Where do key sites get their keys from?

In short, key reselling sites and marketplaces obtain gaming licenses from a mix of authorized direct sources like publishers and developers as well as secondary unofficial sources like user gifts and giveaways. But diving deeper, the full answer depends greatly on the specific site and seller.

Breaking down the major sources of discounted gaming keys

Here‘s an overview of the common places sites large and small are securing keys before reselling to deal hunting players:

Authorized 1st party bundles

The premier source is bulk keys direct from the publishers and developers themselves. Through Humble Bundle‘s pioneering bundled model, sites can purchase anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of new and back catalog game licenses at vastly discounted rates over 90% off retail.

DealKeys SoldAverage PriceSavings
Humble Must Play VR Bundle113,000+$1.07 each97% off

These authorized bundle buys allow sites to sell keys legally at the deep discounts players love while sending cash back to the industry.

Gifts and giveaways

The next major channel is users reselling unused keys won through various promotions. With giveaways across services like Alienware Arena and surplus gifts from hardware bundles, many players have backlogs of unredeemed keys. Even one-off events like Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe giveaways can add over 50,000 keys spread among the community.

By allowing gamers to resell these unused licenses, sites satisfy demand for cheaper games neither they nor developers are losing direct profits on. However, this does violate terms of service in cases where promotions forbid transfers.

Gray market wholesale keys

More controversially, some unauthorized key marketplaces also work with partner resellers listing cheaper wholesale keys from unspecified sources. While sites argue these ultimately originate from publisher deals, there is no transparency even for the stores themselves into the exact purchase methods.

Critics argue this willful ambivalence enables otherwise illegitimate practices like exploitatively priced regional keys from territories with lower wages being sold into wealthier markets against publisher wishes.

Evaluating the legitimacy and ethics of major key sites

In my experience across dodgy forums to reputable marketplaces, you must judge each site carefully before buying based on seller curation and purchase protections.

As a passionate insider rather than outsider, I assess options differently than much mainstream gaming commentary. Here are my takes as both a deal hunter and industry expert:


With loose monitoring of individual sellers, I cannot in good faith consider G2A as safely reputable as other reviewed marketplaces despite its popularity.

The risks of fraudulent or illegally sourced keys slipping through is simply far higher with over 100k unvetted users selling versus a centralized operation with direct supplier pipelines.

While scores of players testify to smooth transactions even with big sellers, outright platform bans at various developers demonstrate the brand fails reasonable ethics standards.


Conversely, while still enabling individual sellers, Polish rival Kinguin goes further in gatekeeping listers as verified merchants, provides its own direct key inventory, and requires strict region-matching.

Combined with generally positive public reception, I thus evaluate Kinguin as adequately balancing affordability and legitimacy for most buyers with moderate care and awareness.


Owned by respected bundle giant Bundle Stars, authorized retailer Fanatical maintains direct publisher supply pipelines key competitors lack.

With frequent coupons atop wholesale rates and its own homegrown bundles, Fanatical manages striking deals benefiting buyers, developers, and themselves ethically.

While selection lags unauthorized marketplaces, Fanatical demonstrates players wanting new games cheaply can turn to trusted names over riskier gray market sites.

6 pro tips for safely scoring discounted gaming keys

Hopefully this all demonstrates the tangled web linking cheap gaming keys and consumer ethics! As a passionate deal hunting gamer myself, I still believe players can safely enjoy reseller savings following certain best practices:

  1. Double check regional restrictions unethical resellers ignore.
  2. Research sellers extensively before purchases using gaming communities.
  3. Pay with reversible methods in case keys do not activate properly.
  4. Redeem immediately to verify legitimacy and function.
  5. Consider authorized alternatives like Fanatical for newer titles.
  6. Support transparency by companies publishing key sources.

Stay informed, shop smartly, and enjoy expanding your library at discounted rates!

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