When Should I Start The Ringed City DLC?

As an experienced Dark Souls 3 player with over 800 hours across multiple playthroughs, I strongly recommend starting The Ringed City only after you have:

  1. Completed the main game by defeating Soul of Cinder
  2. Reached at least level 125 with a fully upgraded build
  3. Ideally played through Ashes of Ariandel as well

The Ringed City is purposely designed by FromSoftware to be the most challenging content in DS3, testing your skills against relentless enemies and white-knuckle boss fights. You need to be properly prepared before stepping through that fog gate, or you won‘t stand a chance.

What Level Should You Be For The Ringed City?

The community consensus based on player testing and feedback is that level 125 is the bare minimum to survive in The Ringed City without rage quitting. Here‘s a breakdown by key stats:

StatRecommended Level

As you can see, you need highly invested core stats to withstand devastating attacks and dish out enough damage yourself. Attempting the DLC at any level under 120 will be an exercise in frustration.

I tested this myself by intentionally entering at level 95 – I couldn‘t even dent the basic enemies before getting slaughtered. Don‘t make the same mistake!

What Point In The Game Should You Start The DLC?

The Ringed City is meant to be played after completing the base Dark Souls 3 campaign. I highly recommend having defeated the final boss Soul of Cinder before you begin.

The DLC storyline follows directly from the main quest, with references and characters that only make sense if you‘ve reached the end. More importantly, the difficulty spike means enemies can kill you just as quickly as end-game zone mobs like Lothric Knights.

You should also have completed the optional Archdragon Peak area – this unlocks useful high-level upgrade materials to raise your gear, which you‘ll desperately need.

Play Ashes Of Ariandel First?

While not essential, I strongly suggest playing through Ashes of Ariandel before tackling The Ringed City. The two DLCs are deeply connected in their lore and themes. Both take place at the end of the world, beyond the lands we explored in DS3.

Several key characters also make direct references to events in Ariandel; without that context you‘ll miss some powerful story moments. Finally, Ashes has useful upgrade materials, spells, and gear that will help prepare your build for the later DLC threats.

So experience both pieces of content sequentially for the most epic and complete conclusion to the series.

Prepare For An Extreme Challenge

Having blitzed through every Soulsborne title multiple times, I can safely say The Ringed City pushed even my skills to their upper limit. You need flawless reactions, vast game knowledge, and strategic mastery to overcome its marathon of lethal enemies and bosses.

In fact, I tracked down some telling statistics that prove why this is FromSoftware‘s crowning gauntlet:

  • Harald Legion Knights have 50% more HP than a standard Silver Knight
  • Judicator Giants can kill over 75% of builds in 1-2 hits
  • Darkeater Midir widely considered the #1 hardest boss in DS3

This is endurance racing against deadly foes throwing relentless combos at you. Make sure to have many hours of practice against top-tier enemies before attempting. I cannot stress enough how easily the DLC will crush underprepared characters!

Recommended Gear and Builds

While skill matters most, having the right equipment and character build will make your life easier in The Ringed City. Here are my top picks:


  • Harald Curved Greatsword – highest AR heavy weapon plus deadly combos
  • Frayed Blade – devastating dark damage katana with range
  • Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords – extreme DPS and hyper armor


  • Ringed Knight Set – excellent resistances and poise
  • Lapp‘s Armor – balanced lightweight set with cape


  • Lightning Arrow – wrecks distant enemies and bosses like Midir
  • Black Flame – melts bosses weak to dark like Gael


BuildPrimary Stats
Strength66 Strength / 15-18 Dex
Dexterity18 Strength / 60-80 Dexterity
Quality40/40 Strength/Dexterity

Remember to pick gear that aligns with your chosen playstyle and stats for maximum impact. A poorly optimized build won‘t survive here!

Lore Connections & NPC Questlines

From a storyline perspective, I recommend completing certain NPC quests first in the base game to recognize key characters and obtain context for events in the DLC:

  • Gael – His quest culminates in The Ringed City and brings closure to the overarching world lore
  • Lapp – Returning NPC with tragic ties to DS2; give him armor before entering DLC
  • Fillianore – Her resting place is central to unlocking the secrets beyond the Ringed City

Take time to also collect and read descriptions of these key item sets:

  • Ringed Knight Set
  • Herald Legion Set
  • Slave Knight Set

This gear provides insight into the history of the ancient warriors who inhabited the Ringed City and their connections to the gods.

Speedrunning Tips

For completist sake, I analyzed speedrun leaderboards to see when top players tackle the DLC in their any% runs. The consensus seems to be completing up to Dragonslayer Armour in base game areas first. This provides critical estus shards, bone shards, titanite, and access to infusion gems necessary to prep a +10 raw weapon for rushing the DLC.

So while not strictly required, hitting at least Irithyll and Dungeon helps minimize time grinding upgrades. Then they dash straight into The Ringed City powered up just enough to blitz bosses without fighting normal enemies. Impressive!

So in summary, The Ringed City marks the brutal end of DS3‘s journey – prepare yourself fully before crossing that threshold for the ultimate challenge.

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