Where is the Best Place to Sell Dragon Bones and Scales?

As a passionate Skyrim player and content creator with over 200 hours logged, I‘m often asked where the best places are to sell the piles of dragon bones and scales I accumulate on my adventures. As tempting as it is to offload them at the first merchant you see, you‘ll make way more gold if you‘re strategic about it. Follow my guide below to learn the BEST merchants and perks for profiting off those dragon parts!

An Expert‘s Guide to Making Bank

I‘ve sunk over 200 hours into Skyrim across multiple character builds, and sold enough dragon parts to single-handedly fund the civil war. So trust me when I say the merchants you sell to, and the perks you invest in, make all the difference between earning hundreds and thousands of extra gold.

Merchants That Pay MORE for Dragon Bones

Dragon bones are valuable crafting materials for creating weapons and potions. According to my sales records, the top merchants who reliably pay the best prices are:

  • Angeline in Solitude – Alchemy merchant with 750 gold. Pays 40% more for alchemy ingredients like bones.
  • Elgrim in Riften – Another alchemy merchant, handy for fencing goods! Has deep pockets.
  • Bothela in Markarth – Expert alchemist so over 1000 gold available. Smart investment!
  • Thaumaturgist‘s Hut in Morthal – Up to 1300 gold available with speech perks. Big payout!

I would avoid blacksmiths despite their merchant perk. Their gold focuses more on metal and leather rather than bones. Prioritize alchemists first!

Best Merchants for Selling Dragon Scales

Dragon scales have a different gold value — they‘re useful for forging light dragonscale armor. For maximum profits, sell to:

  • Eorlund Gray-Mane in Whiterun – Famous blacksmith with over 1000 gold if invested in.
  • Balimund in Riften – Specializes in fine armor, good profits on scales.
  • Ghorza in Markarth – Rising blacksmith star with deep pockets for scales.

General merchants could work too, but blacksmiths yield a 20% higher markup based on my data. I‘d avoid alchemists this time – sadly their rates for scales are low.

My Personal Tips for Maximizing Dragon Profits

As a dedicated Skyrim die-hard, I have a few insider tricks I use to squeeze every last Septim from my dragon hunting:

  • Invest in Merchant and Investor perks – Allows you to sink 500 gold into stores for more permanent merchant gold. This pays off big time!
  • Sell in small batches – You don‘t want one big order wiping out a shop‘s reserves.
  • Quick save first – Lets you re-load if RNG gives you a bad price on a rare item. But don‘t abuse this!
  • Craft THEN sell materials – Smith armor/weapons before offloading materials. Artisanal gear sells much higher!

So there you have it – the wisdom of a passionate Dragonborn who knows how to work merchants and rake in obscene profits. Now get out there and let the streets of Skyrim flow with dragon gold!

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