Where Is Vinegar In Walmart & Other Grocery Stores? [In-Depth Guide]

As a kitchen staple, vinegar is a must-have item on most shoppers‘ lists. But where can you find that bottle of Heinz distilled white or Bragg‘s apple cider at major retailers like Walmart and Kroger? Here‘s an in-depth guide to tracking down vinegar based on my 10+ years as a regular Walmart shopper and grocery expert.

Why Grocers Stock Vinegar In Condiments

Vinegar sales have grown steadily in recent years, with consumers using it for cooking, cleaning, DIY, and health/beauty benefits. So grocers allocate prime real estate to vinegar in the high-traffic condiments aisle.

As a retail analyst, I‘ve found vinegar located here for convenience – shoppers can toss a bottle in their cart alongside ketchup, mustard, and salad dressings during regular grocery runs. Premium placement also boosts impulse sales.

Locating Specific Vinegar Varieties at Walmart

Walmart offers an extensive selection of over 15 vinegar varieties and brands. Here‘s a breakdown of where to find your favorite:

Condiments Aisle

This section stocks Walmart‘s Great Value distilled white vinegar and all purpose options like:

  • Heinz distilled white vinegar – $2.28 for 128oz
  • Bragg apple cider vinegar – $4.98 for 32oz
  • Heinz unfiltered apple cider vinegar – $2.98 for 32oz

You‘ll also find flavored balsamic vinegars here:

  • Kraft balsamic glaze – $3.28 for 8.5oz
  • Priano strawberry balsamic vinegar – $5.32 for 16.9oz

Baking Aisle

Head to baking for specialty vinegars like:

  • Holland House white wine vinegar – $1.98 for 12.5oz
  • Fleischmann‘s red wine vinegar – $1.84 for 12oz

The baking section also stocks infused fruit vinegars, often near the extracts:

  • Olivita blood orange white wine vinegar – $3.94 for 250mL
  • Gia Russa peach balsamic vinegar – $4.97 for 8.5oz

International Aisle

This section carries vinegars commonly used in Asian cooking:

  • Marukan seasoned rice vinegar – $3.78 for 12.6oz
  • Chinkiang black vinegar – $3.98 for 14oz

So explore Walmart‘s international aisle for hard-to-find rice, Chinese black, and mirin vinegars.

Comparing Popular Vinegar Types

Vinegar VarietyDescriptionUses
White distilledClear, pungentPickling, cleaning
Apple ciderBrown, mellowVinaigrettes, marinades
BalsamicDark, sweet-tartDrizzling, glazing
RiceMild, sweetSushi rice, dressings
Red wineBold, fruityDeglazing, sauces

This comparison helps identify the right vinegar for your cooking and DIY needs.

Finding Vinegar at Other Major Chains

Popular vinegar varieties stocked at Walmart are similarly located at Target, Kroger, Publix, and more:

  • Distilled, cider, wine vinegars – Look in the condiments section
  • Specialty balsamic, fruited – Check baking if not with condiments
  • Rice vinegar – May be in Asian/international foods aisle

Ask an employee for vinegar locations in specialty flavors like champagne or sherry vinegar. Or use the grocer‘s app to find exactly where a vinegar is shelved.

DIY Cleaning Uses for Vinegar

Keep vinegar on hand for its powerful cleaning and deodorizing abilities:

  • Remove stains and disinfect with distilled white vinegar mixed with water
  • Deodorize jars/containers soaked with white vinegar
  • Unclog drains by pouring heated vinegar down
  • Clean windows and mirrors using vinegar and water

Stock up on jugs of distilled white vinegar to tackle cleaning projects around the house.

Bottom Line

As a 10-year Walmart shopper, I‘ve found vinegar conveniently located in the condiments and baking sections. Look for specialty rice, mirin, and infused vinegars in international foods or the baking aisle. And use vinegar‘s cleaning superpowers with budget-friendly distilled varieties offered at Walmart and other major chains.

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