Which Arkham Game Has the Longest Story? A Deep Dive for Fellow Gamers

As a passionate gamer and content creator who loves the Arkham series, I often get asked which game has the longest story gameplay. After digging into the data and community perspectives, Arkham Knight stands out for having the most extensive narrative campaign.

Arkham Knight‘s Sprawling Gotham Offers 16+ Hours of Story

According to The Gamer, focusing solely on Arkham Knight‘s central storyline takes about 16 hours. That runtime edges out Arkham City‘s main quest at 12.5 hours and Arkham Asylum‘s 10 hour campaign.

Arkham Knight‘s longer runtime stems from sending players out into a massive open world Gotham City, about 5 times bigger than Arkham City‘s sandbox. Alongside main missions, the expanded map offers more side quests and content to uncover.

Breakdown of Story Lengths Across the Series

To compare narrative scope across Rocksteady‘s trilogy, here‘s a breakdown using completion data from HowLongToBeat:

GameMain StoryMain + ExtrasCompletionist
Asylum10 hours16hrs22hrs
Knight16hrs25hrs42 hrs

While not formally tied into the series‘ chronology, Arkham Origins also clocks in with a 13.5 hour main story.

So Arkham Knight stands out as the longest single player Batman experience both for its central narrative and 100% completion times.

My Take: Knight‘s Scope Matches Its Ambition

As someone who has played through the entire series, Arkham Knight felt like the culmination of Rocksteady‘s vision for Batman‘s open world and gameplay.

The expanded map lets players experience Gotham‘s scale, gliding between rooftops and unleashing the Batmobile in street chases. Arkham Knight also innovates with dual playables, letting gamers control Batgirl and Catwoman in specialized missions.

While I‘ve enjoyed every Arkham game, Arkham Knight‘s scope left me feeling like I‘d truly stepped into Batman‘s boots for an extensive adventure. And the story length matches that ambition, capping off the series with a sweeping saga fans won‘t soon forget.

I hope this data dive proves useful for fellow Batman gamers! Let me know in the comments if you have any other Arkham questions. I‘m always happy to chat more with this incredible community.

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