Apollo – The Most Handsome Greek God

Hey gamers! Today we‘re diving into the age-old question – which Greek god is the hottest? If we‘re judging solely based on physical appearance, Apollo emerges as the clear winner. With his ripped muscles, flowing golden locks, and bright blue eyes, Apollo epitomized male beauty standards back in the ancient world and still does today!

Apollo‘s Bod – Greek God Body Goals

One glimpse at a statue of Apollo makes it obvious he spent his spare time grinding at the Mount Olympus Gym. He‘s depicted with an enviable head-to-toe physique that radiates health and vitality:

  • Broad shoulders and defined arms – His muscular frame captures power and grace
  • Washboard abs and chiseled chest – Apollo wasn‘t skipping ab day!
  • Trim muscular legs – Ideal for bounding through the countryside
  • Glowing lightly tanned skin – No pasty complexion for this god

When I‘m customizing fighter characters in games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, Apollo‘s proportions are basically what I aspire to recreate! He epitomizes the ultimate male video game protagonist body.

The Golden God

Beyond just having an astronomical gym routine, Apollo‘s most striking feature was his cascading golden mane of hair. Flowing locks that shimmer in the sunlight perfectly befit Apollo‘s status as god of the sun! Artists always depict Apollo‘s hair as:

  • Golden blonde hue – Reminiscent of sunbeams
  • Thick and lustrous texture – Ultra conditioned!
  • Wavy flow hitting his shoulders – Makes you want to run your hands through it

Whenever a male lead has long, flowing, golden locks in a video game, there‘s no doubt the designers drew inspiration from Apollo! He truly has iconic godly hair for the ages.

Eyes That Pierce Your Soul

Apollo‘s second standout feature are his intense, bright azure blue eyes. One direct gaze from Apollo could mesmerize both mortals and gods alike! Artists depict his eyes as:

  • Crystal blue hue – Vivid and electrifying
  • Almond eye shape -balanced by his strong brow
  • Smoldering, penetrating expression – Apollo exuded confidence!

Many popular anime pretty boy characters have Apollo‘s intense blue eyes – I‘m thinking of stock shonen protagonists like Naruto or Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach. Apollo set beauty standards over 2000 years ago that still influence character designs today!

The Just-Right Height

Towering above mortals but not quite as tall as behemoths like Zeus or Poseidon, Apollo‘s height strikes the perfect sweet spot:

  • 6‘0 to 6‘3 – Looked heroic but not intimidating
  • Ideal for both speed and strength-based feats
  • Height boosted his authority and gravitas

I tend to make my custom RPG characters around Apollo‘s height – it provides that domineering protagonist vibe without veering into oversized meathead territory!

Let‘s do a quick stat check on Apollo:

Bod Hair Eyes Height
Chiseled muscle definitionLuscious golden locksPiercing blue 6‘2

Well-balanced excelence across the board! Now let‘s see how Apollo‘s looks stack up to the competition.

Apollo VS His Rivals: Who‘s Hotter?

On paper, gods like Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares seem like Apollo‘s main competition. But when we compare their appearances side-by-side, Apollo consistently comes out on top!

Zeus – Trying Too Hard

Sure, Zeus has muscles and a mature look befitting the head honcho god. But his over-the-top beard and constant scowling expression reek of trying too hard! In images, Zeus‘ appearance reminds me of those over-designed AAA game protagonists who are too exaggerated to take seriously.

Zeus Apollo
Bushy unkempt beard Clean-shaven golden boy
Severe frown linesFresh-faced radiant glow

Zeus leans into the grumpy seasoned veteran look way too hard, while Apollo keeps things fresh. Point goes to Apollo!

Poseidon – Soggy Sea Dog

As water deity and god of the seas. Poseidon has an unkempt, wind-ravaged appearance that screams sailor who hasn‘t touched dry land in months! Game design-wise, his visuals fall into the cliché old sea captain trope. Next to glowing Apollo, Poseidon looks dull and haggard:

Shaggy salt-crusted hairFlowing golden mane
Sunburnt leathery skinBronzed glow

It‘s almost an unfair fight – Apollo‘s luminance makes Poseidon seem crusty by comparison!

Ares – Angry Hardass

As buff god of warfare, Ares seems like Apollo‘s closest competition. And he does match Apollo‘s muscle mass and athleticism. However, Ares‘ constant glowering and brooding vibe undercut his attractiveness. He reminds me of those one-note FPS protagonists who are all guns and grit but lack charisma. Compared to Ares‘ one-dimensional angry warrior schtick, Apollo‘s well-rounded radiance wins over hearts:

Scowling grimaceCharismatic smile
Menacing vibeApproachable aura

So in the battle of godly hotness – Apollo emerges triumphant!! When imagining the ultimate male video game protagonist, Apollo simply CANNOT be topped. He set the gold standard over 2000 years ago that still rings true today. Let me know what you think of Apollo and his eternal influence!

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