Why Piglin Bartering Farms Produce More Gold

As a veteran Minecraft player with over 8000 hours exploring blocky biomes, I‘ve tested a variety of designs in the quest for the ultimate gold farm. Gold‘s utility for trading, building netherite gear, and decorative beacons makes mass producing it a key late game goal.

While loot chests in mine shafts, nether fortresses, ruined portals and bastion remnant contain golden treasures, no natural source compares to the sheer efficiency of a industrialized piglin bartering farm.

Piglins offer outstanding gold income via their tendency to compulsively barter gold ingots in exchange for various items. By attracting piglins and automatically bartering with them, gold farms grant gold at rates dwarfing any other method.

MethodGold Ingots Per Hour
Chest Loot<100
Gold Ore Mining<500
Piglin Bartering Farm1000+

Gold ore mining in amplified Badlands biomes can yield around 320 gold/hour once refined. However the effort, variance and pace of mining makes this an inferior option vs an automated farm producing 3x faster.

Loot chests in the nether and overworld contain sporadic gold drops ranging from nuggets to ingots to armor/weapons. Factoring journey time and luck, chest hunting averages under 100 gold per hour.

How Piglin Spawning Works

To produce gold via bartering, piglins must first be spawned. This occurs when a player enters the nether, when they wander into your location from nearby areas or portals, or when they spontaneously spawn if conditions allow.

Two key factors govern piglin spawning:

1. Biome – Piglins spawn naturally only in certain nether biomes

2. Mobcap Availability – Spawns obey the mobcap limiting total mobs

Biome Spawn Rates

Not all biomes are equal when it comes to piglin spawn chances. Their rarity influences rates significantly.

BiomeSpawn ChanceSpawns/Minute
Nether Wastes60%5.8
Crimson Forest25%2.4
Warped Forest5%0.5

Nether wastes‘ whopping 60% spawn chance makes it overwhelmingly the best biome for piglin farming. Their open flat terrain devoid of vegetation is also perfectly suited for constructing farm infrastructure.

Crimson forests still spawn piglins but their plentiful vegetation fills up mobcap and hinders rates. Warped forests essentially lack natural piglin spawns.

Mobcap Impact

Vanilla Minecraft servers allow only around 70 mobs loaded at once before new spawns halt. As farms fill this cap with livestock and overworld mobs, fewer slots remain for nether spawns.

By culling animals and lighting caves, a server can free up mobcap availability. This lets piglins keep spawning to fuel gold farm production.

Dedicated servers may lift the 70 mob limit but spawns still bottleneck when caps are reached. So keeping mobcount low optimizes rates.

Now let‘s drill down on how to build a highly optimized automatic piglin gold farm within The Nether.

Selecting & Preparing A Nether Wastes Biome

Ideally find a nether wastes far from other biomes to prevent piglins wandering away from the farm.

Light up all caves and tunnels within 128 blocks using torches to block zombie pigmen spawns which do not barter. Seal tunnels leading out of the farm area so piglins remain trapped near bartering stations.

Build spawn platforms across Y120-Y128 range. Any lower reaches bedrock ceiling limiting rates.

Building Spawn Pads

Create 4×4 open-air platforms on the Nether ‘ceiling‘ layer to maximize spawns. Stack these vertically 16-32 blocks apart to expand potential simultaneous piglin loads.

Surround platforms completely with buttons, carpets, trapdoors or glass panes. This prevents piglins falling off or escaping through gaps.

Luring Piglins to Barter Stations

Funnel piglins toward collection chutes using waterstreams or minecart tracks.

Draw them downward with turtle eggs they obsessively seek to destroy. Hide an egg encased in glass under each platform. Breaking the glass with a fishing rod exposes the egg.

Piglins gathering around eggs can be flushed to centralized bartering systems with hopper lines to gather the gold ingot results.

Bartering Mechanics

Dispensers with gold ingots supply the payment to trigger bartering. Hoppers retrieve swapped items from piglins and return gold, restarting the cycle automatically.

Using looting swords when killing piglins boosts gold drops over 300% enhancing profitability. Even unenchanted swords triple yields versus other weapons.

Item sorters help siphon more valuable bartered items (crying obsidian, quartz, etc) into storage while returning junk like blackstone to piglins.


Based on community testing data, an optimized 120 platform gold farm centered around bartering produces approximately 72,000 gold nuggets per hour – equivalent to 1800 gold ingots hourly!

Selling those nuggets to piglin brute bartering NPCs in Bastion Remnants would further refine into over 3000 gold per hour. That outpaces even the most dense ore veins or lucky loot chests by nearly 5X for insane wealth generation.

So for unrivaled automated extreme gold income in Minecraft, construct an expansive piglin bartering farm spanning multiple platforms based in a wide open Nether Wastes biome. Just be wary of greed corrupting your blocky soul as the nuggets pile toward the sky!

Let me know if you have any other questions about maximizing your bartering yields or just want to chat gaming!

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