Where does Varre go after killing Mohg?

As an avid Tarnished gaming Varre‘s intriguing questline, I‘m often asked: "What happens after slaying Mohg without finishing Varre‘s requests first?" From my hours upon hours spent in the Lands Between, I‘ve uncovered what fate befalls the mysterious Varre should you take down Mohg prematurely. Read on for essential guidance should you wish Varre accompanies you further amidst your journey.

Varre Vanishes Completely Post Mohg‘s Death

I cannot stress this enough, Ashen Ones: Slaying Mohg, Lord of Blood before concluding White-Faced Varre‘s questline will instantly erase Varre from your game. Despite my tireless efforts scouring all of Liurnia thereafter, Varre disappeared completely with no signs of returning.

Unlike other Elden Ring NPCs you can revive post-death at the Church of Vows, killing Mohg outright removes any possibility of Varre respawning. So for those keen on obtaining Varre‘s coveted White Mask or additional rewards, steer clear of the Mohgwyn Palace until his requests are fully met!

Uncovering Varre‘s Backstory and Mohg Connections

A pivotal question arises: Why does butchering Mohg inexplicably eliminate Varre from the lands between? The answer lies rooted in decoding Varre and Mohg‘s intrinsic backgrounds. Mohg and his palace located in the subterranean rivers beneath the Lands Between retain ironclad links to the enigmatic Varre.

Varre‘s Mysterious Origins

Varre directly pledges loyalty to the Mohgwyn Dynasty and their profane Lord of Blood. Though Varre‘s origins remain largely shrouded in secrecy, item descriptions label him the dynasty‘s most esteemed finger maiden. His ceremonial White Mask represents further evidence of Varre‘s venerable status amongst Mohg‘s cloistered faithful.

Uncovering Mohg‘s Perverse Ambitions

As for Mohg, this demented demigod fosters grand aspirations of attaining godhood through forbidden blood rites utilizing Miquella‘s divine essence. By slaughtering Mohg prematurely, you demolish any hope of the Mohgwyn Dynasty advancing these unholy aims. Bereft of his lord, Varre thus loses all purpose and vanishes into obscurity.

Implications of Absenting Varre‘s Questline

Beyond Varre disappearing, prematurely murdering Mohg bears critical consequences regarding quest progression and rewards collection. Be warned, Tarnished: leaving Varre‘s tasks unfinished denies a wealth of potent armaments and upgrades!

Key Items Lost

Vanquishing Mohg early forfeits opportunities to gain Varre‘s exalted White Mask, granting immense damage buffs to blood loss builds. The Lord of Blood‘s Remembrance, unlocking his formidable weaponry, also remains unclaimed. For completionists like myself, such misses sting harshly!

White MaskBoosts attack power of blood loss builds by 10% for 20 seconds
Lord of Blood‘s RemembranceTrade to acquire Mohg‘s cursed weapons/spells

Comparisons to Other NPC Quests

Compare Varre‘s quest to ones like Ranni the Witch‘s: killing her boss Rennala too early blocks crucial progression, yet Ranni still lingers to provide guidance. Varre conversely can never be interacted with again if Mohg dies prematurely! Tread carefully when deciding boss order, lest key NPCs risk permanentremoval!

Recommended Steps to Keep Varre Alive

For those committed to completing Varre‘s long questline, I recommend careful steps ensuring Varre remains alive for utmost reward collection:

  1. Finish Varre‘s initial requests to reach the Rose Church and gain the Bloodfingers
  2. Invasion successful, use earned rune items to meet Mohg/gain Palace access
  3. Defeat Mohg only AFTER looting the White Mask from his domain!
  4. With Varre‘s key gear obtained, only then kill Mohg for his Great Rune

Adhering to these ordered steps throughout Varre‘s winding quest prevents his premature despawning. Only by exercising patience can Mohg and Varre both be slain at the opportune moments!

Theorizing Varre‘s Whereabouts Post Mohg‘s Death

Despite the enduring mystery of Varre‘s background, theorists like myself still ponder where Varre possibly goes once Mohg perishes. Perhaps with his lord expired and the Mohgwyn Dynasty left in ruins, Varre exiled himself from the Lands Between in aimless wandering.

Maybe Varre retreated from shame once his dynasty crashed down, or even perhaps sought a new lord to pledge fealty towards. With FromSoft‘s lore eternally ambiguous, the imagination runs wild! I for one hope Varre one day resurfaces having found new purpose.

In Closing: Varre Requires Careful Handling!

While desperately seeking Great Runes against Elden Ring‘s demigods, Varre and Mohg demand extraordinarily cautious handling during their intertwined quests. Preserve Varre as long as possible for maximum rewards reaping, only pivoting to crush Mohg once Varre‘s trinkets are secured!

I hope this comprehensive expert breakdown helps ensure no Tarnished repeats my heartbreaking Varre mistake! Please sound off with any other guidance requests, and may your quest to become Elden Lord remain fruitful!

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