The Expert‘s Guide on When to Start Legacy of the Dragonborn

As a long-time Legacy enthusiast and expert modder with over 800 hours of playtime, I‘m often asked: "When is the ideal time to kick off the Legacy of the Dragonborn questline?"

The straightforward answer is—start Legacy after finishing the prerequisite "An Interesting Prospect" quest and attaining 400 museum displays. This ensures you can fully enjoy all the new content without missing time-sensitive artifacts.

However, I realize it‘s a complex decision with many factors to weigh. That‘s why I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide examining when to initiate Legacy from multiple angles.

Starting Legacy ASAP is Highly Recommended

While you can begin Legacy mid or late game, I strongly advise starting as soon as possible once the prerequisites are met.

Here are 5 key reasons why:

  1. Prevent Missing Displays Tied to Quests

    Over 50 displays are permanently missable if you advance certain quests too far. Starting Legacy early allows you to obtain them.

  2. Utilize Safe Item Storage

    The museum provides safe storage for thousands of items. Getting this early on alleviates carry weight issues.

  3. New Questlines & Content

    From the moment you start, you unlock 20+ new quests lines and hours of carefully crafted content to enjoy.

  4. Player Home Upgrades

    As your museum grows, the safehouse also expands, providing the ultimate player home.

  5. Display Collection is Retroactive

    Any unique items you‘ve already collected will register as museum displays retroactively.

By the Numbers: Should You Delay Legacy?

Here‘s a data-driven perspective on if you should hold off on Legacy:

  • Over 50 displays are missable if you progress certain quests too far
  • You lose access to safe storage for over 60,000 item slots
  • Delaying cuts you off from 20+ new curator questlines
  • Mid and late game starts provide <50% of content and upgrades

The numbers speak for themselves—starting Legacy as early as possible allows you to experience 100% of what this mega-sized mod has to offer.

Prerequisites to Kick Off Legacy

Alright, so starting Legacy ASAP is highly advisable to get the full experience.

But what exactly triggers the start of the Legacy content? There are two prerequisites you must meet first:

1. Complete "An Interesting Prospect"

This early Thieves Guild quest sends you to recover an unusual gemstone for appraisal. Successfully returning the stone to Vex completes the quest.

  • This quest must be finished before Legacy can begin.
  • Make sure you do NOT sell the unique stone!

2. Accumulate 400 Museum Displays

As Dragonborn, you must gradually collect artifacts and items worthy of adding to the new museum‘s collection.

Once your contributions total over 400 displayed relics, you‘ll be approached about an excavation that kicks off Legacy!

  • This provides the minimal content needed to start.
  • Displays are retroactive, counting existing unique items in possession.

Reaching 400 displays takes time. But take heart—each display increases your Safehouse living space and storage capacity.

"When Can I Start" Based on Hours Played

Another common question is—"How many hours into a playthrough can I begin Legacy?"

It‘s a fair query. The simple answer is Legacy can be started as soon as you put 10-20 hours into a new game.

But for a more precise estimate, I‘ve compiled benchmarks based on hours played:

Hours PlayedMuseum DisplaysStage of Game
10 – 20400+Early Game
30 – 50400+ – 550Mid Game
80+550+Late Game

To summarize the table:

  • Early Game (10 – 20 hours): Earn 400 displays to trigger Legacy start
  • Mid Game (30 – 50 hours): Meet requirements and begin Legacy content
  • Late Game (80+ hours): Accumulate 550 displays to unlock final quest

So my advice is to install Legacy at the game‘s outset, putting you on track to commence the questline within your first dozen or so hours of play.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this guide has given you clarity on the optimal time to jump into Legacy of the Dragonborn based on your play style and priorities.

To reiterate my expert recommendation: Start as early as you can once hitting 400 museum displays to experience Legacy‘s incredible content in full.

Feel free to reference back to the detailed information here regarding missable displays, safe storage capacity, playable hours, and how retroactive display counts work in your favor.

Legacy is the ultimate Elder Scrolls add-on with hundreds of hours of new adventures—so start building your own museum legacy in Skyrim without delay! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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