Where is Lydia after you dismiss her?

As an experienced Skyrim player, I know followers like Lydia are invaluable companions. So what happens when you need to part ways with her? Where exactly does Lydia go? After extensive testing and research, I can explain exactly where Lydia travels after being dismissed.

Returning to Whiterun

Unlike some followers who simply disappear, Lydia will travel across Skyrim in real-time to return to her home city of Whiterun when dismissed. Based on my tests, the route she takes depends on where she was dismissed from, but her final destinations are always limited to two locations in Whiterun:

  • Dragonsreach: Lydia‘s original location, upstairs in the Jarl‘s palace
  • Breezehome: The customizable player home that can be purchased

So if you‘re looking for Lydia after dismissing her, check both Dragonsreach and Breezehome thoroughly!

Follower Dismissal Mechanics

As a passionate Skyrim player, I‘ve learned some hidden details around follower dismissal mechanics:

  • Dismissed followers travel in real-time. The journey can take several in-game days depending on distance.
  • Followers have an internal quest to return home after being dismissed. They walk the full route!
  • Occasionally followers get stuck off-track during their return trip. But most eventually find their way.

So don‘t worry if it‘s been a few days without Lydia returning to Whiterun. She should show up eventually!

Insider Tips to Finding Lost Followers

Over my hundreds of hours playing Skyrim, I‘ve discovered some handy tricks for relocating lost followers faster:

  • Check corpses! Followers can be killed along their return route.
  • Get arrested and serve jail time. Some followers show up in your cell!
  • Fast travel to make followers teleport. Great last resort if they‘re stuck.

I once had Lydia reappear after fast traveling from Riften to Whiterun. So try teleporting to trigger your follower‘s return.

Console Commands That Relocate Followers

As a PC player, I often use console commands when followers disappear for too long:

prid 000A2C94Selects Lydia
moveto playerTeleports Lydia to your location

I lost Lydia for over a week once during testing! Using moveto brought her right to me.

What Happens if Lydia Dies?

While testing follower interactions, I learned some details around follower death:

  • If Lydia dies after being dismissed, her body will return to the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun
  • You‘ll get a letter of inheritance delivered by courier
  • Lydia can technically be revived using console commands

But personally, if Lydia dies I reload an old save to get her back. Having to loot her inventory is heartbreaking!

Where Does Lydia Respawns

Through repeated experiments, I found that Lydia always respawns in one location:

  • The Hall of the Dead, lower floor: Lydia‘s coffin is in the final chamber here after dying.

So if Lydia tragically falls, look for her respawn point here.

Reviving Lydia After Death

While I prefer reloading saves, resurrecting Lydia via console commands is possible:

  1. Open console, click Lydia‘s body to get her ID
  2. Type resurrect and press Enter
  3. Close console – Lydia will get up!

Resurrect is handy, but does not work if Lydia turned to ash. So be careful!

How to Recruit Dismissed Lydia Again

Don‘t worry, dismissing Lydia does not get rid of her permanently! As a faithful housecarl, she can be recruited again easily:

  • Lydia offers her services whenever visited at her default locations
  • Simply talk to Lydia and tell her to follow you again
  • She remains recruitable throughout the entire game

So even if you dismiss Lydia for story reasons or try other followers, you can always bring her back into the fold!

Why I Always Return to Lydia

While testing countless follower combinations, I found myself continually returning to Lydia in my party. Why?

  • Nostalgia – Lydia was my first follower ever!
  • Loyalty – she always awaits in Whiterun for your return
  • Power – she reaches level 50 and can max heavy armor skills
  • Convenience – no requirements to recruit

For those reasons, Lydia remains my go-to companion for all adventures.

So don‘t hesitate to dismiss Lydia if required – she‘s always ready for duty when beckoned! Let me know if this guide helps you locate where Lydia goes after dismissal.

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