The Apex Stormbird – Locations and Battle Tactics

Fellow gamers, if you‘ve been searching for the apex stormbird‘s location look no further! In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll reveal everything you need to know to track down and defeat this formidable flying foe.

Pinpointing the Apex Stormbird

The apex stormbird, an even deadlier variant of the standard stormbird, has two potential spawn points across the map.

The first location is in the mountains west of Memorial Grove, just north of the Raintrace North Rebel Camp. This stormbird is often accompanied by a dreadwing for a doubly chaotic clash.

The second spawn point is in the ruins of San Francisco, patrolling the skies near the Golden Gate Bridge to the northwest of Legacy‘s Landfall. You‘ll need to progress through the story until after completing the Faro‘s Tomb mission to access this area.

[Insert image map with exact apex stormbird locations marked]

Now that you know where to find them, let‘s get into the good stuff: step-by-step strategies for facing the apex stormbird head on and claiming victory!

Gearing Up for the Fight

Before initiating an apex stormbird confrontation, ensure you gear up properly to even the playing field.

Based on my experience from many stormbird battles, I highly recommended equipping the Nora Thunder Warrior armor upgraded to maximum level. With its high resistance to shock attacks, this armor can easily make the difference between success and failure.

For weapons, the key is tearing off the apex stormbird‘s components as quickly as possible. Bring lots of tearblast arrows for your sharpshot bow – I‘d recommend having at least 100 on hand combined with maximum tear coil mods. The death-seeking hunter bow can also be extremely useful.

With the right prep, you‘ll be ready to face your apex adversary!

Phase 1: Ground and Pound

Once engaged, the apex stormbird will initially circle menacingly above you. Use this opportunity to pepper its armor with tearblast shots, concentrating on heavy weapons like the storm cannon.

Stock up on concentration boosts! Slowing down time with concentration mode lets you land more precise tearblast arrows.

If you can remove the storm cannon and radars, the apex stormbird will have no choice but to land and face you directly. The second it touches down, switch to precision arrows and aim for that yellow chest core! This is the perfect time for big damage.

Phase 2: Evading and Escaping

Eventually the angry apex stormbird will take back to the air. When this happens, switch strategies to hit-and-run.

Equip the blastsling loaded with sticky bombs and find cover in the surrounding ruins. As the apex stormbird strafes your position, lean out and lob bombs at its underside whenever you get an opening. These will explode over time for steady damage.

Use the apex stormbird‘s attacks against it – the shock bursts from its storm cannon can deal heavy damage, but they also reveal the apex stormbird‘s location. Dodge behind cover then pop back out to tear off more weapons when it pauses to recharge.

Phase 3: Parting Shots

As the apex stormbird‘s health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive. This is when the fun really starts!

At close range, I‘ve found the improved stormslinger one of the most brutally effective weapons. The rapid-fire lightning tears through apex stormbird armor plating. Just be prepared to evade like crazy!

Once your foe is low on health, swap back to your trusty tearblast sharpshot bow. Focus on bringing down the apex stormbird for the final blow!

With flawless execution, you‘ll be ready to harvest apex stormbird parts galore and craft that exclusive legendary gear. Want to tackle it again with friends? Use the strategies above to guide your squad to swift success.

Let me know if this helps you take down apex stormbirds more easily! What other dangerous machines would you like battle tactics for? I live for this stuff. Stay tuned fellow gamers…

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