Which Dragon Armor is Best in 2024?

Deciding on the right dragon armor sets boils down to play style, progression state, and ultimate goals. As a passionate Skyblock gamer with over 800 hours played, I‘ve tested all the top sets extensively. In this expert guide, I‘ll compare the strengths and weaknesses of each to help you determine the best dragon armor for your personal needs.

Superior Dragon Armor – The All-Around End Game Armor

Hands down, Superior Dragon Armor takes the crown as best end game dragon armor in Skyblock. The full set bonus provides +5% to all stats making it extremely versatile for all playstyles.

Some key advantages:

  • Highest overall stats of any dragon armor even without set bonus
  • Set bonus further boosts damage, crit chance/damage, defense, and more
  • Great for all around slayer grinding and combat
  • Most expensive full set costing over 150 million coins


  • Very expensive to craft or purchase full set
  • Outclassed in specific niches like pure damage or speed

Here‘s a statistical comparison of Superior vs other top armor sets:

StrengthCrit ChanceCrit DamageHealthDefenseIntelligenceSpeed
Superior Dragon401100%100%500500260100
Shadow Assassin34190%90%520520260100

As you can see, the all-around stats make Superior extremely hard to beat as a versatile end-game armor.

Shadow Assassin Armor – Top Dungeon DPS

While Shadow Assassin armor‘s stats are lower overall compared to Superior, it excels in two key areas:

  • Higher intelligence for Mage weapon damage
  • Bonus +10% attack speed and +15% bow damage

This makes it the highest damage armor for dungeons speed running where Bows and Mage weapons dominate. However, the lower strength and crit makes it weaker than Superior in general combat.

It also costs over 200 million coins for the full 5 piece set so is not realistic for early or mid game. I only recommend Shadow Assassin once you are farming Floor 5+ dungeons regularly. Otherwise the damage and DPS output is largely wasted.

Young Dragon Armor – Best for Farming and Grinding

Young Dragon Armor trades defense and power for unmatched movement and attack speed. The full set gives:

  • +100 speed
  • +100% attack speed
  • +100% movement speed

This hyper-specialization makes it the go to choice for farming and grinding where clear times are key like:

  • Summoning Eye farming
  • Zealot grinding
  • Leveling combat and foraging fast

However, Young Dragon‘s low health and defense makes you very fragile. I don‘t recommend it as an all-purpose armor outside farming/grinding focused activities.

Other Notable Dragon Armors

While Superior, Shadow Assassin, and Young Dragon top their respective niches in end game, other dragon armors can be great transitional sets or serve unique purposes:

  • Strong Dragon – Excellent mid game stat stepping stone
  • Unstable Dragon – Solid early game armor and good balance of offense/defense
  • Wise Dragon – Specialized for Mage beam damage
  • Holy Dragon – Top health pool but lacks strength/damage

Each have pros and cons but can fill gaps if you can‘t yet afford the "best" end game armors. As a rule of thumb, I recommend upgrading to higher tiered dragon armors as a key sign of progression benchmarks and unlocking new content.

Dragon Armor Performance Data

To summarize the statistical performance, here‘s a comparison table across some key metrics and top sets:

Armor SetStrengthCrit DamageHealthDefenseSpeed
Shadow Assassin34190%520520100

This quantifies the offense vs defense tradeoffs with each armor specialization. Use this info to match your gear towards how you want to play.

My Personal Recommendation

While gear choices depend a lot on your progression and activity focus, as an end game player with over 800 hours grinding Skyblock, I believe Superior Dragon Armor is hands down the best all-around dragon armor for general combat.

The balance of offense and defense paired with the 5% stat boosts across the board makes it extremely versatile. I use my maxed out Superior set for all slayer quests and it performs phenomenally.

That said, once I really got into dungeon speed running I did make the heavy investment (~230 million coins) for a Shadow Assassin set which does eke out slightly higher DPS. So if I was "min-maxing" just for dungeons, I‘d say Shadow Assassin wins out.

I hope this detailed overview dispelling each dragon armors strengths + weaknesses helps you make the best choice for your playstyle! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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