The ZR Button Rules on Nintendo Switch

As a hardcore Nintendo Switch gamer and content creator, one of my most frequently asked questions is: which button on the Joy-Cons and Pro Controller constitutes the Z button? Many new users struggle to distinguish between the multiple shoulder buttons. So let me clearly state it upfront – the Z button on the Nintendo Switch is the ZR trigger on the top right. Read on as I dive deep into everything you need to know about the the iconic Z button‘s function, history and impact across various Nintendo consoles and games.

Critical Role of Z Button in Major Switch Games

The Z button plays a vital role across many fan favorite Nintendo Switch titles across various genres:

Crucial for Defense in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

  • The ZL/ZR triggers allow you to shield your fighter from incoming smash attacks – an essential defensive move
  • According to Smash gameplay guides, mastering shielding at the right times is critical to succeed in higher levels of play
  • Based on the community threads in r/SmashBrosUltimate, the timing and directionality of Z button shielding separates novice from pro players

Key Tool for Exploration in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

  • Holding down ZL lets you reliably aim Link‘s bow and arrow to hunt animals, activate switches and attack enemies
  • As Nintendo developers highlighted during a GDC talk, free aiming with the bow adds to the freedom and immersion of BOTW‘s open world
  • Many critics and gamers cite the archery controls which rely heavily on the Z button mechanics as a standout feature

Driving Handbrake in Mario Kart 8

  • The ZL and ZR triggers on the Switch function as the drift and acceleration pedals when racing in Mario Kart
  • Longtime gamers argue the analog control makes driving feel even more responsive than past titles
  • Based on MK speedrunning leaderboards, mastering the finesse of the shoulder trigger acceleration and braking is key to break records

The above three examples demonstrate how integral the Switch‘s Z buttons have become for core gameplay experiences – from shielding, to aiming, to driving controls. Next we‘ll break down the button‘s history across Nintendo consoles and controllers over the years.

The Evolution of Nintendo‘s Z Button

The Z button holds a special place in Nintendo controller history, having been included on every major console since its debut over 25 years ago. Let‘s explore the origins and impact across each device.

Debut on Nintendo 64 Controller

  • The Z Trigger introduced as a secondary shoulder button on 1996 Nintendo 64 controller
  • Alongside main buttons like A and B, set precedent for modern controller layouts
  • Extremely useful for games like Super Mario 64 and GoldenEye 007 as camera control

Improved Ergonomics on GameCube Controller

  • GameCube controller in 2002 featured larger, curved Z button for superior ergonomics
  • Considered one of most comfortable controller designs even 20 years later
  • Favored by Super Smash Bros Melee competitive community which relies heavily on the Z button mechanics

Motion Control Integration on Wii Remotes

  • Wii Remote Plus in 2010 bundled the Z button trigger directly into controller body next to B button
  • Allowed for simplified motion controlled pointing by holding Z button while directing remote
  • This enhanced pointer controls in shooter style games like Metroid Prime 3 and Sin & Punishment

The Wii U GamePad, Wii U Pro Controller, Switch JoyCons and Switch Pro would all carry on including some form of ZL/ZR triggers as Nintendo iterated each generation.

Z Button Usage and Sales Statistics

Based on combined Switch sales estimates, over 40 million units feature a working Z button between the packaged JoyCons and optional Pro Controllers. Specifically:

ControllerUnits SoldHas Z Button
Pro Controllers~30M

Additionally, in a survey about most used buttons among Smash Bros players, ZL for shielding ranked 2nd place at 45% just behind the primary A button at 85%.

The sales numbers prove Nintendo consumers literally invest billions into controllers with functional Z buttons. And usage stats showcase just how integral Z is to gameplay for millions of gamers in competitive titles.

My History and Experience with Nintendo Z Buttons

As an avid gamer since the 90‘s, I‘ve logged countless hours across multiple Nintendo systems pressing those top shoulder Z buttons. Here are some of my fondest memories relative to Z:

  • N64 – Learning to properly use Mario‘s sideways somersault jump in Super Mario 64 which relied on that satisfying click of the Z Trigger
  • GameCube – Wavingashing back and forth across Final Destination in Super Smash Bros Melee using the buttery smooth GameCube Z button
  • Switch – Pulling off epic Bowsercide KOs in Smash Bros Ultimate by perfectly timing shields with the JoyCon ZR button

While the graphics and games have evolved drastically over the years, one thing has remained the same – Nintendo‘s trusty Z button being ingrained into so many iconic gameplay experiences across decades of consoles.

For any gamer who owns Nintendo‘s hot-selling Switch console, fully understanding the intricacies of the ZL and ZR trigger buttons is a must. Whether using the included JoyCons or the popular Pro Controller accessory, make sure to memorize exactly which one constitutes the Z button: it‘s the ZR button in the top right corner. With over 40 million Switch controllers sold featuring some form of Z trigger, and its vital role across AAA titles like Smash, Zelda and Mario Kart, truly mastering those Z buttons takes proper gaming skills to the next level.

So next time your amigos call you out to settle a debate over whose main rules Super Smash Bros Ultimate, make sure your Z button shield game is on point!

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