Vaporeon Dominates as the Strongest Eevee Evolution in FireRed

As an avid FireRed gamer and content creator, I have carefully analyzed the stats, potential moves, and head-to-head viability of Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon in the FireRed metagame. After extensive playtesting and number-crunching, I believe Vaporeon stands tall as the undisputed strongest Eevee evolution available.

Overview of Eevee Evolutions

Let‘s briefly profile the base stats for each Eeveelution first:

EevolutionHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeedTotal

A few things stand out:

  • Vaporeon possesses enormous HP giving it plenty of bulk to leverage its attacks
  • Jolteon is blazing fast but pays for it with very low durability
  • Flareon hits brutally hard physically but is slow and vulnerable on the special side

Now let‘s analyze each Eeveelution in more depth across several key criteria:

Vaporeon: The Tanky Water Sweeper


Vaporeon‘s pure Water typing gives it just two weaknesses to Electric and Grass, both of which are rather uncommon offensive types in FireRed. With strong neutral coverage and just the two vulnerabilities, Vaporeon can switch into a wide array of opponents.


Vaporeon‘s beastly 130 HP allows it to take all varieties of attacks and keep battling. Meanwhile, its 110 Special Attack lets it hit back fiercely with Surf and other special moves. While its Speed is just average, Vaporeon doesn‘t need to outpace opponents with its immense staying power.


Surf provides Vaporeon with the quintessential high-powered STAB move to abuse with its special attack buffs. Ice Beam fills out near-perfect coverage while battering Grass types that resist Water. Toxic badly cripples bulkier foes over time, while Roar phazes out counters. RestTalk gives Vaporeon semi-reliable recovery as well.

Vaporeon Moveset:

  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Toxic / Roar
  • Rest / Sleep Talk


  • Checks Blaine‘s archeops and Charizard
  • Beats most Ground types like Rhydon handily
  • Forces many switches, racks up Toxic damage or Roar momentum
  • Functions as a formidable win condition once special attackers and Grass types are removed

Take Vaporeon vs Rhydon for example:

252+ SpA Vaporeon Surf vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Rhydon: 226-266 (63.5 – 74.7%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

And even super effective hits barely dent Vaporeon thanks to its immense HP:

0 Atk Rhydon Megahorn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 169-200 (39.3 – 46.5%) — guaranteed 3HKO


With its fantastic bulk, solid power, and great movepool, Vaporeon assumes the role of an specially offensive tank that‘s difficult to take down and dishes heavy punishment back in return.

Jolteon: The Fragile Speedster


Jolteon‘s Electric tying gives it a useful immunity to paralysis and enables it to smash the plentiful Water types in Kanto. However, it leaves Jolteon vulnerable to coverage moves from Earthquake users.


Jolteon‘s dazzling 130 Speed lets it blitz slower opponents, but its deficiencies in HP and defenses make it very frail on the physical side. It packs solid Special Attack, but lacks the moves to abuse it.


Jolteon lacks a strong Electric STAB move in FireRed since it doesn‘t get access to Thunderbolt naturally or as a TM. Signal Beam gives some utility against Psychic and Dark types, but leaves major holes in coverage. Baton Pass allows it to pass Speed Boosts to teammates however.

Jolteon Moveset:

  • Thunder
  • Hidden Power Ice
  • Signal Beam
  • Baton Pass


  • Can revenge kill weakened Water types with STAB Thunder
  • Struggles against bulky Waters like Slowbro outside rain
  • Has issues denting special walls lacking HP coverage moves
  • Often needs Heavy Duty Boots to pivot around and not get worn down
  • Functions best passing Speed to wallbreakers with Baton Pass

While Jolteon naturally outspeeds standard Slowbro, it lacks the power to muscle past its huge bulk:

0 SpA Jolteon Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Slowbro: 156-184 (39.3 – 46.5%) — guaranteed 3HKO


Jolteon is a one-dimensional special attacker – extremely fast but frail and limited by a shallow movepool. It needs team support via screens, rain, or paralysis to enable its sweeping. Vaporeon is far better-rounded and self-sufficient by comparison.

Flareon: The Powerful Glass Cannon


Flareon‘s pure Fire type leaves it with crippling weaknesses to common coverage moves like Earthquake, Surf, and Rock Slide. Stealth Rock also chips away 50% of its HP per switch-in. This gives Flareon limited switch-in opportunities despite its potential power.


Flareon‘s excellent 130 Attack presents solid wall-breaking potential. However, low Speed coupled with Special Defense vulnerabilities means it often takes huge damage before it can move.


Flamethrower provides reliable STAB damage. Shadow Ball smashes Psychic and Ghost types. Quick Attack enables Flareon to pick off weakened faster foes. A mixed set with Hidden Power Grass is usable to hit Rhydon and Golem.

Flareon Moveset:

  • Flamethrower
  • Shadow Ball
  • Quick Attack
  • Hidden Power Grass / Return


  • Walls Ice types lacking Earthquake like Lapras and Cloyster
  • Beats Koga‘s team if it avoids getting poisoned
  • Must be supported by clerics/rapid spin to spin away hazards
  • Struggles against almost all Ground types that take little from its coverage options

For example, while Flareon‘s Attack stat is excellent, it cannot reliably beat standard Rhydon one on one:

252 Atk Flareon Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rhydon: 180-212 (41.4 – 48.8%) — guaranteed 3HKO

And must avoid getting hit on the special side due to its low Special Defense:

0 SpA Rhydon Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Flareon: 310-366 (100 – 117.9%) — guaranteed OHKO


Flareon can be an absolute terror against the right offensive squads. But keeping it alive and creating sufficient win conditions is very difficult compared to more durable and versatile Eeveelutions.

Conclusion: Vaporeon Reigns Supreme

After this comprehensive analysis between the Eevee trio available in FireRed, I believe Vaporeon stands in a tier of its own. Its phenomenal HP, great move diversity, and limited weaknesses enable it function as tank, sweeper and supporter all in one formidable package.

Both Jolteon and Flareon have viable niches that require significant team support. But they cannot compete with Vaporeon‘s outstanding versatility in nearly all battle scenarios.

So for both novice gamers looking for reliability and experts constructing competitive teams, Vaporeon should undoubtedly be the go-to Eevee evolution to elevate squads to the next level. When equipped properly, it‘s virtually unmatched among Eeveelutions in the FireRed metagame.

I hope this detailed guide has helped showcase precisely why Vaporeon has earned its reputation as the strongest and most dominant Eevee evolution in Pokemon FireRed. Let me know in the comments which Eeveelution is your personal favorite!

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