When Does TJ Maxx Restock in 2024? (All You Need to Know)

As a seasoned TJ Maxx shopper, I know how addicting it can be to browse the ever-changing aisles in search of unexpected deals. But scoring the best bargains often comes down to visiting at the right time when those yellow clearance stickers first hit the shelves.

If you want to know all the insider tips, I‘ll walk you through exactly when and how TJ Maxx restocks their inventory in 2024. Read on to become a TJ Maxx shopping pro!

The Secret Schedule for Restocks and Markdowns

Through chatting with sales associates over the years, I‘ve learned that most TJ Maxx stores receive major merchandising deliveries 2-3 times per week, usually on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Trucks arrive in the wee hours while stores are closed so employees can stock shelves as efficiently as possible. This means you‘ll discover new product added overnight across all departments.

But here‘s a little secret I‘ve noticed – the best days for scoring newly marked down items are Tuesdays and Saturdays. Why? Because TJ Maxx strategically takes new markdowns on Monday and Friday evenings specifically to coincide with the timeline for big deliveries.

This allows them to roll out fresh discounts alongside new inventory. Pretty clever!

Your Ultimate Guide to Markdown Stickers

TJ Maxx uses a simple but strategic system of red and yellow stickers to indicate markdowns:

  • Red = First markdown of 25-30% off
  • Yellow = Final markdown of 50-60% off

I like to think about the stickers as stoplights:

  • Red means "slow down and consider this item"
  • Yellow means "slam on the brakes and grab this deal!"

Below is a breakdown of how often you can expect to see new markdowns roll out:

Markdown FrequencyDiscount %Sticker Color
Every 4-6 weeks25-30%Red
Every 6-8 weeks50-60%Yellow

So if you see a red sticker, there’s a good chance that item will get marked down again in 4-6 weeks. But a yellow sticker means that price is rock bottom.

When the Big Seasonal Sales Happen

The two biggest sales of the year at TJ Maxx are:

  • Winter Clearance: Mid-January, discounts on cold weather items – coats, scarves, boots, etc.
  • Summer Clearance: Mid-July, deals on swimsuits, tanks, shorts – perfect for stocking up on essentials for vacation!

During the major seasonal sales, you can expect to find more yellow stickers than usual, with prices slashed up to 75% off the original retail price.

Shopping Strategies to Maximize Your Deals

To make the most of your TJ Maxx trips, keep these pro tips in mind:

  • Do thorough sweeps of the store – Check every shelf and rack. Newly marked down items can be buried between non-discounted merch.
  • Ask associates – They have the inside scoop on what‘s newly marked down or hitting the floor.
  • Be among the first shoppers of the day – This increases your chances of nabbing heavily discounted goods before anyone else.
  • Don‘t ignore the home goods – Some of the best deals are in domestics, especially out-of-season items like holiday decor.

Time Your Visits Wisely

While TJ Maxx‘s inventory is always changing, you can optimize your chances of scoring big by carefully timing your shopping trips.

  • Tuesdays & Saturdays: Best days for fresh markdowns
  • Wednesday & Thursday: New deliveries roll out in stores
  • Fridays: Markdown stickers applied in evening
  • Early morning: Shop early if seeking targeted deals from new markdowns or sales
  • Late morning/early afternoon: Less crowded timeframe

Avoid weekends if you dislike crowds or are in a time crunch.

Let the Savings Begin

I hope these tips help you unlock the best bargains at TJ Maxx in 2024! Now that you know their restocking secrets and markdown schedules, you can start strategically planning your shopping trips to become a savvy TJ Maxx shopper. Let the deal hunting begin!

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