The Sims 3 Arrived on Origin Platform on June 19, 2013

Yup, you read that correctly! It was on that date over 9 years ago that EA opened up Origin to Mac users for the first time. And with that launch came access to The Sims 3 for Mac gamers, an exciting development at the time.

Why Was This a Big Deal?

Up until June 2013, Origin was strictly for Windows users. So Mac players missed out on classics like The Sims 3 being offered on EA‘s platform.

Table 1: Timeline of Key Origin Milestones

2011Origin launches (Windows only)
June 19, 2013Origin opens to Mac gamers
June 19, 2013The Sims 3 comes to Origin for Mac

Seeing Apple fans finally get Origin parity felt like an important moment. No longer forced to divide the player base or release a separate Mac version months later. This seemed like the beginning of a unified EA/Origin experience.

And based on recent news of The Sims 4 going free-to-play, unity is critical for EA‘s community growth goals…

Recapping The Sims 3‘s Pre-Origin Background

It still boggles my mind that The Sims 3 originally launched in 2009! Like, where did the time go?

Anyway, for historical context:

  • The Sims 3 debuted on June 2, 2009 for Windows PCs
  • Sold 1.4 million copies in first week – big money!
  • Widespread critical acclaim at launch
  • Originally not available on Origin since the platform didn‘t exist yet
  • Tons of expansions kept the game feeling fresh year after year

So by 2013, there was certainly big demand for Mac compatibility and an Origin release. Let‘s explore further…

Why The Delayed Origin Launch for Macs?

If the Sims fan in me had to guess, it likely came down to tech limitations.

Building Origin itself was ambitious enough in 2011 without also attempting Apple compatibility. Resources focused on:

  • Creating a gaming community hub
  • Digital downloads/purchases
  • Exclusive early access for some EA titles
  • Cloud saves and other next-gen features

Once the Windows foundation felt solid, expanding support was an obvious next goal. And The Sims serves as EA‘s most approachable and inclusive franchise.

What better way to kickoff their newly unified PC/Mac ecosystem? Even today, The Sims provides that "Gateway Game" appeal for casual players.

Just How Popular is The Sims 3 These Days?

In 2023, my expert eye says The Sims 3 remains a vibrant community. Let‘s examine public data…

The Sims 3 Subreddit Stats:

Daily posts100+
All-time upvotes650K+

Very much alive for a 13 year old single-player game! Awesome to see.

Anecdotally, The Sims 3 often trends during major Steam sales too. Clearly people still feel compelled to revisit and share their nostalgia online.

And with murmurs of The Sims 5 on the horizon, interest feels higher than ever. Could a full series remake happen? As a fan, I‘m keeping my fingers crossed!

What‘s Next for The Sims 3 on Origin?

My speculative crystal ball says…

  • The Sims 3 will remain available on Origin for years to come
  • Occasional discounts around major sales events
  • Potential "Complete Edition" bundle if The Sims 5 nears
  • Modding and custom content surging back to relevance
  • More nostalgic reflections as longtime fans hit 30

As someone who adores timeless classics, I believe The Sims 3 has legendary staying power as a single-player experience. The ability to share those memories across Mac and Windows makes cross-platform unity even more valuable.

Hopefully EA takes notes when shaping The Sims 5‘s eventual Origin launch too!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. When did you first play The Sims 3? 🙂

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