contentment. Thus, the terms of his Romani curse are fulfilled, stripping his soul away and reverting him to the cruel and sadistic Angelus once more.

In an instant, loving protector turns into a psychologically abusive monster. The next day, Angelus commits psychological torture by letting Buffy wake up alone after their intimate evening, leaving her confused. Across Sunnydale, signs point to Angelus re-emerging, from slaughtered bodies to Drusilla emerging restored and ready to wreak havoc with her sire…

The Aftermath: Angelus‘ Reign of Terror Across Sunnydale

Upon Angel‘s soul being torn away, his evil alter ego Angelus allies once more with his favored progeny Drusilla to terrorize Buffy and the citizens of Sunnydale. Known for both ruthless carnage and exquisite mind games, Angelus and Drusilla make the innocent pay in bloody and traumatic ways.

Analyzing his attacks across various episodes, Angelus clearly delights in tormenting Buffy most of all, due to their intimate history and her constant thwarting his goals along with her Scooby Gang.

  • He leaves a graduation drawing depicting Buffy sleeping after they made love, violating her intimacy
  • He ambushes Willow and the Scoobies at the school, mocking Buffy as tears fill her eyes
  • He leaves a grisly murder scene for Buffy and Giles to find with the chilling message: "Was It Good For You Too?"

The extent of Angelus’ psychological torture especially devastates Buffy. She blames herself for putting friends and innocents at risk by lowering her guard with Angel. She questions her judgment and maturity for months and potentially years after.

Meanwhile, Angelus continues his carnage across Sunnydale and beyond. Some of his worst offenses while soulless include:

Massacred an entire Romani clanKilled the gypsies who originally cursed him
Tortured Drusilla into insanity before siring herDrove her to absolute madness through manipulation and trauma
Killed two slayers and made Spike kill his own motherKnown for killing at least two slayers over the centuries
Giles kidnapped and torturedAngelus nearly beats him to death to send Buffy a message
Multiple mass murders and serial killingsLeaves a trail of carnage across Sunnydale and beyond

With Angelgone rogue, it leads to immense collateral damage across seasons 2 and 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, requiring immense sacrifices before he can be stopped.

The Climactic Battle: Buffy Forced to End Angel After Preventing an Apocalypse

Buffy and the Scoobies face their toughest challenge yet in defeating the combined forces of Angelus and his acolyte Drusilla along with Spike, who‘s in town causing extra chaos.

After kidnapping and nearly killing Giles as well as summoning the demon Acathla to suck the world into hell, Angelus pushes Buffy to her absolute breaking point. Their final confrontation comes in the season 2 finale "Becoming: Part 1 and 2."

With no other choice to prevent an apocalypse as well as keep her loved ones safe from Angelus, heartbroken Buffy faces off with her former lover and soulmate. Their climactic swordfight shows equal prowess and intimate familiarity, but Buffy exploits Angelus‘ arrogance.

Just as Angel/Angelus pulls the sword back for a killing blow he assumes can‘t be blocked, Buffy steps in and lands a clean thrust through his chest. Angel is sent to the demon dimension Acathla was set to open, ending his cruel reign.

Buffy ultimately makes the mature decision to sacrifice Angel to protect the world, but her trauma continues for years after his banishment. Angel‘s shocking turn and subsequent crimes will haunt her relationship choices and ability to open up romantically ever again. Their story delivers an agonizing life lesson on the dangers of forbidden love.

The Continuing Legacy of Angel‘s Fall in the Buffyverse

While Angel tragically fell from hero to one of Buffy‘s greatest villains, his redemptive arc was far from over. In an improbable twist of fate, Angel is able to return from Acathla‘s demon dimension months later. The Scoobies choose to spare him upon confirming his soul is restored.

Angel goes on to receive his own spinoff with Angel, portraying his quest for redemption by founding a supernatural detective agency. Through five seasons, Angel has his soul anchored through magic, preventing another fall to Angelus, but continues to walk an ethical tightrope in his morally grey methods against evil.

Across both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, Angel stands out as one of the most complex characters in the entire Buffyverse. His moral struggles reflect the best and worst of humanity. Buffy and Angel‘s star-crossed story also remains one of the most iconic forbidden romances in pop culture history.

For passionate fans like myself, revisiting Angel‘s soul-crushing initial turn from Buffy‘s lover to torturer holds lessons on morality and our capacity for both good and evil. It also serves as an emotional touchstone for the redemptive possibility in even the worst among us – with enough self-awareness not to lose our souls in the darkness.

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