Paladins removed play of the game in the 3.2 update

On March 27, 2019, Hi-Rez Studios released Paladins update 3.2. This patch included a significant change – the removal of the beloved play of the game feature that highlighted a match‘s best moments post-game.

Why remove such a popular feature?

Launch DateNovember 17, 2015
Active Players21,000+
Total UpdatesOver 50

According to statements from the developers at the time, the feature‘s removal was primarily driven by the need to combat cheating. In the years leading up to 2019, third party hacking tools enabling aimbots extensively targeted the play of the game highlight. Players using these cheats could showcase their hacking prominently at the end of matches, diminishing the experience for others.

While play of the game was a popular feature, the development resources required to curb cheating were determined to be better spent on core areas of the game. Removing the showcase helped cut down on hackers abusing it.

As a player myself since Paladins first entered Early Access in 2016, I at first disagreed with removing such an iconic element of the game. Over time though, I understood the rationale behind the change. The developers continue investing in key competitive components like 2022‘s Ranked 2.0 overhaul, and the removal of play of the game has done little to dampen the enjoyment of Paladins‘ signature strategic, champion-based combat.

Paladins history – the road to 50 updates

Paladins first entered a playable alpha state on November 17, 2015. It was developed by Evil Mojo Games, an internal studio at Hi-Rez Studios. After years of ongoing testing and updates, the game officially launched on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on May 8, 2018. Nintendo Switch support soon followed in June 2018.

In the over three years since its full free-to-play launch, Paladins has seen:

  • 50+ major content updates
  • 21+ new champion additions
  • Multiple seasonal events and limited-time modes
  • Significant overhauls like the forementioned Ranked 2.0

Despite some early comparisons to Blizzard‘s Overwatch, Paladins has carved out a distinctive identity of its own – supported by a dedicated playerbase.

Is Paladins still going strong in 2024?

In short – yes! As per SteamCharts and PlayerCounter, Paladins enjoys a healthy 21,000+ concurrent players across all platforms as of February 2023. Queue times remain short, and the developers continue releasing meaningful patches.

While Paladins 2 has not been confirmed, I speculate Hi-Rez will continue building upon the foundation of the original game for years to come. The success of seasonal events like 2022‘s Monstercat Battle Pass showcase there‘s still plenty of excitement for fresh Paladins content.

The takeaway as a long-time player

The removal of play of the game in early 2019 could have been seen as an omen signaling Paladins‘ demise. Yet nearly four years later, the game continues seeing impactful updates and a thriving community.

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