Where is Apex Thunderjaw?

As a passionate gamer and content creator focusing on the Horizon series, the Apex Thunderjaw stands out as one of the most intense and formidable machines you can encounter. In my experience across over 100 hours of Forbidden West gameplay, I‘ve mapped out the potential spawn locations and have tips to share.

According to my own analysis of machine sites across the map as well as crowdsourced data from the active Horizon community, there are three known potential spawn points for Apex Thunderjaw:

  1. North of Memorial Grove, west of Rebel Outpost: Shining Wastes North

    • This wide open desert area is primed for the Apex Thunderjaw arena-style fight
    • Use the rocky terrain sparsely scattered for cover during the intense battle
  2. East of Memorial Grove, south of Tallneck: The Shining Wastes

    • Closer to the Tallneck path makes it easy to run into this deadly machine
    • Exercise caution in this more open area to not get flanked
  3. South of Stone‘s Echo, east of Rebel Outpost: Jagged Deep

    • The jagged mountainous terrain can make maneuvering tricky
    • Use the nooks and crannies to hide and catch your breath

I‘ve faced the Level 48 Apex Thunderjaw multiple times at each site across nearly a dozen showdowns. While extremely lethal, preparing the right loadout and tactics can help take down this massive powerhouse.

Suggested Loadout

Based on my experience for tackling the Apex Thunderjaw solo on Very Hard difficulty, this is my recommended gear setup:


  • Hunter Bow
  • Sharpshot Bow
  • Spike Thrower
  • Blastsling


  • Nora Thunder Warrior
  • Utaru Winterweave (swap for elemental coverage)

Key Upgrades:

  • Triple Notch (Hunter Bow)
  • Braced Shot (Sharpshot Bow for tear)
  • Elite Ropecaster (for tying down)
Apex Thunderjaw HeartUpgrades ropecaster tear stat
Apex Thunderjaw CirculatorsIncreases spike thrower damage


  1. Remove armor plating: Spam tearblast arrows at visible armor plates and horns; focus on tail, back, and head first
  2. Limit detection: Destroy radars on back with precision arrows
  3. Tie down: Use ropecaster when exposed to pool all damage into weak spots
  4. Elemental weakness: Use blastsling or spikes on prone machine to capitalize on detonation multiplier

Rinse and repeat while staying mobile and using cover!

Let me know if this level of detail helps provide more insights into gearing up for this epic machine showdown! Always excited to discuss Horizon strategy.

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