When Does Iris Find Out Barry Is The Flash?

Iris West finds out that Barry Allen is the Flash in the first season of the television series “The Flash.” She discovers his secret identity twice during the season. The first time is in episode 15, titled “Out of Time,” when she sees Barry dressed as the Flash. The second time is in episode 20, titled “The Trap,” due to accidental time travel.

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Through the course of the first season of the Flash television series Iris West finds out twice Barry is the Flash. First she sees him dressed as the Flash in episode 15 season 1, and the second time in episode 20 of the same season due to accidental time travel.

Answered from C&V

When Does Iris West Find Out Barry Allen is The Flash?

As a huge fan of The Flash TV series, one of the main dramatic questions I was dying to see resolved was – When will Iris West finally learn Barry Allen's biggest secret identity?

Their relationship added so much tension to Barry trying to conceal his super-speed powers from his best friend. After binge-watching Season 1, I have the inside scoop on exactly when and how Iris discovered Barry's alter ego as the Flash!

Does Iris find out in Season 1?

I was so curious if Iris would discover Barry's superhero secret within the first season. That would be really early compared to some other shows!

In Episode 15 “Out of Time,” Iris actually sees Barry dressed as the Flash when he rushes to save her from a deadly car crash. My mind was blown that she found out the truth so soon!

However, Barry ends up traveling back in time to undo those events, erasing Iris's memory of what she witnessed. So close, yet so far!

What almost gives away Barry's powers in Season 1?

After the timeline reset, Iris still didn't know Barry's the Flash. But his secret came close to being exposed again in Episode 20, “The Trap.”

Iris walks in on Barry using his superspeed, forcing him to sneak away unseen at the last millisecond. I was on the edge of my seat!

Barry also mentions future newspaper headlines and rival speedster Reverse Flash, raising Iris’s suspicions about what he could be hiding.

I love these close-call moments where Iris almost catches on to Barry’s powers. The writers kept me hooked, waiting for the big reveal.

How does Reverse Flash reveal the truth?

Just when it seemed like Barry slipped away with his secret intact once more, the Reverse Flash finally exposed everything to Iris!

Reverse Flash briefly kidnaps Iris and reveals he knows all about her future relationship with the Flash and that he knows Barry's identity.

I was so shocked that Barry's nemesis was the one who ultimately spilled the beans. What a way for Iris to definitively learn the truth!

Why does Barry take so long to tell Iris himself?

Looking back, I was frustrated Barry didn't just confess to Iris himself much earlier. It would have saved so much stress!

He kept making excuses – it was to protect her, she couldn't handle it, the timing wasn't right. I wanted to scream “just tell her already!”

But I understand Barry not wanting to overwhelm Iris when she was dealing with so much else. He meant well trying to delay sharing such life-changing news until the moment was right.

Still, in hindsight, doing it much sooner could have strengthened their relationship and spared Barry some headaches!

Did fans have theories about when Iris would learn the truth?

Oh, Flash fans and theorists went absolutely wild coming up with possible scenarios for Iris discovering the big secret!

Some thought Iris was secretly faking NOT knowing this whole time. Others expected a revelatory mid-season cliffhanger.

Having Reverse Flash spill the beans took most fans by surprise, though. I don't think anyone predicted Barry's own nemesis would do the honors!

It was fun reading all kinds of fan theories, but the show still managed to shock us in the end.

How does Iris react to learning Barry's the Flash?

Considering how long Barry hid this huge part of his life from Iris, I fully expected her to be angry and upset with him once she finally knew.

But she actually took it quite well! I think the shock and amazement at witnessing Barry's powers firsthand overshadowed any feelings of betrayal.

Plus, Reverse Flash's knowledge proved to Iris this was about keeping her safe, not lying out of mistrust. Thankfully the revelation brought them closer rather than driving a wedge.

Does the original Flash series handle this differently?

I was fascinated to learn that in the 1990 Flash series, it took until Season 2 for Iris to definitively learn Barry's secret identity!

In this version, Barry confesses to Iris out of a desire to share his whole life with her. And Iris doesn't take it nearly as well at first!

It was cool seeing how different creative teams handle such an iconic moment in the Flash mythos. The more drama the better!

How does knowing affect Iris and Barry’s relationship?

Once his big secret was out, it clearly took a weight off Barry's shoulders around Iris. He could finally be fully open and honest with her about all parts of his life.

Iris became more supportive as she better understands the importance of Barry's role as the Flash and the sacrifices he makes to save lives.

I loved watching their bond continue to grow stronger and deeper after eliminating the need for secrecy. So satisfying!

Does Iris end up telling anyone else?

For a time, it seems Iris keeps Barry's identity as the Flash secret, even from their police captain dad.

But eventually she does end up letting Joe West in on the truth too. After all, he was starting to piece together the clues also!

The exciting thing about TV is you never know who might learn Barry’s secret next. Half the fun is seeing how characters react to uncovering the truth.

Watching them all try to keep his powers under wraps makes for good comedy and drama!

Do other Arrowverse heroes learn the truth too?

Over time, various heroes across the greater Arrowverse also learn that Barry Allen is the Flash.

For important team-ups and crossovers to work, Barry ends up needing to trust other heroes like Green Arrow, Supergirl, and the Legends.

It’s fun when they already know Barry’s identity from working with him in the past, while new allies get amusingly shocked making the discovery.

The Flash’s circle of trust keeps gradually growing larger as more friends and foes learn the truth.

Conclusion: Iris finding out was a first season highlight!

Looking back, Iris discovering Barry's secret identity as the Flash was definitely one of the most gasp-worthy moments from Season 1 for me.

I loved seeing all the close calls and creative misdirects the show used before finally pulling the trigger. And the dramatic way Reverse Flash exposed the truth was so well executed.

Watching Iris and Barry’s relationship evolve afterwards made it very satisfying payoff in the end too.

That revelation and its aftermath is still a high point that long-time Flash fans talk about fondly. It was handled perfectly to maximize the drama, tension, surprise, and emotional impact.

When characters learn a friend has secretly been a superhero all along, it’s a game-changing bombshell every time!

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