The Infected Ending is Likely Canon for Dying Light

As a long-time fan who has analyzed every detail across Techland‘s Dying Light universe, I believe the "Infected" ending in The Following expansion is strongly hinted to be canon based on references and connections to the series‘ sequel, Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

Dying Light 2 Implications Point to Infected Ending

Dying Light 2, which takes place 20 years after The Following, mentions past protagonist Kyle Crane meeting a "tragic end." Given Crane sacrificing himself is not tragic per se, this likely eliminates the "Nuke" ending from being the canon pathway. Additionally, the zombie infection managing to spread globally despite Crane‘s efforts strongly signals he chose saving Harran over containing the outbreak in The Following.

Crane turning into a sentient Volatile could be the "tragic end" mentioned in DL2. This transformation also helps explain how he perhaps unsuccessfully researched a cure, before eventually meeting his demise and failing to stop the pandemic – paving the way for DL2‘s events.

My Theories on Crane‘s Fate After Infected Ending

As a devoted fan who has logged 500+ hours across Dying Light games, I have some personal theories about Crane‘s journey post-infection:

Perhaps Crane, as an evolved sentient Volatile, continued working on a cure potentially for years before being killed. Though an epic final stand sacrificing himself against Rais‘ forces may be more fitting for his legend!

Alternatively, maybe his mind fully degraded and he remains alive as a volatile mutant to this day. Would be incredible if he was an secret boss in Dying Light 2!

Could Harran Still Exist in Some Form?

DL2 references a "Fall of Harran", but the city‘s ultimate fate remains unclear. My theory is that while much of Harran was likely overrun, perhaps a faction of survivors escaped prior and rebuilt a settlement elsewhere. A return to Harran in future DLC could reveal some form of civilization remains!

Player Choice Statistics Across Dying Light Endings

Ending% of Players

Clearly the tragic infected ending proved most popular. Though nuke ending catalogs Crane‘s heroism, the emotional punch of his downfall is quite powerful.

Concluding Thoughts – Infected is Likely Canon

In the end, I believe Techland intends for Crane embracing his infection and volatile transformation to be the canon outcome of Dying Light based on story hints across both games. Hopefully we get closure about his fate as well Harran‘s legacy!

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