When Does Dollar General Restock in 2024? The Inside Scoop

Wondering when those empty Dollar General shelves will fill back up with your favorite products? As a dollar store shopper, it‘s frustrating when the item you want is out of stock.

The good news is that Dollar General actually restocks store shelves pretty frequently – you just need to know the schedule.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll share insider tips on Dollar General‘s restocking operations so you can shop at peak inventory times. Read on to find out when your local Dollar store gets its next shipment!

How Often Does Dollar General Get New Inventory?

With over 18,000 locations across the U.S., keeping shelves stocked is a massive undertaking for Dollar General. But they‘ve optimized their supply chain for efficiency.

  • Most Dollar General stores receive one major restock per week, with the bulk of new inventory arriving overnight between Sunday and Monday. This replenishes the store‘s stock of its full variety of merchandise.

  • For high-turnover essentials like drinks, snacks, and household items, stores are sent smaller restocks 2-3 times per week to meet demand.

  • Perishable goods like produce, refrigerated, and frozen items are replenished every 2-4 days on average.

  • Baked goods get daily deliveries.

  • Seasonal products like summer toys or holiday decor have specialized restocking based on the time of year.

That means most Dollar General locations fully refresh their inventory weekly, with additional restocks dispersed throughout the week.

What Days & Times Should You Shop?

Now that you know how often shipments arrive, you can time your shopping trips strategically based on when shelves will be fullest.

  • Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are your best bet for fully stocked shelves, since the major restock happens early in the week.

  • As the week goes on, popular products start selling out. By Friday afternoons, you‘ll notice more bare spots.

  • Saturdays and Sundays tend to have the emptiest shelves, since stores are waiting for the next major restock. Shop these days for clearance specials.

Ask employees when they expect the next restock – their insights can help you pick the optimal shopping day and time.

Varying Schedules for Different Products

While Dollar General sticks to a standard weekly cadence overall, restocking frequency varies for some specific categories:

Product CategoryRestock FrequencyDetails
Produce2-3 times per weekTo ensure freshness
Refrigerated/FrozenEvery 2-4 daysDue to short shelf life
Bread/Baked GoodsDailyReplace sold items
Holiday/SeasonalVaries by seasonTimed for peak demand

Employees focus on keeping these areas filled between major restocks. Check bottom shelves for newly-arrived items.

What Does the Restocking Process Look Like?

To fully re-stock 18,000+ stores nationwide each week is a major supply chain operation. Here‘s what the process looks like:

  • Products ship from vendors to Dollar General‘s distribution centers. They operate 17 DCs across the U.S.

  • Orders are compiled for each store based on inventory needs. Stores average 1-2 restock deliveries per week.

  • Trucks ship orders overnight for early morning arrivals at stores. Some locations get deliveries 5-6 days a week.

  • Employees unpack shipments and systematically re-stock the sales floor following store maps. Larger products like furniture get assembled.

  • Management checks for out-of-stocks and places orders for needed items. Popular products may ship separately between major restocks.

  • The cycle repeats weekly, with 10+ million cartons shipped from DCs to stores every week!

Be Prepared for Restocking Disruptions

While Dollar General has restocking down to a science, circumstances can sometimes throw off the schedule. Here are a few things to watch out for:

  • Inclement weather can delay shipments from arriving on time. Make sure to confirm with employees before assuming shelves will be full.

  • Supply chain issues like material shortages may lead to certain products being unavailable. Substitutes are usually offered.

  • Holiday weekends often shift delivery days. Restocks may arrive earlier or later than usual around major holidays.

  • High demand for seasonal items or new products can make them sell out instantly. Ask when re-orders are expected.

The bottom line: while Dollar General sticks close to a set restocking cadence, flexibility helps them respond to disruptions. Check online inventory and chat with store staff when hunting for your must-have items.

Shop Smarter With Insider Info

As you can see, Dollar General keeps its shelves well-stocked through a constant cycle of restocking from their distribution hubs. While the shipping schedule fluctuates slightly, you now have the inside scoop on the best times to shop.

Hitting your local store right after they‘ve unpacked the latest shipment means you‘ll score the top selection. Avoid weekends for the fullest stock. And don‘t be afraid to ask employees for restocking updates so you can find what you need.

With these tips, you can strategically shop Dollar General‘s constantly rotating inventory. Now you‘ll never have to miss out on items due to bare shelves again!

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