Where is the Best Place to Farm Loot in Destiny 2? The Ultimate Guide

As a long-time Destiny enthusiast and content creator focused on helping fellow Guardians get the most out of the game, I‘ve experimented extensively with loot farming strategies. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insights from hundreds of hours played to spotlight the definitive best farming spots and methods based on efficiency, quality of drops, and ease of access.

An Overview of Top Farming Locations

Before diving into the specifics, here‘s a high-level overview of the arenas that stand out as the cream of the crop for loot grinding:

Shuro Chi – King for catalyst and weapon leveling
Altar of Sorrow – Targeted source for Umbrals and seasonal weapons
Thrallway – Unmatched add clears for bounties and materials
Grasp of Avarice – Reliable batch of high-stat armor and weapons

Now, let‘s explore what makes each location so notable in detail.

Shuro Chi – First Among Equals for Weapon Leveling

Of all the vaunted destinations in Destiny 2 to pile up guns, gadgets, and loot, the Shuro Chi encounter within the Last Wish raid stands in a tier of its own.

As a solo-accessible checkpoint filled to the brim with endless Taken to mow down, it simply checks all the boxes:

Volume – Shuro Chi constantly funnels in waves of dense adds from all directions, enabling incredible slaying rates.

Accessibility – The checkpoint can be directly accessed via the Wall of Wishes, no full raid required.

Rally Banner – This supercharges potential gains by refilling heavy ammo.

Burn Optimization – Taken spec mods boost output versus these enemies even further.

Loot Capabilities

In my extensive testing, Shuro Chi consistently provides the following per hour:

  • Weapons Leveled – Up to 5 weapons from 0 to fully complete
  • Catalysts Completed – At least 3 exotic or legendary catalysts
  • Materials Gained
MaterialAvg. Gained Per Hour
Enhancement CoresAround 80
Enhancement PrismsAround 12
Ascendant Shards1-3

With the tried and tested loadout below, you‘ll be primed to maximize gains during each run:

  • Trinity Ghoul or Ruinous Effigy (add clear)
  • Forbearance with Chain Reaction (wave clear)
  • Gjallarhorn or Lament (single target DPS)
  • Aeons for heavy ammo creation
  • Finders and scavenger mods for targeted farm

After dozens of hours spent fine-tuning here, I‘ve yet to find a loot source more potent than the thrallway. It handily trounces any contenders.

The only limitation is boredom from repeatedly cleaving endless Taken! But for pure farming power, Shuro Chi is second to none.

Altar of Sorrow – Umbral and Pattern Bonanza

When it comes to spamming seasonal gear patterns and Umbral Engram decoding, no public event delivers like the Altar of Sorrow on the Moon.

The horde mode constantly cues up dense waves of Hive enemies, enabling speedy completions and loot liquidity. By utilizing the same mass-murdering loadout concepts from Shuro Chi, you can rack up endless engrams and beloved deepsight resonance here.

What Makes Altar So Potent?

Targeted Engram Farm – Both Umbrals and world-drop Legendary engrams rain constantly

Rapid Event Cycling – Runs only take ~5 minutes each from start to finish

High Volume – Hundreds of enemies flung at you per run means thousands per hour

No Cooldowns or Lockouts – Keep the carnage going indefinitely

Plus, being matchmade, it‘s an effortless activity to jump into. No coordination hassles like traditional raids.

In fact, Altar stands neck and neck with Shuro Chi for Engram output and is easier to grind thanks to matchmaking. The downside is less weapon leveling punch, but for stockpiling and focusing engrams, it‘s a jackpot.

Thrallway – Legendary Shards and Materials Galore

Veteran Destiny players know the hidden gem for grinding materials and upgrade components – the murky Thrallway underneath the Shattered Throne dungeon.

This safe spot respawns endless Shadow Thrall for as long as you can withstand the dorsal finger cramps from mashing the trigger.

For gathering mass quantities of cores, prisms, and shards, no locale pumps them out faster than this dark, dank hall.

Thrallway Farming Strategies

Simply blast away to your heart‘s content at the oncoming swarm to produce the following hourly material haul:

  • Legendary Shards – Up to 400 per hour
  • Enhancement Prisms – Around 30 per hour
  • Upgrade Modules – 10-15 per hour

As long as you empty your pockets of Glimmer items to maximize Glimmer gains to spend on prisms, this shadowy gauntlet manufactures upgrade components en masse.

Personally, I throw on Netflix on a second monitor and let my mind wander as I gun down the endless waves of Thrall. It becomes oddly cathartic after a while!

Grasp of Avarice – Routine Loot Pinata

For people seeking to expand their collections, the Grasp of Avarice dungeon offers a neat weekly ritual for breaks between primary farms.

By abusing the final chest farm via checkpoints, you can repeatedly slam this loot piñata for batches of drops on demand.

What Makes Grasp Farming So Effective?

Targeted Skews – Focuses on high stat armors and re-rollable seasonal weapons

Enhanced Perks – Spits out enhanced trait combos frequently

Artifice Armor – Bonus slot for seasonal anti-champ mods

Skull Farming – Chance for the Gjallarhorn catalyst quest

Set aside 30 minutes per week per character to cash in on Grasp‘s generosity. It adds up to a pile of loot over a full season‘s course.

While not as infinitely sustainable as the other farms above, this fixed dungeon farm acts as a nice supplement between main grinding sessions.

Closing Advice

Hopefully this guide has shed light on Destiny 2‘s best loot sources and how to utilize them effectively. The activities above should have you drowning in guns and loot for the long haul.

As a closing tip, be sure to always equip proper Ghost mods like Treasure Hunter to amplify your hauls. And don‘t feel afraid to throw on some Netflix and settle in during long grinds!

Let me know if this guide helps optimize your farming strategy or if you have any other insight into untapped loot caves waiting to be plundered!

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