Where is Juan‘s weapons Far Cry 6?

As the charismatic leader of Libertad‘s military wing, Juan Cortez serves as Dani Rojas‘ weapons dealer and go-to source for devastating firepower. Juan‘s Arms Dealers offer specialized Resolver weapons that rival Anton Castillo‘s army technology using improvised parts and ingenuity.

This guide will showcase Juan‘s arsenal of elite weaponry and provide expert advice on how to unlock his fastest guns, most powerful rifles, and spectacular explosives.

How to Unlock Juan‘s Weapons

Juan‘s weapons can be purchased from Juan‘s Arms Dealers that set up shop in captured FND bases across Yara‘s regions. The weapons they offer will increase in rank and variety as you increase your own Guerrilla Rank.

Alternatively, weapons can also be bought from the Guerrilla Garrison, a Libertad shop available in camps.

To acquire the more advanced weapons, you‘ll need to collect depleted uranium from anti-aircraft sites guarded by the FND. Bring depleted uranium to one of Juan‘s gun shops and trade it to purchase weapons. The rarer the gun, the more depleted uranium it will cost:

Weapon GradeDepleted Uranium Cost
Rank 1100 uranium
Rank 2200 uranium
Rank 3300 uranium
Rank 4400 uranium
Rank 5500 uranium

As you explore Yara and gain experience taking on the FND, your own Guerrilla Rank will increase. This in turn will unlock new stock at Juan‘s arms dealers, so check back regularly!

Locations of Juan‘s Arms Dealers

Juan‘s Arms Dealers can be found across Yara‘s regions wherever Dani helps Libertad capture an FND base. Each region has multiple potential sites for Juan‘s traveling weapons dealership to set up:

RegionPotential Arms Dealer Sites
MadrugadaSegunda Torre base, FND Cocal Pump Station, Costa Del Mar
Valle De OroAguas Lindas base, Quarry Extractor Site 07
El EsteFND Carrier, FND Radio Security base

To discover their current location, open your map and look for the arms dealer icon:

This makes it easy to fast travel to Juan‘s makeshift gun shops whenever you‘ve collected enough depleted uranium for your next epic weapon unlock!

Juan‘s Best Weapons Showcase

The following showcase highlights some of the most impressive Resolver weapons available from Juan‘s elite arsenal as you rank up:

La Varita (Rank 1)

This rifle lets you shoot through walls to tag enemies in stealth. Equip armor-piercing rounds to take out targets without compromising your position.

El Tirano (Rank 3)

A high-caliber sniper rifle packing serious stopping power. It can one-shot helicopters, vehicles, and most enemies with ease.

La Clavadora (Rank 3)

This lethal crossbow has explosive-tipped bolts that pierce multiple enemies. Quiet yet devastating.

Duarte‘s Signature Service Shotgun (Rank 4)

Upgraded to surpass an FND Officer‘s weapon, it sets enemies ablaze so you can watch them burn.

El Poeta (Rank 5)

Transform this makeshift rifle into a minigun with its blazing rate of fire. Mow down groups of enemies quickly.

And there are many more unique and powerful options to suit your playstyle. Visit Juan‘s shops often to view newly unlocked weapons!

Juan‘s Special Unlocks

Aside from his arsenal of conventional firearms with a unique twist, Juan also provides access to Supremos (special backpacks), Amigos (animal companions), and other exclusive resolver items:

  • Furioso: Supremo that supercharges weapons for bonus damage (Rank 2)
  • Oluso: Amigo panther for silent takedowns on enemies (Rank 3)
  • El Muro: Mounted turret to unleash a stream of bullets (Rank 4)

Combine Juan‘s weapons with these items for even more creative ways to topple Anton‘s regime in Yara!

With an ever-expanding stockpile of firearms, launchers, and explosives, Juan Cortez is your one-stop source for bringing creative destruction to the forces of Libertad. His network of arms dealers across Yara offer the perfect destination for depleted uranium, where your efforts will be rewarded with mighty Resolver weapons.

Check back as you rank up for the full breadth of Juan‘s impressive arsenal in Far Cry 6!

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