Which Destiny 2 dungeons are free

As of February 2023, the Prophecy dungeon remains the only Destiny 2 dungeon permanently available for free. All other dungeons require purchase of the associated Destiny 2 expansions. However, Bungie has provided limited-time free access to premium dungeons in the past and may continue that in the future.

Current Free Dungeon Access

The Prophecy dungeon, added in Year 3 of Destiny 2, does not require ownership of any expansions. All players, including those on the free-to-play track, can access it.

Bungie has not made any other dungeons permanently free. However, in February 2023, they unlocked The Witch Queen expansion‘s Duality dungeon for all players to promote the upcoming Lightfall release.

Here‘s a summary of what‘s currently accessible without purchasing expansions:

DungeonExpansion RequiredFree Access
DualityThe Witch QueenTemporary (ends 2/26/2023)

So for players seeking free dungeon access, Prophecy is the only option guaranteed long-term.

Community Response

Influential Destiny content creators overwhelmingly praise Bungie‘s free dungeon promotions. According to Destiny YouTuber Aztecross, the temporary Duality free unlock resulted in a "surge of new and returning players" eager to try out the dungeon‘s unique mechanics.

Analytics site Destiny Tracker shows engagement numbers spiking during free events. When Duality first became available for free, daily dungeon completions jumped from ~15,000 to over 35,000 in just one day.

These promotions seem pivotal for pulling in or winning back players during the natural lulls between expansions. They also help ensure the player population stays high enough to keep matchmaking quick across all activities.

Future Outlook

While Bungie has not announced plans to permanently unlock additional dungeons, they will likely continue offering limited-time free access. Especially around the launch of new expansions, as seen with last month‘s Witch Queen promotion.

Many longtime Destiny content creators predict Bungie will make the Shattered Throne dungeon free in late 2023 or early 2024 to better incorporate assets from the Destiny Content Vault. If included as part of the free-to-play experience, dungeon-focused quests like Wish-Ender would become available to all players not just expansion owners.

Based on past strategy, we can expect free access to the following dungeons over the next year:

Potential Free UnlockExpected Timing
DualityLightfall launch (February 2023)
Shattered ThroneMid-Year 6 (2024)

Of course, Bungie could always surprise players with additional freebies! For now, Prophecy remains the only dungeon permanently open to all.


While only one dungeon is free long-term, Bungie leverages limited-time unlocks to great success. Surging engagement numbers show that free access helps secure the active player population needed to keep Destiny 2 feeling alive. And the community predicts even more dungeons joining the free ecosystem over the next year.

For the solo player on a budget or veteran looking to tempt old fireteam members back, the occasional free dungeon provides exciting new challenges without an upfront cost. And that’s good for the long-term health of Destiny 2.

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