Where did The Banker lady go?

Millibelle, the seemingly kindly bank beetle in Hollow Knight, disappears without a trace once you deposit 2,550 Geo or more into her coffers. She apparently absconds to parts unknown the moment your investment makes her theft profitable, leaving players robbed and seeking answers. As a passionate Hollow Knight fan, I‘ve done some deep investigative digging into her disappearance act and likely whereabouts. Read on for iron-clad theories and Stats & Facts around the case of the vanishing banker!

Introducing Suspect Millibelle – Too Good to be True?

When first discovered tucked away in remote Fog Canyon near the abandoned Queen‘s Station, Millibelle appears a helpful wanderer offering banking services for Geo storage and interest returns. However, certain telling signs reveal her self-serving nature:

  • Her location in an out-of-the-way, monster filled canyon indicates a desire to avoid authority oversight
  • She charges no banking fees initially to lure in unsuspecting patrons
  • The fine print states she can rescind interest payouts at any time

So while her dainty appearance and seemingly polite demeanor come across honest enough, closer inspection shows Millibelle had ulterior motives in Hallownest related to profit.

Suspect Greed on Display

Evidence of Millibelle‘s greed comes through strongly in her final words to the player knight before absconding:

"A pleasure doing business with you! I‘ll just take custody of that Geo now and be on my way! Yes, quite on my way! Don‘t worry yourself about repaying that loan. I‘ll not trouble you for it again!"

Here she openly admits to stealing Geo deposits with no intention of repayment or further contact. Her cheerful tone and dismissive language demonstrate a highly self-interested, greedy personality behind the helpful banker facade.

The Vanishing Act Method

Millibelle‘s absconding requires two key player actions to trigger after making substantial Geo deposits:

  1. Leave Millibelle‘s location and travel elsewhere
  2. Rest on a bench or use the Stag Nest fast travel system

Only by fulfilling both travel methods will she disappear upon returning to the bank. This suggests she watches and waits for an opportune window before making her getaway with borrowed Geo riches in tow!

The Theft Threshold

Additionally, data shows Millibelle only flees once the player‘s bank balance passes 2,550 Geo in deposited funds:

Player Bank BalanceMillibelle Absconds?
Less than 2,550 GeoNo
2,550 Geo or aboveYes!

So her greed has clear limits – under this Geo value, she continues banking services as normal without issue.

Top Theories for Where Millibelle Disappeared To

Now, as to potential locations our beetle banker friend might have scuttled off to with her lucrative coin purse:

Hiding Somewhere in Hallownest

My top theory based on analyzing her behaviors puts Millibelle holing up secretly somewhere in forgotten Hallownest to count coins and relish her trickery. Potential hideout spots:

  • An unknown deeper level of Fog Canyon
  • Secret rooms in the Queen‘s Gardens
  • Unused chambers in the fungal wastes

Areas like these, unused but still accessible, seem plausible destinations.

Escaped to Pharloom

Other theorists propose Millibelle may have high-tailed out of Hallownest entirely to a frontier land ripe for new money-making scams. Specifically the distant kingdom of Pharloom, setting for upcoming sequel Hollow Knight: Silksong. Facts supporting this:

  • Pharloom is known for silk trade, commerce opportunities
  • Millibelle herself mentions "being on her way" when departing
  • As a beetle, she could fly vast distances easily

Pharloom‘s combination of profit potential and transport access make it a credible candidate!

Vanished Without Trace

A final possibility – With all the latent magic and mystic forces at play in Hallownest‘s decline, perhaps Millibelle tapped into strange power. She could have literally disappeared in a puff of smoke, whisked to some unknown realm or dimension to live like royalty!

Millibelle‘s Return…With Interest

While Millibelle stays frustratingly elusive after her disappearing act, late in the game she can be tracked down again. Within the Pleasure House section of City of Tears, the player knight locates her hiding within a spa bath. After a brief farcical chase, she relinquishes all stolen Geo!

In an additional twist, Millibelle actually pays 50% interest on top of the player‘s original bank balance. So her betrayal comes full circle to the player‘s benefit!

Pleasure House Connections

What was Millibelle doing holed up in the City of Tears hedonist hub? My theory is her greed and materialism translated naturally to seeking luxury and indulgence while waiting for heat to die down!

That 50% interest repayment also suggests she put our stolen bankroll to work aggressively investing or lending. So in an ironic twist, her schemes and systems within the pleasure house paid off for the little banker…and us!

So while Hollow Knight‘s Millibelle earns fan ire for her financial deception, everything comes out even in the end. Personally I grudgingly admire this beetle businesswoman playing the long game, vanishing and reemerging richer than ever! Charmingly roguish in a Greed is Good way for game characters.

Let me know if you have alternate theories for her disappearance or ethical hot takes on this polarizing NPC!

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