Which Devil May Cry game is canon?

As an ardent gamer and content creator focused on the action-adventure genre, few franchises are as close to my heart as Devil May Cry. I‘ve eagerly followed the demon-hunting adventures of Dante and crew for over two decades. So when fans ask: "which Devil May Cry games are actually canon?", I‘m here to authoritatively break it down.

The Core Canon Timeline

Simply put, the canonical Devil May Cry games comprise DMC 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. These five numbered entries all exist within the same primary continuity focused on Dante and his extended family fighting back demonic forces.

The Definitive Chronological Order and Timeline

While released out of order, the in-universe chronology is:

  1. Devil May Cry 3: Dante‘s Awakening (2005)
  2. Devil May Cry (2001)
  3. Devil May Cry 2 (2003)
  4. Devil May Cry 4 (2008)
  5. Devil May Cry 5 (2019)

So DMC3 comes first portraying a cocky young Dante in his early demon-hunting days, then the rest proceed sequentially from there as he ages and builds his reputation.

Where the Anime and Mangas Fit In

Additionally, the anime series and manga publications like Devil May Cry: The Animated Series (2007) and Devil May Cry 4: Deadly Fortune (2009) are also accepted as canon. They tend to provide supplementary story materials expanding on events or characters from the games.

Detailed Breakdown of Each Canonical Entry

Allow me to chronologically analyze the key events of each canonical DMC game in more depth:

Devil May Cry 3: Dante‘s Awakening (2005)

This fan-favorite prequel centers on a cocky, teenage Dante first unlocking his demonic powers and opening his signature agency. We‘re introduced to his half-demon twin brother Vergil who serves as the primary antagonist. Epic one-on-one battles punctuate the gothic atmosphere.

Core Story Beats:

  • Younger Dante competes with brother Vergil for father Sparda‘s power
  • Dante unlocks increasingly extreme demonic transformations
  • Vergil tries opening the demon world to gain strength
  • Climatic battles decide Dante‘s first great victory

DMC3 establishes the series‘ signature slick combat, insane boss fights and campy bravado while delivering emotional gut punches regarding Dante‘s traumatic upbringing. This is Devil May Cry firing on all cylinders.

Devil May Cry (2001)

The one that started it all. Set some years later, we reunite with Dante as his demon-hunting BUSINESS IS BOOMING BABY! ahem But a mysterious woman enters seeking help, revealing the demon emperor Mundus is planning a return…

Core Story Beats:

  • Dante‘s business is up and running with an arsenal of weapons
  • Demonic emperor Mundus looks to cross over into the human world
  • The woman Trish aids Dante but hides some secrets
  • Epic fights ensue in the demon world before a showdown with Mundus

Though rough around the edges, the OG DMC brought balletic action and a flamboyant central hero together in a way rarely seen. Its gothic metal visuals and hard rock vibes cement Dante as a legendary action icon.

Devil May Cry 2 (2003)

This PS2 sequel remains controversial for longtime fans. Dante travels to a city overrun by demonic threats where a sinister business mogul named Arius wants demonic power. Dante must ally with a new female hunter named Lucia to stop him.

Core Story Beats:

  • Dante arrives in a city besieged by demonic activity
  • Shady mogul Arius conducts rituals to achieve great demonic power
  • Mysterious Lucia becomes Dante‘s local ally in confronting Arius
  • After Arius transforms, a final confrontation unfolds to decide the city‘s fate

While introducing fluid combat and visually impressive set pieces, DMC2 is notorious for simplified gameplay, repetitive environments and a less engaging story. Dante himself barely talks or emotes! This misstep remains the black sheep of the canonical lineup.

Devil May Cry 4 (2008)

This sequel shifts focus to newcomer Nero, a hot-headed demon hunter with a literal devil-bringing arm. Dante returns towards the climax in fighting fit form. The religious Order of the Sword also comes under scrutiny for shady demonic research…

Core Story Beats:

  • Nero confronts the seemingly corrupted Order his creed revolves around
  • Dante returns spewing one-liners while investigating things behind the scenes
  • The Order‘s head Sanctus tries using a Savior statue to enhance his power
  • After Sanctus transforms, Nero and Dante combine strengths to take him out

DMC4 brought the slick combat up another notch with Nero‘s modular robot arm arsenal complementing Dante‘s balletic skills. The Gothic architecture creates a unique mood with Plot twists involving Nero‘s heritage.

Devil May Cry 5 (2019)

The long-awaited sequel where past and present fuse! Nero returns with new ally V trying to stop a mysterious demon tree called the Qlipoth. Meanwhile Dante is battling its overseer Urizen who has an unexpected connection to his past…

Core Story Beats:

  • Demonic Qlipoth trees start merging demonic realms with Earth
  • Urizen oversees the Qlipoth plan while decimating any opposition
  • A demon hunter named V manipulates events to enlist Nero against Urizen
  • Dante reappears mid-game for climatic battles alongside Nero and V

DMC5 ties up long-running threads regarding Demon World Trees and mystery characters while delivering bombastic battles. Nero finally unlocks his inner potential when the odds seem hopeless. This is an addictive, white-knuckle entry DMC veterans live for!

Where Does DmC: Devil May Cry (2013) Fit In?

So those are the five core canonical entries forming the central timeline and story. But then there‘s the elephant in the room – Ninja Theory‘s attempted reboot entry DmC: Devil May Cry from 2013. Does that count?

The answer is a hard no – DmC exists in its completely separate continuity and canon compared to the original games.

Ninja Theory aimed to provide an alternate universe take on the characters and world for a new generation. Gone was the signature white hair, red coat and familiar backstories. Dante was now a rebellious outcast battling sinister demonic moguls covertly controlling society.

While DmC had solid combat and visual creativity, fan reception was mixed for sidelining the original canon. As a result Capom returned to the prime timeline with Devil May Cry 5.

So if you see debates on whether DmC is canon, rest assured it spins off an alternate universe and timeline separate from Dante’s core story across the mainline games.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s recap the key points regarding Devil May Cry game canonicity:

Which Devil May Cry games are canon?

  • Devil May Cry
  • Devil May Cry 2
  • Devil May Cry 3
  • Devil May Cry 4
  • Devil May Cry 5

What is the chronological order of the games?

  1. Devil May Cry 3 (2005)
  2. Devil May Cry (2001)
  3. Devil May Cry 2 (2003)
  4. Devil May Cry 4 (2008)
  5. Devil May Cry 5 (2019)

Is 2013’s DmC reboot canon?

No. DmC: Devil May Cry exists in a separate continuity and universe unconnected to the original series timeline.

Are the anime and manga series canon?

Yes. The animated series and manga publications like Devil May Cry: The Animated Series (2007) are also accepted canon and help expand on characters and events.

So I hope this definitive guide clears up any confusion regarding Devil May Cry canon! Let me know your favorite canonical entry or story moments in the comments!

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