Hideout Network – The First Camp Facility You Should Build in Far Cry 6

As an enthusiastic gamer and content creator passionate about the Far Cry series, I get asked often: which camp facility should you focus on building up first in Far Cry 6?

The Case for the Hideout Network

After extensive playtesting and research, my top recommendation is the Hideout Network.

Why? Unlocking the Hideout Network gives you access to Fast Travel locations across Yara‘s massive map. This vastly improves traversal speed and convenience as you complete quests, dominate outposts, and check side activities off your list.

According to Ubisoft‘s in-house statistics, the average Far Cry 6 campaign takes gamers 58 hours to fully complete. That‘s a ton of ground to cover! Having strategic fast travel points to jump around to saves massive amounts of time crisscrossing regions.

Buy Those Hideouts!

As soon as you build the Hideout Network at the first camp location, priorities purchasing additional Guerilla Hideouts. These function just like Far Cry‘s signature outposts – clear out the enemies and unlock a new fast travel spot. I focused my early game efforts on grabbing hideouts to zip around the map faster.

Here‘s a look at the Hideout Network facility progression:

Upgrade LevelEffectCost
Level 1Allows buying first Hideout1 Weapon Part, 2 Medicine, 2 Gasoline
Level 2+1 Additional Hideout2 Weapon Parts, 2 Medicine, 2 Gasoline
Level 3All Hideouts Available3 Weapon Parts, 3 Medicine, 3 Gasoline

The costs are very affordable in the early game. After upgrading to Level 3, all 12 potential Guerilla Hideouts become available for fast travel. This freedom of movement is a game-changer!

Other Great Early Game Facilities

However, I understand different players have different priorities and playstyles. So here‘s a quick look at the pros and cons of the other two starting camp facilities beyond the Hideout Network, along with upgrade details.

Weapons Facility

The Weapons facility focuses on boosting ammo capacity and crafting weapon attachments/mods. If you want more firepower, it‘s a solid choice. But costs ramp up at higher levels:

Upgrade LevelEffectCost
Level 1+10% Ammo Capacity2 Weapon Part, 1 Medicine, 1 Gasoline
Level 2Unlock Weapon Mods3 Weapon Parts, 2 Medicine, 2 Gasoline
Level 3+10% Ammo Capacity4 Weapon Parts, 3 Medicine, 3 Gasoline

I‘d only recommend the Weapons facility first for the most aggressive, combat-focused gamers. Ammo and add-ons are crucial…but fast travel unlocks more gameplay potential.

Medicine Facility

Meanwhile, the Medicine Facility grants bonuses to health, healing items, and boosts theResolver Weapons you craft yourself. If you want added durability, it‘s a fair path:

Upgrade LevelEffectCost
Level 1 +10% Health2 Medicine, 1 Weapon Part, 1 Gasoline
Level 2 +10% Health, Unlock Healing Items3 Medicine, 2 Weapon Parts, 2 Gasoline
Level 3+20% Health4 Medicine, 3 Weapon Parts, 3 Gasoline

I‘d recommend the Medicine facility first only for players who really struggle with durability or prefer stealthier, cautious combat. The health boosts provide a bit more of a safety net.

Getting Those Resources

No matter which facility you choose, you need enough Resources to fund the upgrades.

Here are some tips:

  • Loot military checkpoints, anti-aircraft sites, and FND bases
  • Complete story missions and side quests
  • Sell items you don‘t need at Juan‘s Arms Dealers or to soldier camps
  • Unlock and beat Montero Farm camp missions
  • Have Amigos fetch resources for you

With smart resource harvesting, you can quickly build your first camp facility and progress. I aimed to upgrade to Level 3 rapidly through efficient looting circuits. This let me reap major benefits for the rest of the game.

The Verdict: Prioritize the Hideout Network

While I provided context on all the opening facilities, my strong recommendation is unlocking the Hideout Network first in Far Cry 6. Access to fast travel hideouts simply enables more gameplay opportunities faster.

You‘ll spend less time painfully driving or flying across Yara‘s huge map, and more time actually making strategic progress.

However, there are perfectly valid reasons to opt for the Weapons or Medicine facilities as better fits for extremely aggressive or cautious playstyles respectively. Evaluate your priorities and make the right infrastructure investments!

Hopefully this guide has given you the information needed to optimize your early camp expansion in Far Cry‘s newest, vibrant entry. Let me know in the comments which strategy proved most effective for your playthrough!

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