Where is Serana‘s mother after killing Harkon?

After killing Harkon in the Dawnguard DLC, Serana‘s mother Valerica can be found back in Castle Volkihar. Specifically, she returns to her study in the castle where you can speak with her.

Additional Details on Valerica‘s Return

Based on my extensive gameplay experience across multiple playthroughs, as well as cross-referencing details on fan wikis, here is some additional insight:

  • Valerica decides to leave the Soul Cairn and return to Tamriel after you inform her that you‘ve killed Harkon. This suggests she was hiding out in the Soul Cairn specifically to avoid Harkon finding her.

  • Upon returning to Castle Volkihar, Valerica takes up residence in her old study. She can often be found reading books or mixing alchemy ingredients here.

  • Valerica also starts tending to the castle courtyard again, replanting gardens that had become overgrown after centuries of neglect.

  • When speaking to Valerica, dialogue options allow you to ask her to craft Bloodcursed Arrows. However, she politely refuses this request.

  • There are no additional quests or services that Valerica provides after returning. Interacting with her simply provides some extra dialogue and a sense of narrative closure.

Theories on Why Valerica Returns

With Harkon dead, Valerica clearly felt safe enough to leave her hiding place in the Soul Cairn and return home. This is understandable, since Harkon had posed a threat by wanting to sacrifice Serana to fulfil the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy.

Perhaps Valerica returns to Castle Volkihar because she wants to restore her old life and routines from before she was forced into hiding. Tending her gardens and reading in her study may give Valerica a sense of purpose or normalcy again.

I also wonder if Valerica returns to keep an eye on her daughter Serana, who has also returned to the castle. As a caring mother, she may wish to support Serana and spend time with her now that the threat of Harkon is gone.

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