Which BioShock Game is the Longest?

Without question, BioShock 2 reigns as the longest game in the critically-acclaimed BioShock series when accounting for all side content and DLC. Prepared to spend up to 23.5 hours fully completing everything Rapture‘s dystopian underwater city has to offer.

Completion Times Across BioShock Games and DLCs

While BioShock 2 stands atop in terms of total volume, let‘s break down estimated completion times across every key BioShock release:

Mainline Titles

GameMain Story LengthCompletionist Length
BioShock Infinite11.5 hours27.5 hours
BioShock 210.5 hours23.5 hours
BioShock12 hours16 hours

DLC Expansions

Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 23.5 hours (Main Story)
Infinite: Clash in the Clouds3 hours (With extras)
Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 12 hours (Main Story)
BioShock 2: Minerva’s Den4 hours (Main Story)
BioShock 2: Protector Trials1 hour (With extras)

What Makes BioShock 2 the Longest Entry?

Vast, Interconnected Levels Encourage Thorough Exploration

Unlike the fairly linear progression of the original BioShock, BioShock 2 opens up into expansive, multi-tiered stages full of side rooms and hidden secrets around every corner. The interconnected nature leads to puzzles and backtracking as you unlock new Plasmid abilities. Simple tasks end up taking longer, yielding a 20+ hour initial playthrough even without tackling every optional objective. Its open-ended design lends itself nicely to replays as well.

More Intricate RPG Elements Lengthen the Experience

There is a stronger emphasis on RPG mechanics in BioShock 2 that bolsters its playtime. Managing resources like ADAM becomes more involved with the ability to wield both weapons and Plasmids simultaneously. Upgrading abilities now requires hunting down rare components around the world. The addition of moral choices also adds variation based on whether you harvest or adopt Little Sisters.

Additional Modes Like Minerva‘s Den Provide Replay Value

Even after exhausting the base campaign, the DLC expansion Minerva‘s Den serves up a completely new self-contained story taking 4+ hours, set in an all-new environment to explore with its own set of goals and side missions. While shorter add-ons like Protector Trials might only offer an hour or two of fun, they provide fresh ways to engage with Rapture.

Why Infinite DLC Tops Main Game Length

Clocking in at 31⁄2 hours for Episode 2 of Burial at Sea, this DLC continuation manages to eclipse the 11⁄2 hour playtime of BioShock Infinite itself. Functioning as a direct tie-in bridging Infinite and the original BioShock, its generous length can be chalked up to the way this standalone adventure dives far deeper into Booker and Elizabeth‘s complex backstories. It answers longstanding questions on their intertwined fate in thought-provoking fashion and sets up the first game nicely.

The Next Entry Should Break Records

As a diehard fan frothing at the mouth for details on the newly confirmed BioShock 4, I earnestly hope the next chapter pushes the boundaries and offers up the most content-rich installment yet. With the computing power of PS5 and Xbox Series X, the dev team has the technical means to craft an immersive open world. Expanding beyond another isolated, confined setting could lead to the longest BioShock by a mile. But we likely have until at least 2024 before Rapture or Columbia opens its doors again.

Information Sourcing

Completion time details cited from HowLongToBeat

BioShock 2 areas and replay value per GameRant

Infinite Burial at Sea praise via Forbes

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