Where Are the Ronald McDonald Houses Located in 2024? The Complete Guide

As a leading charity providing temporary housing for families of seriously ill children, Ronald McDonald House locations can be found across major children‘s hospitals globally. With over 400 Ronald McDonald Houses and Family Rooms worldwide as of 2023, this guide covers everything you need to know about where to access these vital services.

Explosive Growth of Ronald McDonald Houses

Since the first Ronald McDonald House opened in 1974 in Philadelphia, these supportive homes-away-from-home have exploded in popularity:

  • Currently over 400 Houses & Rooms globally, up from 385 in 2022
  • Available in 70 countries worldwide
  • Save families over $1 billion in lodging & meal costs

Ronald McDonald Houses provide all services completely free of charge to families thanks to generous community and corporate donations.

Top 10 Countries with Most Ronald McDonald Houses

CountryNumber of Locations
United States263
United Kingdom15

What Services Do Ronald McDonald Houses Offer?

Ronald McDonald Houses come in all shapes and sizes tailored to community needs, but generally provide:

  • Private bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Shared kitchens, laundry, and entertainment spaces
  • Play areas for children
  • Meals, snacks, and packed lunches

In addition to the houses, Ronald McDonald Family Rooms provide respite spaces inside hospitals for family members. Ronald McDonald Care Mobiles deliver medical and dental care directly to underserved areas.

How Are New Ronald McDonald Houses Chosen?

When a children’s hospital identifies serious lodging needs for families traveling to their facility, they can apply to open a Ronald McDonald House. The charity then thoroughly vets each request based on:

  • Numbers of families needing services
  • Available space on or near hospital grounds
  • Evidence of community support

If selected, Ronald McDonald House Charities provides initial funding and guidance in constructing, staffing, and operating each new house.

Global Growth Outlook

With children’s hospitals expanding worldwide, Ronald McDonald House Charities has aggressive plans to meet demand by increasing international presence. Some upcoming openings and growth areas include:

  • China – Exploring opening the 6th house in 2024
  • India – Currently no locations but high priority for growth
  • Middle East – Just opened first house in Israel in 2022
  • Africa – Launched multi-year expansion into continent

Requiring $25+ million for construction, new Ronald McDonald Houses rely on generous corporate, community, and individual donors to keep services free for all families.

The First Ronald McDonald House & Founders

The pioneering founders noticed families sleeping in hospital waiting rooms due to lack of affordable lodging options. Pediatrician Dr. Audrey Evans joined with Philadelphia Eagles NFL team members Fred Hill and Jim Murray to raise funds to purchase and convert a run-down house near Philadelphia Children’s Hospital into the first Ronald McDonald House.

This humble start in 1974 launched a movement that has since provided over 5 million overnight stays to families in need.

McDonald‘s & Corporate Support

While completely independent as a non-profit charity, Ronald McDonald House Charities shares a name and close relationship with McDonald’s fast food restaurants. As the charity’s longest-standing and largest corporate supporter, McDonald’s has contributed over $100 million to construct new houses globally.

In addition, many Ronald McDonald Houses receive support from other businesses, community groups, individuals, and fundraising events in their areas. This allows all lodging services to remain completely free of charge for eligible families.

Conclusion: Ronald McDonald Houses Offer Vital Support

For over 50 years, Ronald McDonald Houses have delivered priceless support, comfort, and community to families during difficult medical journeys. With continued expansion meeting demand, finding one of these unique homes-away-from-home close to top children’s hospitals is easier than ever.

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