Fjordur Has the Widest Variety of Exclusive Dinosaurs

As an avid ARK player with over 2,000 hours played, I analyze every new creature addition closely. And so far, the Fjordur expansion has introduced the highest number and variety of unique dinosaurs not found on other maps. From giant bats to woolly water wyverns, Fjordur adds an incredibly diverse range of new creatures.

Overview of Fjordur‘s Distinctive Dinosaurs

Fjordur‘s lineup of exclusive dinos includes:

  • Andrewsarchus – A large mammalian predator well-suited to the Nordic terrain
  • Fjordhawk – A handy shoulder pet that boosts stamina
  • Desmodus – A ridable giant bat with vampire abilities
  • Ventosaurus – An icy underwater wyvern adept at deep sea hunting

Alongside various other mammals like jerboas, oviraptors, and penguins unique to the icy environment.

This gives Fjordur a total of 9 new distinct creatures – more than any previous expansion map. And they all complement the Nordic wilderness perfectly with useful abilities. The Desmodus and Andrewsarchus enhance land traversal, while the Ventosaurus dominates the seas.

Unique Dinos Introduced on Other Maps

For comparison, let‘s analyze the exclusive dinosaurs added in other major expansion maps:

Ragnarok‘s Distinctive Creatures

  • Ice Wyverns – Frigid relatives of poison and lightning wyverns
  • Griffins – Majestic flyers adept at aerial combat
  • Dire Polar Bears – Aggressive bears with distinct adaptations

Total: 3 major unique dinos

Valguero‘s Exclusive Creatures

  • Deinonychus – The only map with these raptor-like pack hunters

Total: 1 major unique dino

Lost Island‘s Distinct Species

  • Dinopithecus – Giant ape that inhabits the Redwoods
  • Sinomacrops – Gliding mammal useful as a shoulder pet

Total: 2 major unique dinos

As we can see, Fjordur adds over 3x as many distinct new creatures compared to maps like Ragnarok and Lost Island. No other expansion has come close to this level of diversity and volume.

Advantages of Fjordur‘s Varied Collection of Dinosaurs

The advantage of Fjordur‘s broad selection of unique dinos is it:

  • Complements the environment – Cold-climate dinos suit the Nordic terrain
  • Enhances gameplay variety – More unique tames and battle strategies
  • Incentivizes exploration – Discovering new species across the large map

Ragnarok and Lost Island contribute great new creatures too. But Fjordur simply adds a wider diversity with more total unique species. Combined with the icy biomes and Viking-inspired setting, this creates the most distinct menagerie in ARK so far.

While ARK veterans may have their personal favorite maps, looking objectively at unique creatures introduced:

Fjordur wins with over 9 completely new dinos that expand diversity and gameplay possibilities. No other expansion has come remotely close in terms of adding brand new species.

The Desmodus, Andrewsarchus, Ventosaurus, and other Fjordur additions bring excitingfresh mechanics for long-time survivors. And the quantity allows players to find new favorites from this eclectic Nordic roster.

So for any ARK players and enthusiasts prioritizing new dinosaurs – Fjordur should be on the top of your list to tame previously unseen species!

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on Fjordur‘s unique creature expansions compared to other maps. And if you have any requests for specific dino overviews, I‘d be happy to analyze them in a future post!

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