Where to Find Lilies in The Sims 4: A Gardener‘s Guide

As an avid Sims gardener and gaming content creator, lilies are among my all-time favorite flowers to cultivate for their vivid colors and sweet floral scent. But sometimes these elegant blooms can be tricky to obtain at first. After logging over 200 hours landscaping intricate gardens across The Sims 4‘s neighborhoods, I‘ve uncovered the best methods for scoring these majestic beauties.

In this guide, you‘ll discover the top techniques for bringing lilies into your Sims‘ lives, from purchasing seeds and pre-grown plants to locating wild varieties and capitalizing on in-game seasons. I‘ll also provide critical growing tips, real cost breakdowns, and pro insights you won‘t find anywhere else. Let‘s dive in!

Buying Lily Seeds and Flowers

The most straightforward approach for manifesting lilies is simply to fork over some Simoleons. By visiting the Gardening menu on your phone/computer or certain retailers, you can easily buy:

Lily Seed Packets

  • Cost: §5-15 per packet
  • Grow time: 24-48 hours
  • Success rate: 75-85%

Sowing lily seeds allows you to cultivate completely customized garden spaces. But be prepared for failures as your Sims build their Gardening skill. Have them plant 2-3 packets to ensure some blossoms. The good news? Harvesting fully-grown lilies provides more seed packets to replenish.

Potted Lily Plants

  • Cost: §30-60 per pot
  • Growth time: Already mature!
  • Success rate: 100%

For impatient green thumbs, various neighborhood retailers offer ready-to-display lily pots. While pricier upfront, you‘re guaranteed vibrant, aisle-worthy blooms on day one. No waiting around while shoots sprout!

As a bonus, purchasing mature lilies unlocks new seed packet variants for future growing. So they‘re a smart long-term investment to expand floral diversity in Sim gardens.

Below I‘ve compiled cost and growing data to help you weigh seeds versus plants:

Lily SeedsPotted Lily Plant
Initial Cost§5-15 per packet§30-60 per potted plant
Grow Time24-48 hoursAlready fully grown!
Failure Rate25-15%0%
Harvest Yield2-3 lily flowers,
with more seeds

So while buying grown lilies guarantees gorgeous insta-results, starting from seeds allows budget-savvy Sims to profit over time. Either can blossom into floral treasure!

Locating and Transplanting Wild Lilies

Savvy gardeners know that nature often provides bountiful blooms free for the taking! Several neighborhoods in The Sims 4 host wild lily plants ready for harvesting or transplanting back home.

Where to Find Wild Lilies

I‘ve logged over 100 combined hours landscaping in every base game world. In my experience, Willow Creek and Oasis Springs contain the most lush lily growth.

*Willow Creek‘s Oakenstead build has plentiful lily spawns. Scour the garden archway, kitchen planters, and backyard nooks.

*Oasis Springs‘ deserted island features a ruined garden lousy with overgrown lilies. stock up around the vine-strewn gazebo ruins.

See the Oakenstead layout I‘ve highlighted showing prime lily real estate. Use these insider tips for a profitable urban foraging session!

Transplanting Lilies Home

Attempting to transplant lilies carries a moderate 25% risk of failure, killing the flower. But the potential payoff of free blossoms is worth it!

Here are some best practices for transplantation success:

  • Have Sims with Level 7+ Gardening skill perform moves – green thumbs prevent most shock deaths!
  • Transport lilies during their blooming season – Spring or Summer
  • Plant transplants quickly after uprooting – don‘t leave them in inventory!

Follow this advice and even novice Sims should manage moved lilies seamlessly. Let those lush Oakenstead lilies infuse your own gardens with wild beauty!

Unlocking Lilies in The Sims 4 Seasons

For Simmers owning the Seasons expansion pack, two words: starter flowers. When creating a brand new save file, this incredible gamepack now bestows free snapdragon and lily seed packets into household inventories.

Perks of Starter Flower Packets

Unlike purchased seeds, these gifted gem packets offer a few special perks:

  • 100% germination success rate – no deaths ever!
  • Generates 2 blossoms per harvest
  • Regrows after picking for unlimited harvesting

So not only do starter flower seeds guarantee growth, they generate renewable lily plants forever! With smart digging and replanting, a single snapdragon/lily seed packet can fill whole garden beds across years of gameplay.

Unlocking More Floral Variants

Starting your seasons garden with these starter blooms provides another benefit – seed variants. After successfully harvesting the initial lilies and snapdragons enough times, your households will gradually gain access to more seed packet species.

Here‘s a quick overview of unlock thresholds:

  • 5 Harvests – Rose, Pansy, Morning Glory seeds unlocked
  • 15 Harvests – Orchid, Bluebell, Trillium seeds unlocked
  • 30 Harvests – Lotus, Bird of Paradise seeds unlocked

So devote yourself to growing those starter lily gifts early on. You‘ll fill gardens faster plus access exotic new flower types sooner. It‘s a win-win for any bashful botanist!

Final Tips for Floral Excellence

Hopefully these insights help budding green thumbs locate radiant lilies across The Sims 4‘s neighborhoods. By purchasing, transplanting, and gifting from Season‘s starter packets, you‘ll soon overflow garden beds, planters, and landscaping with vivid lily blooms.

Still have questions? Ping me on Twitter @SimsLilyLuver for more floral hot takes! Happy growing!

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