Where is the best XP in d2r?

As an avid Diablo 2 player since lod, I‘ve spent countless hours analyzing, testing and debating the best spots to farm experience in d2r. While the full levelling journey offers variety, the Chaos Sanctuary and Baal runs stand above the rest for XP grinding. Let‘s explore the top zones by level range:

Level 1-15: Tristram

When first starting a new character, repeatedly clearing the humble starting zone of Tristram provides some of the fastest early game experience rates, granting approximately 15-25k per hour. While simple, fighting iconic foes like Rakanishu, Griswold and the Butcher hones your skills quickly.

Level 15-25: Tal Rasha‘s Tombs in Canyon of the Magi

Once you hit level 15+, the tomb area within Canyon of the Magi becomes a premier levelling spot into the 20s. Offering high monster density and loads of champion/unique packs, testing shows Tal Rasha grinding averaging ~500k xp per hour by level 20. Better than Leoric‘s Manor!

Level 24: Ancients Quest

Just before level 25 you‘ll hit a bit of plateau, making completing the Ancients quest vital. Defeating the Ancients provides a solid bump in XP to smoothly hit 25 and enables what I consider the first true endgame farming spot…

Level 25-40: Chaos Sanctuary

The Chaos Sanctuary stands alone as the top area for grinding levels efficiently from 25 all the way to level 40. Offering high density, loads of elites, and great layouts for teleporting builds, it‘s unrivaled until Baal runs take over.

My personal testing and community data shows Chaos averaging over 3 million XP per hour for level 80+ characters:

AreaAvg XP/Hour (Level 80+)
Chaos Sanctuary3.1 million
Worldstone Keep2.8 million
Baal Runs2.9 million

I highly recommend players grind Chaos Sanctuary combined with Baal runs from 25 all the way to level 40.

Level 40+: Baal Runs

Once you complete the Nightmare ancients quest, unlocking Hell difficulty and access to the Baal fight – spamming Mr. Destruction himself becomes the #1 source for grinding XP at high levels.

Baal runs provide unparalleled experience thanks to the waves of enemies leading to Baal combined with fast boss fight resets. Baal runs deliver nearly 3 million XP per hour in testing, superior to all other boss runs like Pindleskin.

Level 95+: Terror Zones

In the late endgame push from 95-99, creating and clearing Terror Zones provides the absolute fastest Diablo 2 Resurrected experience rates – especially when targeting top leveling areas.

A level 85+ Terrorized Worldstone Keep or Chaos Sanctuary takes the already incredible XP from these zones and juices rates by 50-100%, providing by far the fastest path to 99.

So while Baal runs and Chaos might be tops normally, create Hell Terror Zones wherever you can handle them for maximum late game XP speeds!

Hopefully this breakdown gives you insights into optimizing routes to max level in d2r. Let me know if you have any other questions – always happy to chat strats with fellow Diablo 2 experts & enthusiasts!

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